Felling. Canadian logging: how to do it yourself

Canadian technology for building durable and sustainable homes has grown significantly in recent years. This is partly due to the naturalness and energy-saving function of such buildings. Prefabricated structures are also popular due to their economy with simplified assembly techniques. Against this background, the North American cutting technology is noteworthy. Despite its relevance in our time, the basic principles for the implementation of such houses were laid back in the middle of the last century. Another thing is that the Canadian log cabin technology has been significantly improved in our time. Among the advantages of this approach to construction, the same natural design, energy-saving advantages and, most importantly, reliability and durability stand out.

Technology Overview

felling canadian cabin

This method of forming a house is also called cutting into the bowl. According to the general signs of construction, the technology can be attributed to the varieties of traditional Russian logging. Moreover, it originates from Russia, but it has not taken root in our country, and Canadian masters have improved it and have been using it for more than a decade. Also, modern builders from Russia took a different look at the advantages that felling of a log house by Canadian technology has, and they are increasingly using this technique in their work. Among the features of this method of cutting, we can note the complexity of the design. If classic log cabins are mainly formed using the simple stacking technique, the installation configuration according to the Canadian methodology is highly accurate and thoughtful. Of course, it is painstaking installation that ultimately allows you to get high-strength houses that are not subject to biological destruction processes.

What are the differences from the Norwegian logging

Similar climatic conditions in Scandinavia and Canada led to a lot in common in approaches to construction. Therefore, the two technologies have more similarities than differences. For example, both methods allow the formation of a dense self-jamming log house. Canadian cutting, like the Norwegian one, is carried out without using nails; therefore, the responsibility of architects designing such a house also increases.

But there are significant differences. The main one is the use of large logs, the diameter of which can reach 50 cm. In the case of a Norwegian log house, a well-prepared carriage is often used. Another distinguishing nuance lies in the technique of forming angles. North American builders use the cutting in the saddle, which just provides density in fitting logs. Largely due to this feature, it is the Canadian log cabin that is more popular. A photo with an example of fitting logs is presented below.

Canadian log cabin how to do


During the construction process, a special tool should be used that will improve the accuracy of the formation of the log house. This is a hammer that has two sharp rods, with which the contours of the future bowl are outlined. Carpenters call this tool a trait, but there are other names. The marking itself should strictly be guided by the terms of reference, which will be implemented by the Canadian logging. Projects, in addition to layouts, can take into account different parameters of the bowl. Of course, for large-area buildings, these sizes will increase - and vice versa. Marking should begin with determining the parameters of the logs. Next, you need to number each whip, which eliminates the likelihood of errors in further masonry.

Creating a saddle

subtleties in Canadian logging

The basis of the "bowl" is the "saddle" in which the logs fit. It should also be noted that each joint should initially have a special spike. Outwardly, it may seem that a classic spike-groove mounting technique is being implemented, but this is not entirely true, since the joint is performed by reducing rounded planes - that is, through the "saddles". If the Canadian logging is done with your own hands, then you can make calculations according to a simplified scheme. For example, in determining the depth of the "saddle" you should focus on the radius of the log, which will subsequently be laid in this niche. This forms organic masonry with a dense connection of logs. At the same time, it is necessary to back up at least 25 cm from the edge, and the marking of the β€œsaddle” itself should be done with a sharp nail or a chemical pencil, as ordinary pens and markers can be easily erased.

Cutting Methods

Canadian logging

In the process of cutting it is necessary to use a high-quality tool, which can be a sharp cleaver or chainsaw. Professional companies use special equipment for this task, which also allows the formation of almost perfect "bowl" contours in size. However, even in the homeland of technology, manual Canadian logging is more often used. How to make the base of the log house in this way? In the lower rim along the central part of the "bowl" a thorn should be cut down. A groove is made in the upper part in the same way. Further, during the assembly process, a heat insulator will be laid in these places. The fitted crowns are disassembled again to complete the flange. At the final stage, the crowns are assembled so that the "bowls" are oriented downward.

