The wealth of Russia - Vologda writers and poets

Our land is rich in a wide variety of talents, including literary ones. In every corner of Russia you can find people known for their works. Among them are the famous Vologda writers and poets, a list of which is presented in this article. Some of them were recognized in Soviet times, others earlier, and there are modern authors.

book of priests

The beginning of the way

Writers and poets of the Vologda Oblast are either its natives, or have moved there from other parts of the world. They are united by the fact that for a long time they lived in one place and decided on what to consider their small homeland. For them, it is the Vologda Oblast. Among those poets who were born in Vologda, Konstantin Nikolaevich Batyushkov. He was born at the end of the XVIII century. However, as a child, he lived in the Novgorod province, and then was enrolled in the Zhakino boarding school in St. Petersburg. The next place of his studies was the boarding house of Tripoli.

Valuable gift

From a young age, Batyushkov was fond of literature. This hobby was encouraged by his uncle Mikhail Muravyov. He placed him in the service of the Ministry of Education. When Konstantin was 18 years old, his poem was first published in the journal "News of Russian Literature". After the death of Muravyov, Batyushkov decides to engage in military service. Muse for him at that time was the daughter of the merchant Emilia. Vologda writers, poets, and not only always drew inspiration from personal relationships with the opposite sex. Batyushkov was no exception.

Sad end

One of the poems written during this period is called “Recovery.” The poet was really sick for a long time, having been injured on the battlefield. Having recovered, Batyushkov continues to fight, however, his mental health has been shaken. After a few years, he will show signs of a mental illness, and he will spend the last 22 years of his life losing his talent in the care of his nephew. However, the literary legacy that he left allows him to put Konstantin Nikolaevich on a par with Zhukovsky and Karamzin. The reader will be interested in several articles that he wrote.

Gilyarovsky Vladimir Alekseevich

Gilyarovsky's book

Vologda writers and poets are famous not only in their own land. For example, Vladimir Gilyarovsky was born in the village of Syama, and lived and worked in Moscow. At 16, he left home and went on a trip to Russia in search of happiness. His path was not easy and long. For 10 years he was engaged in various work until he found his calling. During this time he pulled ships along the Volga, was a loader, a worker and even an actor. He spent two years in the Russian-Turkish war and even received an order for special merits in intelligence. Then he settled in Moscow. In this city, he publishes his poetic works and works as a reporter. Gilyarovsky is studying Moscow and knows it better than any native. During his life he wrote several poems. His book Moscow and Muscovites describes the life of the city at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. She will be liked by those who are interested in the history of their country.

Sidorova Natalya Petrovna

Natalya Sidorova

Among Vologda writers and poets there are not only men, but also women. One of them is Sidorova Natalia. Mono’s fate would have been called difficult if it weren’t for the poetic gift that gave her wings and made her known. She was born in 1953 in the village of Ivnyag. Being quite a baby, she composed ditties. However, drawing attracted her most. She wanted to do this. However, fate made its own adjustments. At 3 years old, the girl became seriously ill. Until 15 years, she underwent several operations. Due to illness, I could not study. Even moving around for her was very difficult. But nevertheless, she was able to overcome the disease and, although she did not succeed in becoming healthy to the end, she showed literary talent. The first collection of her poems came out in 1982. Her poems are filled with tenderness, purity and light. For which readers liked it. Some of her works are used as lyrics for songs.

What is rich in Vologda? Writers and poets are one of her wealth. Of course, in the framework of the article it is impossible to tell about all the authors. But we will provide a list from which the reader will be able to choose a writer or poet and get acquainted with his work on his own:

  • Fokina Olga Alexandrovna;
  • Shadrinov Alexey Yuryevich;
  • Shalamov Varlam Tikhonovich;
  • Rubtsov Nikolay Mikhailovich;
  • Poluyanov Ivan Dmitrievich;
  • Petukhov Anatoly Vasilievich;
  • Tendryakov Vladimir Fedorovich;
  • Gruzdeva Nina Vasilievna;
  • Zasodimsky Pavel Vladimirovich.
Batyushkova memorial plaque

It is important for a person to know his story! Not only within the framework of his family, but also of the country and the world. Self-improvement can be started by studying Vologda writers and poets.


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