Citron Magaracha Grapes: Variety Description

All grape varieties are conditionally divided into table and wine. There are also universal ones that can be used both for wine and fresh. Citron Magaracha is classified as a wine variety by classification. But it can be attributed to universal, as the berries are quite suitable for eating.

Citron Magaracha Grapes: Variety Description

The described variety was obtained in NIViV "Magarach" by complex crossbreeding. This is an early to medium wine grape. Ripens in 130โ€“140 days after the beginning of flowering. The bush is medium- or strong-growing most often has Citron Magaracha grapes, a photo of which is presented in the article.

Under appropriate conditions, it can grow very actively. The vine in most cases ripens well (from 85%). This helps to lay flower buds, which allows you to get a high yield. Shoots are greenish brown. Leaves are medium-cut. The flowers are bisexual, therefore, practically no extraneous pollinators require Citron Magaracha grapes.

citron magaracha grapes

The description of the variety is impossible without a story that its clusters can be cylindrical or conical in shape with a pronounced wing. The mass of one is about 400 g. Citron Magaracha grapes have medium density clusters. Description of the variety, photos indicate that its fruits are of medium size, weighing about 4 g, yellow or greenish. The peel of the berries is dense. The pulp has a citron flavor with a nutmeg flavor. It is juicy, it harmoniously combines sweet and sour taste. Tasting score - 8.0 points. Sugar - up to 27%, acid - up to 7 grams per liter. Inside the berry, up to four small seeds are placed.

Citron Magaracha grape - fruitful. Up to 12 tons of amber berries are collected per hectare. And from one bush - up to 9 kg.

Resistance to frost and disease

It is believed that Citron Magaracha grapes are resistant to winter frosts. It tolerates a drop in temperature to -25 degrees. But experts say that it should be protected from frost in almost all climatic zones.

citron magaracha grape variety

To increase frost resistance, catharization can be carried out. This is the cutting of the upper roots to a depth of 5 cm from the surface of the earth. When this procedure is done, new roots begin to form below. They are not so badly damaged by frost.

The variety is not susceptible to the main diseases of grapes, which include:

  • mildew;
  • gray rot;
  • oidium.

Citron Magaracha is a grape variety that can be affected by phylloxera. To prevent infection of this quarantine grape aphid, dangerous for the bush, it is planted, wrapped in polyethylene. Contributes to the defeat of the thickened planting and abundant harvest. Destroy the aphids that appeared on the bush by spraying with carbon disulfide in a concentration of 80 cubic centimeters per square meter.

Choosing a place for the bush

The choice of a place for grapes affects the yield, taste of berries and even the degree of ripening of the vine. If you plant a bush in the shade, there will be fewer fruits, they will become less tasty, and the plant itself may freeze in winter. Under the grapes choose a sunny place, protected from the north winds. When growing grapes at home, the wall of buildings can serve as protection. Near it is convenient to arrange backwater. In addition, the wall, heating up from the sun, will give heat to the bush, improving the quality of the fruit and contributing to the ripening of the vine and ripening of the berries.

Citron Magaracha Grapes Description

The soil under the grape bush should be well drained. Water stagnation in the area of โ€‹โ€‹the root system must not be allowed. This can cause root rot. If this situation is possible, it is necessary to make a drain.

Soil requirements

It is better to plant Citron Magaracha grapes in sandy soil. It can grow on loamy soil with a neutral acidity. If the soil is too acidic, you can improve its condition by applying lime. It can be part of dolomite flour or slaked lime. In this case, it must be applied 4 days before planting, so as not to burn the roots.

Citron Magaracha grape variety description

Up to a kilogram of lime or up to two - wood ash per square meter of loamy soil . For sandy soils, 100 g of lime is enough for such an area. Repeat the procedure on loam after 7 years, on sandy loams - after a year.

Grape planting

You can plant Citron Magaracha grapes in a pit or on a hill. On a hill, its root system will warm up faster, but in a snowless winter it will freeze faster with insufficient snow. Therefore, you need to choose based on the weather conditions of the growing region.

Citron Magaracha grape variety description photo

They dig a planting hole with a depth of at least 60 cm. It is at this distance that the roots of the grapes will subsequently penetrate. Lay a layer of drainage. The soil taken out of the pit is mixed with humus, peat, sand. Pour the mixture, tamping the layers. This will help the soil heal faster and prevent the roots from breaking off when the soil settles. The bush is planted to a depth of 40 cm. The root neck is deepened by 5 cm. The seedling is set at an angle. In this case, the bush will be easier to lay on the ground for shelter for the winter. Then it is watered.

When planting on a hill, dig a hole up to 50 cm deep, prepare the soil in a similar way. After the pit is filled with soil, a hill 30 cm high is formed. A seedling is installed in it.

Bushes are planted at a distance of at least 2 m from each other.


Citron Magarach grapes are cut for 2โ€“4 eyes. The total load on one bush is up to 30 eyes. Top dressing is carried out in the spring. Under a young bush, one and a half kilograms of rotted manure are brought in, under an adult - in a bucket.

Grapes are watered in early spring, before flowering, after it and during the growth of berries. Do not irrigate immediately before flowering and during it, otherwise the bush may lose flowers. Watering during ripening leads to cracking of berries.

Several times during the season, grape fields are treated with preparations for fungal diseases and, if necessary, phylloxera. Regulate the load on the bush so that all clusters ripen on time, in mid-August or early September.

At home, garden birds and wasps, who really like grapes, will seriously compete with their owners. From them it is best to use a grid with small cells. It should protect the berries from birds, and not catch them. From wasps, it is advised to pack individual clusters in mesh bags.


Citron Magaracha is a grape variety created specifically for the production of wine materials. They produce dessert and table wines. Used for making champagne. Drinks made from the berries of the Citron Magaracha grapes are distinguished by a citron-nutmeg aroma.

Citron Magaracha grapes photo

From wine materials obtained from berries of this variety, โ€œWhite Muscatโ€ was created. Wine has earned many awards at various professional competitions. From the beginning of the two thousandths, the described species was recorded in the register of varieties intended for industrial cultivation.

Citron Magaracha grapes can be consumed fresh. The berries have a great taste: sweet, slightly acidic, fragrant. Small bones do not interfere with enjoying the fruits.


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