Do-it-yourself warming the balcony: the necessary materials and process features

Often during the next repair, our hands do not reach the balcony. But this corner is an important part of our home, and its arrangement allows us to make the apartment more convenient and comfortable. Doing warming the balcony with your own hands is not so difficult. It is only necessary to choose the right materials.

DIY balcony insulation
Now in a large number of various heaters you can easily get confused. However, you need to choose materials that not only retain heat, but also meet all safety requirements. The insulation should have the following qualities: do not succumb to the process of decay, the formation of mold, damage by fungus and insects. It must be moisture resistant and not afraid of fire. To a greater extent, mineral wool meets these requirements. In addition, foam is often used.

Before doing insulation of the balcony with your own hands, you should decide on the way that the material will be fixed: gluing, screwing or using any design. Most often, a combination of the first two options is used.

insulation of the balcony from the inside
In order to insulate the balcony from the inside, you can choose not only expanded polystyrene, but also mineral wool. Then it will be necessary to sheathe the walls with drywall, plywood or MDF boards. At the same time, any facing material must be strong and resistant to external influences. If you are going to insulate the loggia from the outside, then walling with any wood material is not worth it. Rain will deteriorate quickly. For exterior decoration you can apply a sandwich panel.

Doing warming the balcony with your own hands does not provide for its glazing. This should be done by professionals. But everything else can be done independently. Materials for insulation can be attached not only to the walls, but also to the ceiling. All joints that are formed during installation must be sealed. Most often, foam is used for this. You can also use foamed polyethylene, which has a vapor-insulating property.

Before performing the insulation of the balcony with your own hands, you should carry out some preparatory procedures. For example, it is necessary to make a crate to which insulation and decoration will be attached. Such a frame is made of thin wooden beams.

warming the balcony yourself
As for the floor of the loggia or balcony, foam plastic is used to warm it. Moreover, the thickness of the sheet in this case should be at least 5 cm. Naturally, after laying the material, it is necessary to make a small screed of special mixtures. In the future, you can tile the floor with tiles or other material. You can also take advantage of modern advances and equip the system of "warm floor" on the balcony.

As can be seen from the article, warming the balcony on its own is not a difficult process. In any case, this will help to make the apartment more comfortable. In addition, you can use the balcony even in winter. And if you put a heater there, then the loggia will be an excellent corner for relaxation.


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