Where to fly for the weekend cheap: the best offers

People who are big fans of travel, getting a short vacation for a few days, are wondering where to fly for the weekend. It should be noted that, depending on personal preferences, you can make a flight to different countries and cities where interesting types of recreation and entertainment are offered. Further, we consider several attractive and inexpensive destinations that can be visited just a few days.


Fans of European cities have the opportunity to go on a weekend to Krakow - a city that is full of historical and cultural attractions. Tourists note that flying here and staying in the city are relatively inexpensive, but for a little money you can see a lot of everything unusual and interesting.

Having visited Krakow, you should definitely get acquainted with the architecture of the city - there are a large number of ancient buildings that survived even during the Second World War. Having visited Krakow, you need to go on an excursion to the Jagiellonian University, which was built in the Middle Ages, as well as to visit a number of historical castles of the 13th century.

Where to fly for the weekend cheap


The capital of Portugal is another suitable place to fly to for the weekend. It should be noted that air travel from Russia to this city is quite expensive, but the cost of living here is pleasantly surprising.

Having been in Lisbon, you definitely need to get acquainted with the architectural sights of the city. There are a large number of basilicas, ancient palaces, universities, as well as castles. Special attention should be paid to a large number of shops, restaurants and entertainment complexes that attract the eyes of active tourists.

Experienced travelers note that in Lisbon it is advisable to purchase a Viva Viagem transport card in advance - it allows you to travel on all types of public transport at a great discount.


Fans of oriental culture, thinking about where to fly for the weekend, can afford a short trip to the historical city - Istanbul. Having been here, you can get acquainted with the ancient culture of the Ottoman Empire, as well as interesting, previously unknown historical facts. Fans of shopping can afford to visit local markets where original handmade products are offered to tourists. Moreover, here you can visit the mosque, as well as take a look at the Bosphorus, the view of which is simply mesmerizing.

Many tourists are pleased with the low prices in Istanbul. However, the city has a rather low level of security for travelers, therefore, staying here, you need to be as vigilant as possible.

Where to fly for a weekend at sea


Where to fly for the weekend cheap? Fans of exotic culture can go to their short weekend in Athens - another historical city that has a large number of historical sights, as well as simply beautiful natural places on its territory. Practice shows that all the most interesting places can be visited in literally 2-3 days.

While relaxing in Athens, you should definitely go to the Acropolis and Parthenon - it takes a whole day to study these places. After that, you can visit the archaeological museum of the city, having visited which tourists will learn many interesting historical information, and also have the opportunity to personally see the ancient artifacts that have survived to this day.

When you are on a sightseeing trip to Athens, you should definitely visit the Monastiraki region. There is a large mosque, as well as a huge market in which local merchants offer very interesting products, most of which are handmade and have considerable value.

As for the financial side of the issue, the cheapest trip will be in the winter and autumn, when the flow of tourists decreases.


Where to fly to the weekend in Europe? Riga can be an ideal option - another historical Baltic city, visiting which you can admire nature of incredible beauty and original architectural sights. Arriving here, you can look into the historical center of the city - there are small areas around which bright buildings with fancy roofs made of tiles are built. Here you can also visit local cafes and restaurants, tasting unique dishes traditional for Baltic cuisine.

Russian tourists note that, having visited the European city in question, you can feel as comfortable as possible, because there is almost no language barrier here. Moreover, the flight to Riga takes a short time, and its cost is relatively low - about 6500 rubles.

Where to fly on a weekend to Europe

Tel Aviv

Fans of historical places can go to Israel, and more specifically, to the city of Tel Aviv. There is always a pleasant climate that is comfortable even for children. It is best to start your acquaintance with Tel Aviv with a tour of the huge port - Jaffa. It offers boat trips and yachts.

History buffs can head to Neve Tzedek and visit the ruins of ancient Caesarea. The Eretz Yisrael Museum is a place where you can find out a large number of historical facts about the ancient city, as well as personally see interesting artifacts.

Where to fly for the weekend


Armenia is a country that attracts the attention of tourists from Russia. Many representatives of the Russian population tend to get here for the weekend, as flying in the direction in question does not take much time, and is also relatively inexpensive.

Upon arrival in Yerevan, tourists are advised to visit the large architectural park Big Cascade, as well as the Parajanov Museum. If you want to get acquainted with the architectural sights, you can go on an excursion to the Noravank monastery complex or to the Erebuni fortress.

The special charm of visiting Armenia is that Russians can cross the border of a given state without a visa. To stay within the country under such conditions can be no more than six months.

Where you can fly for the weekend

Weekend with children

Where to fly with children on weekends? It should be noted that for this purpose it is necessary to select the route as correctly as possible, as well as to exclude those countries that have a long flight. Excellent options are also considered states for which you do not need to apply for a visa to visit: Tunisia and Turkey. The climate in these countries is very pleasant, and the sea is warm.

