Energy-saving mosquito lamp: reviews

Moshkara, mosquitoes, mosquitoes are very annoying to humans, especially in wet areas. Their bites are not only painful, they can also be dangerous.

mosquito lamp reviews
And today there are many means of dealing with biting insects. But not all of them are harmless to humans. Therefore, mosquito lamps and are popular primarily because of the lack of danger for young children and pregnant women.

Classification of mosquito lamps

Energy-saving mosquito insect lamps can be divided into two groups.

Intexicidal lamps belong to the first. The principle of operation of such an electric mosquito lamp is based on the use of long ultraviolet waves that attract insects.

mosquito lamp electric reviews
The ultraviolet lamp is surrounded by a live contact network , and insects that come into contact with it die from an electric discharge. The action of such devices is aimed not only at mosquitoes, but also at flies, wasps and other smaller midges.

The second group includes fairly new energy-saving mosquito lamps, which are designed to repel insects due to a special color coating.

energy saving mosquito lamp reviews

A common advantage for both groups is considered safety for people and animals, so manufacturers recommend using them in places that are associated with food.

Electric mosquito lamps

In electric energy-saving lamps, a spectrum of light is specially selected, which should lure insects from a fairly large area. The moths, mosquitoes and flies close the rods of the lattice, which are under high voltage, die and fall into the pallet, which needs to be shaken from time to time. However, the pallet can not be installed.

mosquito lamp ir 800 reviews

The power of such a lamp is no more than two to four watts, and it can work around the clock.

The metal mesh is voltage up to 800V DC, as, for example, in the lamp Irit IR-800. True, manufacturers stipulate that the device must be selected depending on the area of ​​the room, and the larger the room, the larger and more powerful the lamp in the device should be.

And it is also important to observe safety measures - this is a feature that distinguishes such a mosquito lamp. Reviews note that a working device needs to be removed from children and flammable objects. Maybe from here the recommendation follows that it is better to hang a lamp at a height of about two meters.

Customer Reviews for Electric Mosquito Lamps

If we do not talk about the negative impact of ultraviolet radiation on the retina, the serious drawback that any electric mosquito lamp is different from, the reviews about this type of device are more optimistic. Moshkara dies, as the manufacturers promised, but not all, cunning domestic mosquitoes successfully fly around her. And those that still get on the grill burn out with a bang, which many users pay attention to. There were even people who hung such a device without a pallet on a tree, under which they drink tea in the country, and complain that the remains of midges showered plates and cups.

However, this reaction can be considered positive, because even it was not awarded the IR 800 mosquito lamp. Reviews about it are often negative and for the most part stinging.

Manufacturer's Recommendations

Given the similarity of the principle of action, the materials used, and even the design of mosquito lamps, the manufacturers' recommendations for their use at some points are very different, and sometimes they make no sense.

mosquito lamp oxion reviews

For example, for the effectiveness of the device, it must be installed in the farthest and darkest corner of the room, tightly close the windows and doors. It is easy to imagine how and where such a mosquito lamp works in the summer. Reviews on it can be very "poetic", and indeed. But claims will not succeed. Since they could not sleep in a stuffy tightly sealed room, they did not observe the operating conditions, which means that the manufacturer is not to blame.

All manufacturers are unanimous that there should be no other light sources, including daylight. But because of the ghostly blue glow, such a lamp cannot be used as a sconce or chandelier. Although here all users are loyal and believe that the electric mosquito lamp is a wonderful nightlight.

Positive feedback on the energy-saving mosquito lamp

More or less satisfactory users rated the Oxion mosquito lamp. Reviews note that not all mosquitoes fly into its light, but at least most.

In this case, it is necessary to correctly position the device between the places of mosquito congestion and the room that is supposed to be protected, for example, on the windowsill, and not in the far dark corner.

It’s not that safety measures are negatively evaluated, but users note that it is necessary to ensure that the lamp does not get exposed to rain in an open window, and that curious children do not stick their handles to the blue light, and even some time after the shutdown. Buyers checked the electric discharge on themselves. Naturally, when and who trusted the manufacturer, it’s not enough what is written on the packaging!

Mosquito nets ASV

Reviews and ratings of manufacturers of energy-saving lamps ASV are somewhat enthusiastic. “For the first time in the world”, “revolution in the field of protection”, “latest scientific and technological achievements” and other epithets praise the new remedy with an amazing effect of action.

The principle of operation of the ASB lamp is based on the use of a multicomponent fluorescent coating protected by an exclusive international patent, due to which the spectrum of the glow causes mosquitoes and midges to feel dangerous and, probably, want to be as far away from its source as possible.

], mosquito nets asv reviews

Also, manufacturers attribute the advantages of efficiency (energy consumption is five times less than that of a conventional light bulb), cozy and soft lighting. That is, it is assumed that the lamp simultaneously performs two functions: illuminates the room and drives away annoying midges.

Test results

Energy-saving mosquito lamps have been manufactured by ASV since 2010. The company’s website has links to research by specialists from the Shanghai Academy of Disease Prevention (China) and the Universiti Sains Faculty of Biological Sciences (Malaysia) and provides test results for energy-saving coated lamps that give light with a special wavelength that repels insects.

The manufacturer claims that it has been tested by life on the Volga, Akhtuba, in the forests near Moscow, its mosquito lamp, the reviews are the most optimistic.

But, perhaps, in this barrel of honey of tar there is more than one spoon ...

Customer reaction to the ASV mosquito lamp

The only advantage that an ASV energy-saving mosquito lamp possesses is that the reviews unanimously call it economical if you divide its cost by the declared service life and compare it with the cost of the number of anti-mosquito plates and other repellents during the same time. More positive points are not found. There is no reasoning about the high price. Just the chagrin of deceived hopes.

Actually, there are few negative reactions, more precisely, they do not differ in variety. The lamp does not work as a mosquito, firstly, and secondly, it is doubtful to use it for lighting, because it gives a yellow-green light. And what should you do at night? Do not leave the light on until morning to scare away mosquitoes, which are especially annoying before dawn.

energy saving mosquito lamp asv reviews

Most reviews end up with a good old vacuum cleaner anyway.

It is not clear why such an unambiguous reaction is caused by an energy-saving mosquito lamp. Reviews, as a rule, do not describe how it was used. After all, manufacturers indicate both the area, and the distance at which the lamp should be, and the absence of other lighting devices. But the fact remains - the effectiveness of these devices is extremely low. Perhaps the notorious Chinese quality is to blame, because most of the devices come from the Middle Kingdom, or maybe the problem has not yet been fully studied.


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