What does kk mean in computer games

If you are just starting your journey as a full-fledged gamer who constantly communicates with other players in thematic communities, holds matches between his friends and knows absolutely all the features of characters, maps and other game objects that are important to him, then you will have to pay attention to the game vocabulary. The fact is that it is very different from the standard language that people use in communication. Moreover, it is unlikely that you will find another jargon in which there would be similar abbreviations, terms and abbreviations. Accordingly, you will have to study a lot of questions, including what “kk” means in the gaming field.

Game vocabulary

what does kk mean

If you decide to find out what “kk” and other abbreviations that are used in computer games mean, then you will have to make a lot of effort. The fact is that modern gamers are constantly producing new and new terms that are used in various gaming fields. Moreover, they have more than twenty years of history, of which a huge number of words are used, incomprehensible to ordinary people who are far from this sphere. New terms appear constantly, as they are generated directly during conversations between gamers, gradually come into use, and are periodically even fixed in special dictionaries that may be useful to you if you want to know what “kk” and other similar terms mean.

Using the abbreviation kk

what does kk mean in DotA

In this article you will learn what “kk” means, because this term is very common among gamers in all genres of games. You can see more than once how this term is used together with a certain number, from which we can already begin to draw some conclusions. However, at the same time, anyone can be confused that sometimes this abbreviation is used on its own, without any textual or numerical accompaniment. Accordingly, you will have to dive deeper into the study of the gaming dictionary to find out all the smallest details regarding this term, so that in the future there will be no errors and no confusion between the terms. And yet - what does “kk” mean in “DotA” and other computer games?

Amount designation

what does kk vkontakte mean

The most common value for kk is a specific sum, or rather, the number of zeros in that sum. In most cases, this term is used when it comes to game currency. After all, it’s quite a long time to write that a gamer has in his inventory, for example, three hundred thousand gold or five million coins. That is why there is this abbreviation, which was formed from another even shorter term - "k". If you have, as in the example described above, three hundred thousand game units, then you can write the abbreviation "300 k", and absolutely everyone will understand you. Accordingly, if you use "5 kk" in the message, then every gamer will understand that you meant five million. Now you know what “kk” means in games, but it should be borne in mind that this value is not unique. The cases where “kk” is used separately from numbers have already been mentioned above - how then to interpret this reduction? After all, in this case it cannot describe millions.

Other meaning kk

what does kk mean in games

In addition to the designation of millions, the term “kk” can have another meaning that is used in written speech, that is, when communicating in forums or in chat rooms devoted to games. This meaning of the term comes from the English "ok" used twice. Accordingly, the term "kk" is a message in English "ok, ok". It expresses agreement with another interlocutor, but the repetition gives it a special coloring, which demonstrates the reluctance that the person, although he agreed to the conditions proposed to him, does not want to continue the conversation. That is, the term "kk" is used to curtail unwanted and unpleasant conversation. Sometimes gamers do not even mean a positive answer in this abbreviation, using it as a shorter analogue of the word whatever ("anything", "no difference"). This definition will give you an answer to the question of what “kk” means “VKontakte” and other social networks. Thus, kk has two meanings, and they are completely different, so you will need to carefully monitor the use of this term so that you do not make an unpleasant mistake. However, be sure - over time, you will stop paying attention to these terms and will use them automatically.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E1696/

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