A hamster made of rubber bands. How to weave a hamster's gum

Multi-colored elastic bands are an excellent material for creating a variety of jewelry, including bracelets and bows for hair, key rings, as well as voluminous toys. It is in the latter category that the rubber hamster belongs. Of course, the weaving of this craft is not one of the simplest types of activity, however, having shown enough patience, any needlewoman will be able to make this cute little animal with her own hands.

rubber hamster

Hamster weaving from gum: what needs to be prepared?

The main material that is necessary for the manufacture of this craft, as you probably already guessed, are gum. They can be either monophonic or several colors, depending on which animal you want to get as a result. The most realistic hamster made of rubber bands will look if you use rubber bands of orange or brown (for the back) and white (for the tummy and legs) colors to make it. In addition, you will need a pink or red elastic band for the nose and two black ones for the eyes. In total, 100 blanks will be needed.

In addition, you will need 2 clips for fixing, 2-3 hooks, toothpicks, as well as a special machine for weaving, since a hamster made of rubber bands on forks cannot be made.

how to make a hamster out of gum

Hamster paws and ears weaving

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the body of the animal, it is necessary to weave 4 paws and 2 ears. Of course, this can be done a bit later, but then you need to break away from one activity and switch to another, which is not very convenient, since this can lead to confusion, especially for those needlewomen who just learned how to make a hamster out of gum, and try to apply the new information received.

So, for weaving the hind legs, you need 3 white elastic bands. Two of them must be wound in four turns on the hook, and the third through the formed loops. In order to prevent unwinding of the obtained part through two loops formed by the third rubber band, a toothpick or hook should be threaded if there is an extra one. In the same way, 2 front legs and two ears should be made, however, instead of white, use orange or brown elastic bands, depending on what color the future hamster will have from the elastic bands.

how to weave hamster gum

Features of the body and head weaving

It is necessary to start the production of the little animals with the correct location of the machine, it must be installed in such a way that the middle row is 1 element forward, and all the posts are turned by a recess to the right. Weaving a hamster from gum suggests the presence of 9 rows. It is worth noting that the back of the future animal will form on the row closest to the needlewoman, and the belly on the far side. Therefore, if it is planned to manufacture the most realistic animal, it is necessary to take this into account during the work and throw orange or brown elastic bands on the lower row and sides of the machine, and white ones on the upper. As a result of such weaving, a hamster with an orange back and a white abdomen will turn out.

how to weave a hamster out of gum

The initial stage of weaving the body and joining the hind legs

Having prepared all the materials and taking into account the features of the manufacture of the figures, we can begin weaving the first row. For its formation, it is necessary to connect all neighboring columns with rubber bands crossed by the “eight”. Since you are only getting acquainted with information on how to weave a hamster out of gum, you should also keep in mind that you should start creating the first row from the protruding column, and then go to the neighboring ones, forming a hexagon on the machine. The side should consist of four elements, then you need to make a ledge and close the row.

Now you already know how to weave a hamster out of gum at the very beginning, however the manufacture of the second row has its own characteristics. It is necessary to attach the hind legs, which were made at the beginning of work. Start weaving the second row again with the protruding column, putting an orange elastic on it and on an adjacent element on the far side of the machine. Then, on the first column of the upper row, you should throw the hind paw in one loop, in the second it is better to leave a toothpick or hook. Further, starting from the same column, 3 white elastic bands should be worn, connecting adjacent elements. On the last column in this row you need to throw a second hind leg, similar to how it was done with the first. Continue weaving the circle until it is closed with orange rubber bands.

hamster weaving

Removing rubber bands and continuing weaving

After completing the second row, you must remove the rubber bands from the machine. To do this, their lower pair on each column should be hooked and thrown over the outer edge into the middle of the machine. These actions need to be done around the circle. As a result, one of the hind legs should be between the first and second columns, and the other between the third and fourth. Now you need to learn how to weave a hamster out of gum in the third row.

In a circle, starting with the first column of the far row, you should wear the required number of elastic bands: first 3 white, and then the rest - orange. The fourth row is woven in the same way as the third, and then the gum must be removed similarly to the action that was done after the second row.

During the manufacturing of 5 circles, you will need to fix the hind legs. A gum should be put on the front and first columns of the upper row, then the foot should be hooked to the last one using the loop that was still on the hook. Weaving should be continued until the last column of the upper row is reached, on which you will also need to put on the second loop of another hind foot. The circle should be closed in a known manner.

Although you still do not know how to weave a hamster out of the gum completely, how to remove the loops, you already know, and it is this action that you will need to do at the end of this series. The next round is done similarly to the third, and then removed.

Attaching the front legs and ears

On the 7th row, you need to throw the front legs and ears, which you weaved back when we were just starting to get acquainted with the information on how to make a hamster out of gum. The back legs will be attached to the upper side of the machine. To do this, an elastic band should connect the protruding and the first extreme row of columns. Then, on the last, throw one loop of the front foot, and on the next - the second. Connect the next two columns with another rubber band, and then, like the first, put on the second front leg. Next, you need to continue weaving and put on the ears on the front of the machine. To do this, do the same steps as when attaching the front paws. At the final stage of this series, it is necessary to remove the elastic bands using the already known principle.

Weaving eyes and their connection with the body

But what is a little animal without eyes? And it is precisely them that must first be made, and then weaved into the 8th row of crafts. To make eyes, you will need to take a black elastic band and wrap the hook in four turns, and then throw the resulting loops into orange. Such details, of course, should be two.

how to make a hamster out of gum

Next, you need to throw elastic, starting with the protruding column and in a circle through the upper edge of the machine. On the lower side, in those places where the ears were thrown in the previous row, it is necessary to fix the eyes in the same way and close the circle. Next, the gum must be removed again.

Hamster muzzle formation from gum

The hamster's back and abdomen are ready, only the muzzle remains. For its manufacture, the next, 9th row, should be woven in the usual way, though only from orange rubber bands. At the end of the circle, its loops must be removed similarly to the previous ones. All rows are completed, but the hamster made of rubber bands is not ready yet, it needs to be removed from the machine. To do this, loops from all the posts should be collected on one hook, and then an orange elastic band should be pulled through them.

If you can’t transfer the whole craft to one hook, you can use several. However, as a result, all the loops should be assembled on one elastic band, which must be tightened as much as possible, and through both ends pass a clip, to the opposite side of which the nose will be attached.

To make the last part, you need to put a pink rubber on the machine with the figure eight, and then twist one edge of it again and throw it back into two columns. Next, the lower gum should be removed to the upper, resulting in a nose, which should be attached to the other edge of the clip. After that, this element must be shoved inside the crafts, leaving a part of the pink nose on top.

rubber hamster on forks

Shaping the back of the toy

After carrying out the described actions, the needlewoman will already be able to see the face of the little animal, however, she will immediately have a question about how to make the hamster out of gum further, because from the opposite side it turned out to be a hole. It must be closed. To do this, use a hook to collect in a circle all the external loops, thread an elastic band through them and tighten as much as possible.

In order to avoid slipping loops to the resulting "tail", you need to attach a clip and hide it inside the craft. After that, the hamster will only have to properly straighten, stretch the legs, ears and can be attached to the keys as a keychain or present to someone as a gift.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16953/

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