Quest walkthrough: The Witcher 2 - Baltimore's Nightmare

If you play the second “The Witcher”, then most likely you have already noticed that in one passage you will not be able to complete all the tasks. Depending on what decisions you make, you have access to some tasks, while others become inaccessible to you. This article will focus on one task, which you can get in the second chapter and which few manage to complete to the end. That is why you will need a walkthrough. "The Witcher 2 - Baltimore's Nightmare" is a quest in which you will have to try your best to succeed. To get it, you will need to choose the path of Iorvet, refusing Rochelle.

How to get a quest?

The Witcher 2: Baltimore's Nightmare

First you need to find out how you can get this task before you begin its passage. "The Witcher 2 - Baltimore's Nightmare" is a quest that you can get when you search for a magical artifact in an abandoned quarry on a story quest. There you will have a vision in which you will see how the dwarfman flees from someone in a panic. If you now go to Vergen, you can notice a strange house near the mines - that is what you saw in your mysterious dream. It turns out that this is the hut of the great smithy of Baltimore, who was killed - now his journeyman Thorack and his two students are in charge there. Now Thorak has been promoted to Baltimore, and you naturally want to know what happened. From this moment, the passage begins. "The Witcher 2 - Baltimore's Nightmare" is a quest that can have two different endings, so be careful.

The beginning of the passage

the witcher 2 Baltimore nightmare walkthrough

So, what is the passage in this case? "The Witcher 2 - Baltimore's Nightmare" is the quest you get as soon as you can chat with Thorak. It will allow you to inspect the blacksmith's house - there you will notice that one of the walls can be broken using the Aard sign. Behind the wall will be a chest with Baltimore's guiding notes indicating the location of all his notes. Thorak runs into the noise, and you have the first choice - to tell him about the find or not. If you tell, he will ask you to give him the notes of his master. And so there is the beginning of one of the most interesting quests in the game "The Witcher 2" - "Baltimore's Nightmare". The passage will only glow over time.

Search for notes

the witcher 2 assassins of kings passing Baltimore's nightmare

Now you can understand how exciting it is in the game "The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings" walkthrough. Baltimore’s Nightmare is a quest, most of which you will be in a search state. You will need to clearly follow Baltimore's instructions in his guidance notes. If you do everything right, you can come to the place where the blacksmith hid his notes - they are in the chest, which also contains all its expensive and effective runes. It would seem that everything is quite simple - what is the secret? "The Witcher 2" (the quest "Baltimore's Nightmare" in particular) is very fond of giving gamers surprises. Therefore, do not relax ahead of time.

Thorak and Baltimore

secret the witcher 2 quest Baltimore's nightmare

Before you can open the chest, Thorak and his students will appear behind you. It is here that the influence of what choice you made at the very beginning will affect. If you told Torak about the notes found and agreed to give him the contents of the chest, you can keep your word - then Torak will reward you and give everything that was in the chest, except for the notes of his master. However, if you did not tell him about your find or if you now refuse to fulfill your part of the agreement, the blacksmith will attack you along with your students. You will find a rather difficult battle in which there will be three opponents at once, so you need to think through tactics in advance. After the victory, you can finally open the chest to see what is inside.

Quest completion

So, it's time to finish this quest. To do this, open the chest and inspect its contents - there will be some interesting items inside, as well as powerful runes that you can either sell or use on your own. However, this is not all, the most important thing is that the chest contains the very notes of Baltimore, from which it becomes clear that the killer of the blacksmith is just Thorak. He did not know where the chest was located, so he tried to use the power of the Witcher to find him and get rid of the only evidence. But his plan failed, so now you can safely go to Cecil, the headman of Vergen, in which all these events take place. Tell him exactly how Baltimore died - for this you will receive a reward from the headman. The quest will be closed, and Cecile will go in search of a new forge that could take the place of Baltimore, illegally obtained by Thorak. Well, you can continue your journey, since now you know how to get through this far from simple quest with several endings. Also, you should already understand which of the endings has the right to be called good.


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