Traditional family: what awaits her in the future?

What is a traditional family today? Most likely, such a question would not have been relevant twenty years ago. Why is it today not even surprising on the faces of others? Let's get it right.

First of all, it becomes curious that the answers of people who were asked such a question turned out to be different. Let us turn to terminology, to deciphering the concept of "family." The definition is something like this: โ€œA group of close (by blood or documented) relatives who are connected by common housing and emotional attachment.โ€

Moreover, we note that in this interpretation it is not in vain that the so-called emotional connection is emphasized, that is, love, affection. Agree, if the son is married and does not live with his parents, this does not mean that he has ceased to be a member of their family. After all, they still love each other. However, he also had certain obligations to his wife, because she was his family. So, it turns out that he already has two of them?

The traditional family currently implies the union of a man and a woman, as a result of which offspring appear.

Let's talk about how everything is born. First, feelings arise that unite two people. Starting to live a life together, a concept such as everyday life appears, which in many ways can violate the rainbow-colored ideas of a husband and wife about living together. Indeed, it is not without reason that there is a proverb: โ€œA family boat crashed into everyday life.โ€ Not everyone is ready for such troubles, therefore it turns out that one love is not enough for a family. In American films, in which there is a wedding scene, oaths are uttered "in grief and in joy, in illness and health ...", etc. That is, people will be with each other until the moment when someone decides that โ€œenoughโ€ is already with him. And then the traditional family ends with a very common divorce today. Note that in the past, the percentage of divorced and concluded marriages was in favor of the latter. Today, the number of broken families is increasing.

In general, as practice shows, all people have different ideas about their future family. Someone dreams of a prince, someone of a rich and wealthy husband, someone of a mistress and many children. But not everyone understands that the definition of a family for everyone should begin with love and respect. And these feelings are a priori mutual. Life, unfortunately, is very darkened by the bright and colorful dreams of many guys and girls. It is important not to succumb to this and find positive even in everyday details.

Habit is a great power. We are used to seeing the same thing, because it does not impress us. To be able to paint gray in bright colors is an art that needs to be learned.

In addition, there are many problems that often lead to divorce. They can concern both interpersonal relations and social problems.

Many psychologists argue that the traditional family in the conditions of the rapid pace of development of society and an increase in the number of problems and temptations begins to lose the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor, a loved one. Unfortunately, we often do not have enough time for the relatives, because they are nearby, they can wait, there are more important things to do.

The motto of the famous Scarlett O'Hara fits perfectly here: "I will think about it tomorrow." But after all, โ€œtomorrowโ€ with this person may not come. Remember that mutual respect and understanding will help to recreate those old relationships, if you no longer see them in your union. However, as rightly wise people have noted, family is work. Nobody said it was easy. However, our emotional state is worth it. After all, the easiest way to tear than to try to connect some shabby threads. Creating is harder than destroying. So let's not look for easy ways. After all, this is the lot of the weak.


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