12 Volt Halogen Bulbs: Overview, Specifications, Manufacturers

The difference between halogen lamps and other lighting elements is that they have better color reproduction. They are also brighter and have directional radiation. It is no secret that they are purely conditionally called energy-saving - compared to ordinary incandescent lamps, such light sources have much greater light output and doubled life.

halogen lamps 12 volt

There are many varieties of halogen lamps (12 volts and above) of various designs. In the article, we consider their main types and characteristics.

How do they function

Structurally, all lighting elements with a filament are the same and consist of a cap, a filament body with a thread and a glass bulb. But halogen lamps differ in the content of iodine or bromine.

lamp osram

Their functioning is as follows. The tungsten atoms that make up the filament are released and react with halogens - iodine or bromine (this does not allow them to precipitate inside on the walls of the bulb), creating a stream of light. Gas filling significantly extends the life of the source.

Then the process develops backwards - high temperature causes new compounds to break up into their constituent parts. Tungsten is released on or near the surface of the filament body.

This principle of operation makes the luminous flux more intense and extends the life of the halogen lamp (12 volts or higher - it does not matter, the statement is true for all types).

What are the lamps

Initially, halogen lamps are divided according to power sources: low voltage, designed for a voltage of twelve volts, and lamps that use two hundred twenty volts.

halogen lamps 12 volts 20 watts

In the first case, the lamps can be connected to a conventional network, but through a special step-down transformer or power supply for a 12-volt halogen lamp.

Classification by groups is carried out according to design features:

  1. Linear They belong to the oldest variety, but are successfully used today. They have pin holders in the amount of two pieces on both sides of an elongated bulb. In everyday life, they are practically not used because of the high power - from one to twenty watts.
  2. Capsule . They are small in size and are used to highlight interiors. There are modifications for connecting to a regular network. The small size and relatively low power allows halogen lamps 12 volts 20 watts to be used in open fixtures.
  3. With reflector. Thanks to the reflector, the lamps have an effect of directional radiation. The lamps are presented in two versions: aluminum (redirects heat forward) and interference (with the opposite effect). Differ in a big light stream. Lamps with a closed lid are used in open lighting fixtures, and the rest in closed ones. This group includes both 12-volt halogen household lamps and those made for a conventional network.
  4. With a remote bulb. Thanks to a similar design, they are very similar to incandescent lamps, but with halogen content.


To determine the most preferred options among the many lamps on the market, you need to study their main characteristics.

halogen lamps household 12 volt

The main parameters for identification are as follows:

  • lamp cap type - marked with the letter G or H with numbers and designates the design properties (open, closed type or lampholder), as well as connection network parameters;
  • voltage of the power source (220V or 12V), the second can be regulated by a step-down transformer;
  • power - varies depending on the type of lamps: linear - from one hundred and one and a half thousand watts, for low-voltage capsule halogen lamps 12 volts - from ten to fifty watts, for capsule 220 V - forty watts, for reflex halogen lamps - from twenty to fifty watt;
  • the structural form of the glass bulb is candlestick, in the form of a pear, linear;
  • stream of light;
  • color temperature - comfortable lighting ranges from two and a half to three thousand kelvins;
  • color rendering index - halogen is close to one hundred, which is an ideal indicator;
  • service life is up to two thousand hours;
  • Efficiency ranges from fifty to eighty percent.

Pros and cons

In order to correctly determine which lamp (sodium, metal halide, fluorescent, LED) is suitable for a particular light source and room, you need to know their advantages and benefits.

12 volt halogen lamp power supply

Pros of halogen lamps:

  • lamps of any model have a high color rendering index and do not distort the color in the room;
  • differ in intensity of a light stream;
  • have a low cost;
  • have two times longer service life than incandescent lamps;
  • a wide range - from halogen lamps of 12 volts to two hundred and twenty volts of various designs;
  • having great brightness, great for reading;
  • easy to install.

The disadvantages of lamps include the following:

  • subject to power surges;
  • sensitive to multiple switching;
  • fragile;
  • get very hot.

Who produces

There are currently quite a lot of manufacturers of these products. But the main ones are the following:

  1. Osram is a leader in this area. Osram lamps are produced in all possible types and designs, of different power and focus. Widely used in the automotive industry.
  2. MTF - produces lamps for cars.
  3. Koito is a Japanese manufacturer with a wide range of domestic and automotive products.
  4. Optima is a Russian company producing high-quality products at affordable prices.
  5. Camelion is a German concern with a wide range of products.
  6. Navigator is a world-famous Russian manufacturer.

The cost of lamps varies from forty to two hundred rubles apiece, depending on the manufacturer and capacity. A Osram halogen lamp, for example, costs about one hundred and twenty rubles. You can purchase products both in supermarkets and in the market.

Terms of Use

To extend the life of the lighting elements, certain requirements must be observed.

12 volt halogen lamp transformer

They are as follows:

  • when installing the lamp in the cartridge, it is necessary to use a lint-free cloth such as microfiber or a napkin - you can not take it with your hands in order to avoid shortening the service life due to grease prints on the bulb and redistribution of temperature;
  • for even current distribution, a transformer for 12 volt halogen lamps is used;
  • operation should take place at a stable voltage and without frequent on / off switching of lamps;
  • in cars, it is necessary to use halogen lamp protection units to avoid short circuits and overheating.

Some features and choices

Based on how much a 12-volt halogen lamp consumes, we can say that it is similar to an incandescent lamp. That is, a hundred-watt halogen will consume as much as an ordinary bulb of the same power.

how much does a 12 volt halogen lamp consume

With the same characteristics as compared to an incandescent lamp, halogen light sources give a brighter and less yellow light.

Halogen lamps are great for lighting large rooms.

It is forbidden to take the lamp with unprotected hands immediately after turning it off due to a bulb heated to a high temperature. Disposal of these lamps takes place in the usual manner.

When choosing a certain type of lamp, you need to understand the purpose of their purchase:

  • scattered light lamps are used for general lighting of rooms;
  • spotlights are used in ceiling (interior) structures;
  • narrow light intended for installation in table lamps.


This article describes the main varieties of halogen lamps. But manufacturers of these products are moving forward and annually improve old lamp models and create new ones. This can be seen in systematically updated catalogs.

For those who want to use lamps of this type in domestic lighting, there are many possibilities in choosing constructive and color solutions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16943/

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