Tightness as a feature of the Canadian log house

In the process of designing and constructing a Canadian log house, it is important to be prepared for the fact that the technique of its formation itself will not ensure a sufficient level of air tightness. In other words, the increased tightness eliminates even the slightest ventilation in the walls. In this case, the advantage of the house in the form of high density turns into a disadvantage. The only way to remedy the situation would be to introduce forced ventilation equipment into the log house. The loose fit of the logs immediately after construction should not be embarrassing - the shrinkage process eliminates the smallest gaps and seals the log house. Canadian felling, like most technologies for building wooden houses, involves the implementation of additional thermal insulation, which also reduces the possibility of natural ventilation.

Varieties of logs used

Canadian log cabin photo

Do not think that the technology is the same type of solution with the lack of the possibility of making adjustments. The largest space for individual choice involves precisely the diversity of the main material - logs. Rather, methods for preparing wood. I must say that Canadian equipment requires considerable investments in building materials, so there will be an opportunity to save. However, you should start with the optimal solution for those who do not want to save on quality. In this case, you should prefer a cycled log. Such material preserves the natural shape of the surface, which increases the aesthetic advantages of the log house. The marking of crowns in this design is performed with minimal tolerances, duplicating the complex shape of the elements.

No less attractive is the option of spiked logs. All external flaws and defects of the log are smoothed out, due to which the process of drawing is simplified. This is a durable and high-quality processed log, which is inferior to a cycled one only in aesthetic merits. If you plan a Canadian felling of log cabins with minimal investment, then it is worth using a cut log, in which tracing is performed in one approach. However, the tolerances of the "bowls" with the grooves in this case are increased, which may require a caulk.

Recommendations from specialists

For beginners in working with log cabins, professional carpenters recommend using a saw for notches in the process of processing logs, and then remove excess with a chisel. Be sure to have a ready-made log with a correctly made β€œbowl” in service - this will be an example that you can navigate in your work. In the absence of a reference log, in some cases tin patterns are used that will reduce the risk of inaccurate processing. But in any case, each crown must be additionally checked by level. There are other subtleties to Canadian logging, which should be borne in mind. So, if an extra layer was removed during processing, this does not mean that the log becomes unusable. Replenish a few millimeters will allow a layer of insulation, which will lie between the logs.

Benefits of Canadian Felling

Canadian logging technology

All the advantages of the technology are already discovered during the operation of the house. Among them, one can distinguish the absence of cold bridges, the reliability of a dense structure, the durability and decorative qualities of a log house. By the way, outwardly the joints look unusual and even resemble patterns. Close mixing of wooden elements also affects the energy-saving function of the house. Heating costs are minimized if high-quality insulation was performed during the construction.

Disadvantages of Canadian Logging

The construction process can not be attributed to the lungs, therefore, inexperienced masters in this matter often have problems. This applies to the marking and the process of laying logs. The construction itself requires serious costs if it is intended to use high-quality wood material. If you use cheap raw materials, then with a greater probability will be leveled operational advantages, which in theory should have such a frame. The Canadian cabin allows providing good protection from the cold, but only due to the tightness of the structure. As already noted, this nuance is not the best way affects the ventilation of the house. Structurally, it is impossible to get rid of this drawback during the construction process, therefore they solve the problem by providing additional ventilation systems.


Canadian logging

There are many techniques for building wooden houses. Many of them have many common technological methods, thanks to which a durable, economical in maintenance and simply beautiful log cabin is obtained. The Canadian cabin, in turn, has its own unique features. They are mainly expressed in achieving a high degree of density of joints, which ultimately ensures both the durability of the house and the optimal microclimate in its premises. At the same time, the technology does not exclude other advantages of wooden structures. These include environmental friendliness, a variety of planning configurations and low maintenance.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16984/

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