Petrin Tower in Prague: how to get there?

There is a hill in Prague Petrin. It is not the highest, but it is particularly picturesque and attractive compared to the rest of the hills. It houses a remarkable tower, which is a symbol of Prague and the whole Czech Republic.

General information about the hill

The history of Petrin hill is full of many interesting events, and there are many attractions associated with them. There is also a structure among them, which will be described in this article. This is the famous Petrin Tower in Prague. How to get to this amazingly beautiful place, we learn a little lower. But first, let's see how it all began.

Previously, Petrshin Hill had several names. At first it was called a mountain, then it was renamed the hill of St. Lawrence (or Kopec). At that time, a cross was put on this place.

It should be noted that the bulk of the stones used in the construction of many Prague sights were mined precisely from Petřín Hill. Now these dug places are well hidden by trees and other green vegetation.

Petrin Tower

A bit of history

Once, on the initiative of members of the Czech Tourists Club, a tower was built on Petřín Hill in Prague. This idea appeared after they visited the World Exhibition in France in 1889. This construction is a semblance of the famous Eiffel Tower, but smaller.

Wilhelm Kurtz in 1890 spoke in an article in a newspaper with the initiative to erect an observation tower in the Petřín area. Construction began in March 1891, and ended already in August, after which its grand opening took place. Below in the article more detailed information will be presented: what is the Petrshinskaya tower, the address of the object, etc.

Today this building stands on top of a beautiful green hill and proudly rises above all of Prague, amazing in its unique beauty.

Petrin Tower in Prague

Petrin Tower in Prague: Description

This steel tower is built. The weight of the structure, sponsored by engineers Julia Souchka and Frantisek Prashil, is about 170 tons.

The height of the tower is 60 meters. In 1953, after the television antenna was strengthened on it (the first relay station in the Czech Republic, which operated until 1998), the height of the structure increased by 20 meters.

Petrin Tower has steps, there are 299 in total. There is also an elevator, which tourists can use for 50 crowns. The observation deck, located at 55 meters high, offers visitors a magnificent view of Prague. From it you can see all the city buildings, attractions, picturesque surroundings and hills. The last restoration restoration work on the tower was carried out in 1999.

The lower level is occupied by souvenir shops and a small cafe, while the underground part contains a small museum of the famous literary hero Yar Zimrman. Although the tower is not very high, it should be remembered that it stands at the very top of Petrin hill, and as you know, its height is considerable.

Petrin Tower, which is a unique copy of the Eiffel Tower in miniature, was built for the anniversary exhibition.

Petrin Tower in Prague: how to get there

Location, how to get

Petřín Hill is located in the very center of Prague. Its height is 327 meters. It is located in the western part of Mala Strana, near the Vltava River (left bank).

In clear weather, from its observation deck you can see the highest mountain peak in the Czech Republic, called Snezka. The distance to it is 150 kilometers.

Convenient location for citizens and tourists (in terms of travel to it) has the Petrin Tower. Getting to her is quick and easy. You can get out of the city using trams 12, 20, 22, and 57. You need to follow the bus stop called Uyezd. You can climb the tower by the above two methods: on the funicular (for a fee), on foot along the steps (for free).

Petřín tower, get there

Attractions of the surroundings

1. The magnificent Victorian funicular is the most popular attraction in Prague. The first stations were built during the same exhibition in 1891. The funicular rises and descends every 15 minutes. It accommodates up to 100 people, for which there are 70 standing and 30 seats. The last stop (there are only two) of the funicular is the Petrin Tower.

2. Outside The mirror labyrinth is an ordinary castle of miniature size, and inside it is an infinite space. A rather complicated system of mirrors forms bizarre tunnels in which a person feels divorced from reality. This attraction is interesting for both adults and children. At the end of the trip there is a hall with highly curved mirrors that distort the images of people beyond recognition, which is very amusing.

As a reward after a successful passage through the maze, a historical diorama (the battle between the Swedes and Czechs in the war of 1648) is opened to the gaze of visitors. Those present wonderfully create the feeling of being in the thick of all the events that are taking place.

3. Observatory. M. Stefanika today has three telescopes: one is used only by scientists, and the other 2 are available to all lovers interested in other planets.

4. St. Lawrence Cathedral is built in the form of an elongated quadrangle. Its convex front end is adorned with a statue of St. Lawrence.

Petrin Gardens

The gardens around the tower are striking in their fabulous beauty. The memory of numerous tourists captures magnificent examples of exquisite architecture and flowering alleys.

At the very foot of the hill, the Seminar Garden extends, in the upper section of which there is a tower, surrounded on all sides by the amazing garden adjacent to it. In addition, the complex includes the following: Strahov and Seminar Gardens, Nebozizek Garden (named after a vineyard), a wonderful rosary, spread over an area of ​​5.6 hectares.

In the beautiful gardens stands the no less charming Petrin Tower in Prague.

Petrin Tower in Prague: address

Address, opening hours

The tower, Petřín Gardens and other sights for a long time remain in the memory of tourists who visited these amazingly beautiful places in the Czech Republic. Address: Petřín Gardens, Prague 1 - Mala Strana 118 00.

Almost all year round, the Petřín Tower in Prague is open for tourists to visit.

Opening hours:

  • March and October: from 10:00 to 20:00 daily;
  • April - September: from 10:00 to 22:00 daily;
  • November - February: from 10:00 to 18:00 daily.

Petrin Tower in Prague: opening hours

What can be seen from the observation deck of the tower?

In all its immense beauty, Prague appears from the height of the observation deck. From this place you can see the whole Prague Castle, St. Vitus Cathedral, the high-rise district (Pankrats) and Vysehrad. Perfectly visible from a height of p. Vltava and most of the bridges thrown over it.

Nearby overlooks the fresh greenery of the crowns of trees, the Mirror Maze, the delightful Rose Garden and the Church of St. Lawrence. At a distance, palaces of little country are visible (Schoenborn embassies of the USA and Lobkovitsky - embassies of Germany). In autumn, when all the foliage falls, on the territory of the German embassy you can see the famous sculpture "Trabant" on unimaginably large human legs (built in honor of the German political refugees of the 80s).

Petrin Tower towers majestically above all these historical and natural attractions, which I want to look at endlessly from a bird's eye view.

Petrin Tower: Address


Back in the days when Emperor Rudolph II (the Renaissance) ruled, Petrshin was the most popular place for relaxation and walking. Gradually, ornamental shrubs and trees formed amazing gardens there, pleasant to visit, especially in the summer heat. Starting from the 17th century, gardens and parks in the Petřín Hill area began to be filled with statues of outstanding Czechs.

Today, the tower looks especially beautiful and spectacular at night. In the dark, its bright original illumination attracts attention.

In conclusion, it should be said that funds for the implementation of such a wonderful idea as the construction of a tower with an observation deck were collected throughout the country. An idea that arose once among tourists after visiting Paris, was realized in just 5 months.


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