Postal 2: walkthrough, secrets, tips

The game Postal 2 is very controversial and ambiguous. Players around the world are divided into two camps. Some people hate “Postal” and consider this work the embodiment of everything disgusting in the world: racism, homophobia and endless cruelty. Others are not worried about this and just come off to the fullest at this carnival of madness. The popularity of the game is proved by a large number of Postal 2 mods.

Dude - the protagonist of the game

Postal 2 in Russian was released thanks to the Akella company. The translation came out pretty trashy, in the style of the original, but it also lacks gag. If you are a little versed in English, then it is better to play it. Slang, accents, local flavor - in translation it is not all transmitted.

Each quest in Postal 2 has at least two passes: cruel and bloodless. Below we consider the entire plot and possible walkthroughs of the game.


Dude (that’s the name of the main character) comes with his wife and dog Champ to a city called Paradise (from English - "paradise"). They live in a trailer, they don’t have money, the main character works in the company Running with scissors (“Running with scissors”), which produces violent computer games. Dude did not have a day in the morning, and then his wife is sawing, giving him a list of tasks for the day. These tasks are our missions. All of them are quite simple and banal, at first glance, but even the most routine household routine can turn into a local apocalypse.

Buy milk

Dude needs to go to the Happy Ganesh store for milk. In the store there is a line in which you can simply defend peacefully by paying the total for milk. Or you can run away without paying, but then an angry seller will attack us with the desire to kill. Looking ahead, we say that the queues are found in missions quite often and in order to pass the game peacefully, you will have to honestly stand in them.

Milk on a store shelf

Islamic terrorists are sitting in the store. As you understand, the game is thoroughly saturated with black humor. Milk, by the way, is called "Jihad." If you go into the wrong room, the terrorists will attack you.

Take a check

Dude needs to go to work and pick up the check. Near the gaming company in which he works, there is a picket of opponents of violence in video games, hosted by the organization "Parents for Decency". Arriving at work, the main character finds out that he is being fired, and takes the check. At that moment, demonstrators attack the building. You can break through their ranks with battle, or you can just run away without killing anyone.

After this mission, “Parents for Decency” will begin to attack us if they meet on the street.

To cash a check

After we pick up the check, it will need to be cashed at the bank. There are several ways to get to Postal 2 in this mission.

The first option, as usual, is to stand in line. In this case, after cashing in, armed robbers will attack the bank, the police will come and a shootout will begin. You can repel the robbers, or you can just run away. At the same time, you can drop into the vault along the road and steal a bag of money, there will be no consequences for this act.

The second is to rob the bank yourself. Then you will have to fight off the police. By the way, if you rob the bank before you pick up the check, this task will still be considered completed.


On Tuesday, Dude wakes up with new tasks, including from his wife.

Collect Signatures

Since the main character was fired, he is looking for a new way to earn money and is arranged by a public figure. His first job is to collect signatures to get congressmen to play violent games. Signatures need eight. To collect, you need to approach people with a tablet in their hands and turn to them. For the first time, Dude asks amiably, for the second - rudely, for the third he begins to threaten. Different people agree at different stages, some flee or attack in response to threats.

To confess

For confession we need to go to church and either defend the line or kill the priest. After any of the actions, a group of radical Muslims from a nearby camp attack the church. You can break through with shooting, helping armed priests, or just run away. With any of the options, the church goes under the control of terrorists.

Return a book

The wife asks Dude to return the book to the library, although she did not even read it. Activists of the anti-book movement gathered around the library. The book must be handed over to the head. If you do this by standing in line at the office or scaring it off, you will have to pay a fine for an expired book. If the manager runs away or is killed, then the book can simply be thrown into the appropriate box.

After we deliver the book, activists set the library on fire. It is necessary to get out of the fire, fighting off the opponents of books, which after the mission become our enemies.

Get an autograph

Gary Colman arrives in the town, whose autograph is needed for the wife of the protagonist. You can get it by standing up or scaring the queue in the supermarket. After signing the book, Coleman attacks the police. If you killed Gary before signing, the book can be found in the backyard of the store, or you can kill one of the fans and pick her up from the corpse.

Gary colman


We have new assignments on Wednesday.

Urinate on the grave

Dude had a weird relationship with his father. He decides to go to his grave and urinate on it. After this action, villagers attack him and cut down with a shovel.

