Food for parrots "Waka": varieties, composition, reviews

What kind of food is this - Waka? Should I feed them a parrot or give preference to another brand? This one is embarrassing with its cheapness. Take your time to look away from the price tag in search of better feed. Take the packaging in your hands and read the composition of the Waka food for parrots. Now compare with the composition of more expensive food for birds. Found a significant difference? Her especially not. And if there is no difference, then why pay more?


What will the composition of the Waka parrot food tell you? The fact that it contains all the necessary grains useful for poultry. We take the packaging and read:

  • millet;
  • oats;
  • hemp seed;
  • meadow grass seed;
  • Chumiza Seed
  • sea ​​kale.

Millet is rich in vitamins and essential amino acids for the parrot. Oats contain vitamins B and E. In addition, it is rich in calcium, iron and silicon. These elements are necessary for strong bones and healthy plumage of a feathered pet.

Food for large parrots

Sea kale helps strengthen the immunity of birds. It has mild laxative properties, thanks to which the parrot will not have problems with stools.

Hemp seed. At the mention of him, not very good associations are built. In fact, the harm from hemp to parrots is as much as from poppy seed roll to humans. What is hemp seed good for? The high content of vegetable fats necessary to maintain the body of the bird.

Chumiza is one of the parrot's favorite treats. It is not only tasty from his point of view, but also useful from the point of view of the owners. Chumiza seeds contain vitamins E and C. Here it is, “Waka” food for parrots. Nothing wrong with the composition was found.

Types of feed

The manufacturer "Waka" has a fairly rich line of feed. There is also food for budgies, and for medium, and large, and even for canaries. Now consider the types of food "Vaca" for parrots:

  • For small and medium-sized parrots standard (composition described above).
  • For large parrots with dried vegetables, fruits and nuts.
  • For canaries.
  • Forage "Vaka" for medium-sized parrots, small and amadins with dried vegetables and mineral additives.
  • During molting with three types of millet: yellow, red, white. Dried vegetables are also declared in the feed.
  • For small and medium-sized parrots older than five years. With probiotic and seaweed.
  • Millet. Pure millet is a vital element necessary for a complete diet of domestic birds.
  • Oats It contains a lot of vitamins, calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium.
Oats as a standalone product

Feed Benefits

What is good food "Waka" for budgies, medium and large? First of all, its composition. As we have already found out, it contains all the products necessary for the pet. The grain composition is quite diverse. The second point is a wide selection of feed. It is sold both in packages of 0.5 kg, and in cans-tubes with a tight lid weighing 1 kg. It is better to buy food in banks, it retains its freshness longer and is more profitable at a price.

Third is the price. Unlike expensive foreign feed, Waka does not raise the price for a brand. A package of simple food for small and medium-sized parrots will cost around 60 rubles. He grabs his wavy pets for 3 weeks. The fourth point is accessibility. You do not have to look for food for parrots "Vaca" in online stores and on foreign sites. It is sold at any pet store located near your home.


Does Waka feed have any disadvantages for parrots? There is, like any product, and this feed is no exception. Some people really like it, others don't.

Medium Parrot Food

Here are the disadvantages of feed:

  • Grains sold in bags are often damp.
  • Tinted grains.
  • Sometimes in the bag you can find dust and an incomprehensible white coating, similar to flour.

Please note that we are talking about products from the package. Nothing of the sort can be said about the purchased cans with Vaka food for parrots. The product is fresh and smells good.

Feeding recommendations

We talked about the composition of the product, its pros and cons. Let's learn how to feed a pet. Does he need extra food, or is it enough food?

  • A budgie needs 3 teaspoons of food per day. This is only feed. No one has yet canceled vegetables, fruits and goodies in the form of currant leaves, oak sticks and purchased goodies.
  • Medium parrots eat almost the same. Their diet includes 2 tablespoons of “dry” food. Greens, fruits and vegetables are given little by little. Overfeeding them with a bird is not only not desirable, but also dangerous to the health of the bird.
  • According to reviews, Waka food for large parrots is given to birds twice a day. 2 tablespoons each. Thus, the feathered person needs 4 tablespoons of the product per day.
  • What vegetables, fruits and greens are allowed for birds? Zucchini, cucumbers, apples, pears, grapes, seasonal berries, dill, parsley. For large breeds, walnuts are recommended. They love them very much. Fat-free cottage cheese, boiled egg, kefir - all this can be given a couple of times a week. Do not forget about protein: boiled chicken without salt and spices will be enjoyed by birds. Well, goodies especially for parrots that are sold in pet stores.
Tasty treat
  • What can't birds do? Sweets, chips, crackers, fast food, fried, smoked, spicy.
  • How to give goodies? Fruits and vegetables are finely chopped by budgies, you can give a large apple or pear a little like that. Medium refreshments are cut in half.
  • If small birds will cost one piece, then the cockatoo or Jaco will not give up half an apple or pear, a quarter of zucchini or half a cucumber.
  • Birds should always have access to clean drinking water. A drinking bowl is washed daily and fresh water is poured, not allowing the old to stagnate.
  • Just two words about cleanliness in the cell. Feeders wash every day, like drinking bowls. The husk from the feed and its residues are thrown away. In the morning, a fresh portion falls asleep, in the evening the required amount of product is added.


What are the reviews on the Waka feed for parrots? Opinions were divided into two camps. Some breeders are simply delighted with the product. Here's what they say when they analyze reviews on the parrot forums:

  • Birds eat only this food.
  • The plumage from him is good, there are no problems with the chair.
  • Pets are cheerful and lively.
  • The price is attractive, the quality is good.
Comrade eats

Others spit and scold food:

  • Constantly rotten grains.
  • Disgusting smell.
  • The birds started allergies.
  • There were problems with the appearance.
  • The activity of birds has worsened.

No wonder they say that to each his own. Until you try, you do not know the truth. Food is suitable for some birds, others not, that’s the whole secret. Just like in people: someone can eat citrus fruits, for example, while others get out a terrible allergy to these fruits.


The purpose of the article is to share with readers information about the Waka parrot feed. What are its advantages and disadvantages. What is stated in the composition. Do you like the product for parrot breeders and those who keep these fun birds.

Where is our feed?

The main aspects:

  • The composition has all the necessary components to maintain the health of the bird.
  • The price category is not repulsive.
  • The food is easy to find; it is sold at any pet store.
  • In general, people are satisfied with its quality.
  • Buying products is better at banks. The quality of the packaging allows you to save food much better than in the bag. And the price is more profitable.
  • The selection is quite extensive. Presented not only food for small, medium and large parrots, but also for canaries, amadins. They also sell food for parrots older than 5 years, during molting, separately millet and oats.


Whether to feed a feathered pet with Waka parrot food is everyone’s personal choice. The food itself is not bad. There are “rotten” parties, but not as often as they say. There is no sense in overpaying for food. Try Waka products. If you don’t like it, you can always go back to the previous feed or choose an alternative.


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