If desired, you can visit Montenegro, Israel or Serbia with your child. It will be very interesting not only for kids, but also for their parents. Practice shows that most hotels in these countries allow parents to stay with small guests, without worrying that the kids will be uncomfortable or boring.

Where to fly on a weekend from Moscow

Holidays in the mountains

Where to fly for the weekend? Fans of a quiet and not very expensive vacation can consider flying to the mountains. During the weekend, you can not only make a trip to a place with clean air, but also enjoy the descent from the peaks, which will definitely charge you with positive emotions and adrenaline for a long time.

Statistics show that Russians prefer not to spend large sums of money and most often prefer those destinations for which you do not need to open a visa. One such place is Armenia. Ski resorts in this country open in November and operate until mid-April. Russians also love Georgia and its steep slopes, located in the small village of Bakuriani.

If you have a passport, you can go to the ski resorts in Turkey, of which among fans of extreme sports the most popular are Uludag, Kartalkaya, Palandoken, as well as Erciyes.

The Caucasus is a very popular destination where Russians send to make extreme descents from the peaks. Tourists note that it is here that first-class service is offered, as well as good conditions for temporary residence.

Shopping tours

Some Russians are very fond of traveling for shopping. In particular, this tradition is popular among the female half of the population. So where to fly for the weekend for shopping? Practice shows that the ideal destinations are the countries of Europe, as well as Turkey. Some tour operators organize special tours for those who wish to make a number of purchases in foreign stores. They represent a trip for several days with the organization of accommodation and, as a rule, with food. During this time, tourists have the opportunity to visit the most interesting shops of a particular city or country.

Statistics show that most often Russians go shopping in Finland, Italy, France, as well as Turkey. Georgia is considered a very popular destination.

Choosing the most suitable time for a trip, you should pay attention to the seasons of discounts - just then fans of shopping tours have considerable opportunities for savings. Practice shows that most discounts in European stores are offered before Christmas, as well as in the middle of summer.

A trip without a visa

Do not know where to fly on a weekend without a visa? There are a large number of very interesting and at the same time not too distant directions where you can go spontaneously without having permission documents prepared in advance. The only condition for crossing the borders of such states is the availability of a valid passport, as well as in some cases a small package of documents confirming the tourist purpose of the trip, the availability of funds for the trip, and intentions to return to Russia (as a rule, they ask for a return ticket for a plane or other type of transport )

Without a visa, Russians have the opportunity to visit Georgia. However, it should be remembered that the provided passport should not contain marks on a visit to Abkhazia, otherwise entry will become impossible. Having been in Georgia, you can combine spending time at sea with visiting interesting historical sights and cultural monuments.

Where to fly for the weekend inexpensively and without a visa? Exotic regions such as Turkey and Egypt can be a great option. Both countries provide tourists with excellent service, as well as a luxury vacation. As for Egypt specifically, the most popular resorts in this country are Sharm El Sheikh and Hurghada.

An excellent destination for a trip without special permission is Montenegro - a country that is famous for its mild climate, ideal for families with children. The coast of Montenegro is washed by the clean and warm Adriatic Sea, and in coastal cities there is a wide selection of entertainment for vacationers of all ages.

Weekend at sea

Thinking about where to fly to the sea for a weekend, you should pay attention to the Abkhaz resorts, which have recently become more and more popular. A plus of this direction is the fact that for visiting Abkhazia, residents of the Russian Federation do not have to have a passport and visa with them.

If you wish, you can visit the domestic Russian resorts, of which there are many. Thus, statistics show that most Russians with the opening of the holiday season to spend the weekend are sent to Sochi, Adler, Anapa and the Crimea. It should be noted that in addition to relaxing on the seashore, all of these cities and regions can offer a large number of attractions that will be interesting for tourists of different ages to visit.

Where to fly for a weekend from Moscow inexpensively

Tours in Russia

Where to fly for a weekend from Moscow inexpensively? Some travelers prefer to spend their time in other Russian cities, studying the culture and history of their homeland.

Statistics show that many Russians prefer to make short trips to St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, as well as to Kazan. If we are talking about weekends falling on Maslenitsa, then the most popular Russian cities are Kashin, Torzhok and Tver - this is where you can enjoy the maximum features of the holiday week.

The cities that are part of the so-called Golden Ring of Russia enjoy wide popularity among tourists. As for fans of secluded relaxation, they prefer flights and trips to Karelia, a region where you can observe beautiful and unusual nature, in which there are waterfalls, lakes, forests and mountain rivers.

Most of the travelers-Russians prefer to spend May holidays in St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, as well as in Rostov-on-Don.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16992/

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