The meaning of phraseology "Cain's Seal": how to understand it

The meaning of the phraseology “Cain's Seal” refers us to the biblical tradition. According to him, it was a special sign, a mark placed by God on Cain, the son of Adam and Eve, after he committed fratricide. What does the expression “Cain's Seal” mean? It is usually used in a figurative sense when they talk about something vicious in the form of a person, some special, most often negative and sinister features.

Expression History

Cain was the first man born, not created by God. He became the firstborn of Adam and Eve, born after their fall and expulsion from Paradise. Cain had a younger brother named Abel. He became a pastoralist and shepherd, while Cain cultivated fields and worked in the garden.

kainova print the meaning of phraseology briefly
Once, as the legend says, Cain and Abel offered their sacrifices to God. Abel is a lamb, and Cain is the first ears of wheat and the fruits of a new crop. But the Lord accepted the gifts of Abel favorably, while the Cain sacrifice was ignored. Some comments on the Old Testament indicate that the elder brother did the wrong thing by bringing unripe bread and spoiled fruit to the altar. However, the Bible itself is silent about this.

After God did not accept Cain's sacrifice, he, being envious and gloomy from birth, harbored a grudge against his brother. Cain believed that since he is the first person born on earth, he has more rights, so his sacrifice will undoubtedly be favorably received by God, whatever it may be. But that did not happen. And embittered Cain lured Abel into the field and killed him. This was the first man’s attempt to correct something in the world that he didn’t like personally. Thus, Cain began a series of murders happening on earth.

Then the Lord cursed Cain, stamping on him an outcast and a murderer. However, the purpose of the press was not only to let everyone know who was in front of them, but also so that no one could harm the criminal, for the Lord said that a terrible fate awaits the one who raises his hand on Cain.

Versions of the Essence of the Cain Seal

According to Pope John XXIII, which he expressed during one of the oral discussions, "the sight of the disfigured Cain, marked with the seal of rejection, inspired fear, horror and disgust." But what do we put in the meaning of phraseology “Cain's Seal” today? By this expression one can also understand a certain “shadow of crime” on the face of a person who has already committed an unrighteous act, and a real stigma similar to that which was later burned on the forehead of criminals.

what does cain seal mean
However, it is impossible to assert with a sufficient degree of certainty what exactly means “Cain's Seal” and how exactly God marked Cain. The text of the Bible is concise and therefore difficult to interpret. Some scholars, in particular the English orientalist and biblical scholar William Robertson-Smith, argued at the end of the 19th century that insignia like the Cain Seal were common among tribes of different nations. It could be a hairstyle or a drawing on the body (tattoo). But this is hardly possible if it is not a narrow tradition, but an event that is valid for the whole of mankind - so, according to John Chrysostom, the fratricidal killer should have convinced everyone “not to encroach on such matters, so as not to suffer the same punishments "(Complete collection of the creations of St. John Chrysostom). Moreover, according to the Old Testament, the curse fell not only on Cain himself, but also on the land on which he walked and on which he shed his brother’s blood. She could no longer feed him. Therefore, Cain was forced to become a wanderer.

Cain's seal - a metaphor?

Therefore, answering the question: "What does the Cain seal mean?" - you probably need to talk about a certain metaphorical label of a monster and a murderer, a “stigma of a crime”, a sign of a person’s perversity. One of the commentators on Scripture and the Talmud, Shlomo Yitzhaki (Rashi), explains that perhaps this was one of the letters of the name of the Most High, which he inscribed on Cain's forehead. This sign was to inspire others - both people and wild animals - fear of him. However, the name of God is a taboo name, the so-called “tetragrammaton” (a four-letter unpronounceable word). For the first time this concept is found in the Torah. The name of the Lord could not be named, because it is an expression of essence, and God, according to the Book of books, is omnipresent and indefinable. Thus, the meaning of the expression “Cain's Seal” leads us to a deeper understanding of the meaning of this phraseological unit.

kainova print the meaning of phraseology
The same sign revealed in one way or another became good deed, the protection of God, because it was supposed to restore self-confidence to the criminal. First of all, in order to dissipate anger and despair, and he found the strength in himself to repent. Therefore, another connoisseur of the Talmud, Abraham Ibn Ezra, had every reason to say that the Cain seal is “a sign of God,” a “miracle” that he performed for Cain. This sign appears on the face of the one who obeyed the commandment and acknowledged that he was wholly in the power of the Almighty and under his protection.

With all of the above, it becomes clear that the meaning of phraseology “Cain's Seal” can be interpreted much more widely than is usually accepted.

“Cain's Seal” in modern usage

So, in short: the meaning of phraseology "Cain's Seal" reports on the criminal intentions of a person, or that it already bears the shadow of a perfect misconduct. And the name Cain is a household name to indicate an evil, envious person, capable of baseness, betrayal, often already committed some crime.

What is Cain's Seal
It is no coincidence that the old Russian language parallel leads us to the word curse (“curse”), an ancient analogue of the words cursed and restless . And in the Church Slavonic language there is a word to repent , that is, confess our sins, confess them.

Other similar expressions

The phraseology “Cain's Seal”, together with its original meaning, has generated many related expressions. This, for example, is “Cain's Seed”, “Cain's Offspring”, “Cain's Tribe”, “Cain's Children” (bad, bad people); “Cain's remorse” (recognition under the influence of irrefutable evidence); “Cain civilization” (immoral, immoral ideology, in which one person is elevated over another on some basis - economic, social, racial).


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