An idol is ... We determine the meaning of the word

It would seem, well, what can be difficult in defining one or another famous word? There is a familiar object, and all that is required of us is simply to describe its characteristic features. Think easy? Well ... Then try to complete the phrase "Idol is ...". Well, who? The one we love so much? Ideal? Reference? Idol? According to experts, each person puts his own meaning in this word. Which one? Let's try to figure it out together.

idol is

General definition of the concept

So, from the point of view of the majority, an idol is an idol, an object of adoration and blind worship. All is correct. This is precisely how the concept of "idol" is defined in explanatory dictionaries.

It is believed that the creation of idols from wood, stone, precious metals dates back to pagan times. Creating the image of God, the masters sought to convey as clearly as possible the feelings that people had before the greatness of the universe.

Such images attracted attention and were the subject of religious worship. And today, when approaching an idol, people note that their state of mind is changing.

All this is wonderful! However, experts warn that fanatical worship is very dangerous. So, it’s not a secret for anyone that sometimes teenagers literally go crazy with some celebrity, adopting her habits, dress style and even manner of conversation. The very idols of youth themselves often become objects of envy or anger on the part of opponents.

Idols and psychology. Opinions of experts

idol is
The pathological desire for adoration borders on obsession. Often a person who is inherent in such an aspiration evaluates his condition as painful. To someone who is fanatically devoted to his idol, it seems that only next to the subject of his adoration can one find personal integrity and feel truly happy. That is, for such a person, the phrase “Idol is ..” ends with the words “life, prosperity and joy”.

Of course, this exaltation is a manifestation of heightened feelings, a sign of being in a state of reverie and boundless inspiration. A number of researchers believe that the features of upbringing play a significant role in shaping the need for unbridled worship of a subject. If the child does not feel successful enough, and adults constantly emphasize his shortcomings, then, as a rule, the formation of his personality occurs with violations. In adolescence, fanaticism tends to increase.

Children's idol is ...

The desire to copy an idol in everything, use all means to find money to buy tickets for a concert of a favorite artist, desperate attempts to physically approach the object of adoration - all this leads to the fact that the fanatic can cause irreparable harm to his psyche. If the child cannot separate himself from the idol, considers himself part of it, it is necessary to take into account that an effective solution must be found so that the baby does not lose its self-sufficiency and is able to cope with a situation in which it was by the will of fate. Adults should understand that the idol of millions of children will be forgotten over time, and life does not stand still.

modern idols

Idols of the past. Do we know them today? 50-60s

French cinema of the mid-twentieth century ... Remarkable actors - Jean Marais, Louis de Funes, Bourville, Yves Montand, Jean-Paul Belmondo ... These names meant a lot to those who were young in those years. Bright costumed dramas and comedies with sparkling humor, in which these actors starred, attracted the attention of very many.

The film about Fantomas with Jean Mare in the title role made a strong impression on the audience. A wonderful, surprisingly charming artist became the idol of so many. His work in the second and third films (where the actor played two main roles - both the journalist Fandor and the villain Fantomas) allowed the detective comedy to gain truly deafening fame. Then Jean Marais starred a little. Such an amazing success, which accompanied the films about Fantomas, was no longer in his career.

The wonderful comedic talent of Louis de Funes, who played with Jean Mare (all in the same film about Fantomas), also deserves attention! For many, he was an idol for many, many years. Yes, films with this artist attracted a huge number of viewers.

For the younger generation, acquaintance with the idols of the past can make amazing discoveries - to get to know yourself better and understand what exactly people value at all times.

idol of millions

Where are our idols now?

The life of movie stars and pop stars from the outside seems festive. Success, fame, material well-being (to say the least) - fans believe that their idols never lack anything. However, life is completely different. You must admit that often even the most famous and popular teen idols unexpectedly leave their brightly lit stage for their fans - their life goes on, but it becomes completely different.

In the Soviet Union, Edward Gil was very fond of. “What the Motherland begins with”, “Birch sap”, “Blue cities”, “Winter lived in the hut near the forest edge” - the whole country knew and sang these songs. And in the late 80s, this public idol was forced to emigrate with his family to France, where he sang in the Rasputin cabaret (in Paris). When in 1994 he returned to Russia, in his free time he began to grow vegetables and fruits in his country house!

Or Estonian singer Jaak Joala - a star of the 70-80s. His performance of the song "I draw you" is impossible to forget. Today, young people hardly know this name. The singer himself has not been working in show business for a long time - life in Estonia has changed, the way of life of artists who were very popular in the past has changed. And now the values ​​are not the same ...

teen idols

Modern idols

Modern youth have their idols. Success accompanies Taylor Swift today. Short skirts, vintage shoes, cropped trousers, hats, knitted with large viscous - this is her style, which is liked by young people, and which teenagers imitate recklessly. This country singer is very attractive. For many, she is a real idol.

In Russia, they also love fashionistas. The idol of many young girls today is pop singer Nyusha. Corsages, short shorts, mini-skirts - all this goes wonderfully for a girl. A beautiful body, energy during performances - such an image today can not help but like teenagers.

idols of youth

People, especially young ones, are always looking for role models. This is normal. However, in order to find your happiness in life, you should definitely listen to your own soul and fully reveal the potential of your personality.


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