How to get to the center of Budapest from the airport: information

Before travelers who intend to go to Hungary, the question arises: how to get to the center of Budapest from the airport? Let's look at a few relevant solutions that will allow you to get to the city center and save on transfer.

How to navigate at the airport?

How to get to the center of Budapest from the airport
The bulk of flights from the CIS countries after arrival are served at terminal 2B. As for flights from Schengen states, such aircraft fly to terminal 2A. To navigate on the spot and find the exit to public transport, it is enough to study the airport scheme and the location of the terminals, which is presented in the photo in this section.

Money Solution

Before heading to the center of Budapest from the airport, you should take care of the currency exchange. For these purposes, after baggage is received, it is recommended to go to the nearest ATM and withdraw the required amount of cash. The electronic device must issue money in Hungarian currency - forints. Naturally, to withdraw and exchange currency, you need a MasterCard or Visa credit card.

Why do you need local money? First of all, to pay for a taxi or buy a bus ticket. Getting forints from an ATM looks like a more convenient, profitable solution compared to applying for services at local exchangers, which can also be found at the airport. Only after that it is recommended to think about how to get to the center of Budapest from the airport.

Useful Tips

get from Budapest airport to the city center
To get from the airport of Budapest to the center, when planning a trip, you need to solve the following tasks:

  1. Determine the location of the hotel in advance on the city map when booking a room online or by phone.
  2. Before departure, it is worth writing down useful addresses in a notebook on which you can find housing. It should also be noted on the map the points that are mandatory for visiting.
  3. If you have access to a laptop or smartphone, it is advisable to upload a map of Budapest to the device and carefully examine the path from the airport to the central part of the city. This will allow you to quickly navigate on the spot and choose the cheapest, fastest way to make transfers.

Bus ride

from Budapest airport to the center
How to get to the center of Budapest from the airport by bus? Having resorted to this option, it is necessary to find a stop where flight 200E stops. It is on this bus that you can leave terminal number 2 and get to the terminal metro station called Kล‘bรกnya-Kispest, which is located on the M3 branch. Further it will be possible to transfer to the car of the city train and get anywhere.

The bus runs on the indicated flight in Budapest from 4:00 to 23:00 at intervals of about 15-20 minutes. At the same time, a trip to the metro station takes about half an hour.

You can find the stop at which the bus arrives by following the signs that are in the arrivals area at the terminals. At the same time, it is important to take the turn to the approaches to transport on time, since a crowd of passengers usually forms here, which are also trying to get from Budapest Airport to the city center.

How to get on the bus at night?

From 23:00 to 4:00, bus number 900 is served to terminal 2 at Budapest Airport. The indicated transport runs at intervals of 30 minutes and allows you to get to one of the central metro stations - Bajcsy-Zsilinszky. The information provided is especially useful for passengers who plan to arrive in the city by plane after midnight, using cheap flight tickets.

Where to get a bus ticket?

center of budapest
When deciding how to get to Budapest by bus, you should take care of buying a travel document in advance. You can buy it at the information desks of the airport, at a newsstand, post office, special machine. In extreme cases, trying to buy a ticket is with the bus driver.

The cost of the travel document will be about 350 forints. If you make a purchase from the driver, the price can be much higher.

Train transfer

Budapest from the airport to the city how to get there
The second economical option for organizing a trip is an electric train, which will allow you to come to Budapest from the airport (to the city). How to get there by train? An inexperienced traveler may have some problems here. The fact is that the railway station is located close to the terminal of airport No. 1. Therefore, you will have to get here by the same 200E bus, which in itself looks like a good solution for a metro transfer.

If, despite all the obstacles, it was decided to go to the center by train, after disembarking at terminal No. 1, you need to purchase a travel document for any nearby train to the city. The final destination will be Budapest West Station called Nyugati. In the end, it remains to find the entrance to the subway.

Minibus ride

One of the best solutions for saving on a taxi when traveling as a group is landing on a special shuttle, which is similar to domestic minibuses. Such transport picks up a certain number of people, and then takes them to the desired point on the map of Budapest.

Flight shuttles await passengers at the airport around the clock. To find out about the cost of travel to the right address or book a seat for a specific group of passengers, it is enough to find the site of one of the companies that deals with such transfers in advance.

Taxi ride

how to get to budapest
If saving on a trip is not the first priority, then you should use the more comfortable option and catch a taxi. Once in any free car parked at the terminal, you can quickly be in the city center or get to the hotel.

As for the prices of a taxi ride, here you will have to pay about 450 forints for landing, and about 280 for each kilometer of the way. You can get to the center for 6500 forints, which is more than 20 euros.

Attention! Experienced travelers warn: you can often get into the car to a rogue driver who will choose the longest route or get into traffic jam. Therefore, sitting in the car, it is worth asking in advance to note the shortest path to the desired point on the GPS.

Car rental

How to get to the center of Budapest from the airport by rental car? To do this, you should visit one of the rental offices, which abound near the airport. Here you can rent any suitable car for rent, after which, guided by the map, get to the central part of the city. At the same time, the cost of car rental per week will amount to several hundred euros.


So we found out how to get to Budapest from the airport. You can go in the opposite direction at the end of the trip using the same public transport, a rented car or taxi. In order not to get lost, stopping your choice by metro, train or bus, just pay attention to the signs at the stations where directions to the airport are marked.

Before leaving, it is advisable to purchase travel documents for public transport in advance and get acquainted with the schedule of its movement along the routes. If the choice fell on a taxi, it is most convenient to book a car at the reception at the hotel. As a result, the car will definitely wait at the exit of the hotel at the right time, which will allow you not to be late for the flight at the airport.


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