“God gave, God took”: the meaning of expression

“God gave, God took” - words taken from the Bible, which are pronounced as a consolation and express humility at any great loss or someone else's death. Such words are said with the loss of what was acquired without much effort on the part of the recipient, as if received from above, and in the same way, “God's providence” was taken away. Where exactly did this expression “God gave, God took” come from, and what is its exact meaning? We will talk about this in our article.

The origin of the expression

These words, or rather the expression - have long become winged. The first time the mention appeared in the Bible, namely in the Old Testament. In the Book of Job it was written about the trials Job had to face. At one point, he lost everything that was sent to him by God. Due to the strong wind that struck the area where Job lived, the house collapsed and fell on his children. However, the biblical character did not lose faith, endured everything meekly and humbly. Deciding that all trials are sent by God.

Job long-suffering

“God gave, God took”: meaning

Since then, the expression spoken and plagued by Job has become winged. Denoting the various troubles and sorrows that have befallen the innocent man (Job the long-suffering).

In addition, in religion, these words are associated with the End of the World. Such a causal relationship is formed due to the fact that in the religious world there is such a theory according to which, after purification, the world is reborn again. So, the End of the World for many is associated with the coming of Jesus Christ. The Mayan calendar ends with a great flood. And the Last Judgment appears as the backdrop of a world catastrophe - a fire, flood or destruction of the world in any other way.

appeal to God

Addiction utterances

This expression “God gave, God took” is well known not only to people who are in any way connected with religion. Quite often it is used in everyday life among ordinary people. For example, you can hear that they say so when someone lost something or lost something.

Artists also like to use this expression. The words “God gave, God took” can be found at Mama-Sibiryak in the work “Three Ends”. Fyodor Gladkov also used an expression that had long become winged in the novel "Dashing Godina."

Having analyzed the origins of the appearance and use of this expression, we can conclude that it arose together with Christianity more than 2 thousand years ago. During this time, the words spoken by Job, not only did not lose their semantic load, but also began to be considered folk wisdom.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16988/

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