The hero wakes up at the brewery, where he needs to escape, after which we get a new task - to find new clothes, since we were dressed in a sadomaso costume.

Disguised Dude

Go to the laundry

In the laundry room you need to pick up clothes by paying a hundred dollars to the seller or killing him.


Everything is simple here: we go to the Asian Rooster cafe and follow the arrows, after which we lower the completed ballot into the ballot box.

Find a Christmas tree

Dude needs a Christmas tree. You can find her on the outskirts of the forest, after which the rednecks will attack us again.


Thursday meets us with four more missions.

Buy napalm

Dude has grown weeds around the house that he wants to burn with napalm. Napalm is at the factory, where you can buy it for $ 300 or pick it up for free by interrupting the cops. At the moment we pick up the napalm, an accident with an explosion occurs at the plant. You need to get out of the burning building.

Buy Crocchi

Crocchi is a new popular toy sold at the supermarket. Naturally, in the store all the toys are over. There are several options for passing. You can kill a man in a Krocci costume (he is very tenacious and invulnerable to a firearm), exchange his toy for Coleman’s book or offer money. And you can break through to the back of the store, killing the guards. In this case, the police will come running for us. Having strayed from them, we will encounter a talisman that needs to be killed or run away from it.

Talisman of Crocchi

Follow the steaks

Steaks are sold in the butcher shop. When we arrive there, the Dude calls the seller, but he does not answer. Then he goes through the door of the service entrance and sees a terrible picture: the butchers prepare steaks from people. After that, you will have to run through the entire warehouse for meat, and then out, fighting off the butchers and the arrived police with special forces. Butchers will become our enemies.

Pay a fine

To pay the fine, we come to the police station. Here you can calmly pay three hundred dollars to the duty officer, or you can go to the third floor with a fight and dress in the dressing room in a police suit. After that, the servants of the law will leave us behind, and we will drop the receipt into the box. You do not have to dress, but go to the box, firing back.


The tasks for the final day are as follows.

Friday card

Pick up the package

We take the parcel from the post office, fighting off the attacking terrorists. You can pick up the package yourself, or you can pay a hundred dollars to a mail employee. Then the package will explode, and Dude will be blamed for this. In both cases, you will have to run away from the post office, fighting with messengers and special forces.

Get the generator

Dude needs a generator for the car. The generator can be found in a landfill by paying the seller five hundred dollars or killing him. In any of the options, angry dogs will burst out of the cages in the landfill. They need to shoot or run away.


It remains to go to Uncle Dave's birthday party. When we give away the gift, the Dave building is stormed by the police. We break through again with shooting or run away.


This task will open if we decide to go a little. It turns out that Dude has gonorrhea and you need to go to the hospital. There we are instructed to find pills in a pharmacy that will cure the disease.

Apocalypse weekend

Postal 2: Apocalypse weekend is the official add-on for the game, which adds two more gaming days with crazy tasks. Also in the addon added several new types of weapons: scythe, machete, sledgehammer, etc. Both days, like the previous ones, can be passed without killing, or it is possible with extreme cruelty. On Postal 2, mods and additions have been released repeatedly, but this is the best.


On Saturday, we have 4 tasks: to take tests for research, stop by for Chinese food, kill rabid cows in a pasture, and pick up a master disk from a former employer. All missions during the passage of "Postal 2: Apocalypse" are filled with shooting, drive and madness: zombies, infected cows and opponents of animal cruelty.

Saturday mission with cows


After a party at the house of Vince, the former boss, we are attacked by zombies. After interrupting them, we get new tasks: to destroy the mad elephants in the reserve, find fireworks for Vince, pick up the dog from the shelter and get out of the city through the zombie-infested bridge. This concludes the passage of Postal: Apocalypse Weekend.


If you are having difficulty passing Postal 2, then cheat codes will help you. To invoke the console, press the Shift key and @ or ~. In Postal 2, the codes are as follows:

  • Sissy - to enable code mode.
  • Alamode - immortality.
  • PacKNHeat is a weapon.
  • PayLoad - cartridges.
  • JewsForJesus - money.
  • BlockMyAss - armor.

There are still a lot of codes in Postal 2, but it's much more interesting to play without them.


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