Glinka Monuments in Smolensk and St. Petersburg: description. Russian composer Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka

Monuments to Glinka, the great composer who influenced the appearance of Russian classical music with his work, have been erected in several cities of the country. They were built at different times in gratitude to people for the works created by the genius of the composer and musician.

Such monuments are in Dubna, Chelyabinsk, St. Petersburg and, of course, in Smolensk. In Veliky Novgorod, on the monument “1000th Anniversary of Rus”, among the 129 most outstanding personalities of Russia who left their mark on the history of the Russian state, there is a figure of Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka.

Years spent in Smolensk

It is not surprising that the Glinka monument in Smolensk was the first in Russia. Indeed, it was in the Smolensk province in 1804 that the future composer and musician was born. Here he received his primary education. Until the age of 13, the boy lived with his grandmother, and then with his mother on the estate, near Smolensk.

From the age of 10, Mikhail began to learn to play musical instruments: violin and piano. His first music teacher was governess V.F. Klammer. In 1817, the family moved to St. Petersburg, where he continued his studies in both basic subjects and music.

Monument to the Great Countryman

A magnificent monument by sculptor A.R. von Bock and architect I.S. Bogomolov was erected in 1885 in Smolensk. Funds for its creation and installation were collected over two years from voluntary donations, for which a subscription was organized. The initiative was taken by such artists as A. G. Rubinstein, V. V. Stasov, G. A. Larosh. Many Russian composers came to the opening, who deeply revered Glinka for his creations and called themselves his students.

Monument in Smolensk

May 20, 1885, the birthday of Mikhail Ivanovich, with a large crowd of people, the monument was inaugurated. Since then, for several centuries, he did not leave his place. Today it is one of the main attractions of Smolensk. It is located in the Glinka Park, although locals prefer a different name: “Blonie Park”. Opposite the monument is the building of the Philharmonic.

Description of the Glinka Monument

The figure of the composer is placed on a high pedestal of gray granite. Two inscriptions are made on the side faces of the stone. One is the year the monument was opened to the composer on behalf of all of Russia, and the other is the dates of birth, death, and burial.

Glinka composer

The figure of M.I. Glinka is made of dark bronze, its height is 2.5 meters. The composer turned his face to the audience and the Philharmonic Hall, with the conductor's console behind him. He is calm and focused. Tilting his head slightly to one side, the maestro listens to music that sounds so far only for him.

Art fence of the monument

An amazingly beautiful and original fence was installed two years later. The project of this work of art was created by the architect I. S. Bogomolov, and the art casting was performed by the master K. Winkler.

The fence is a closed stave, on which bronze notes are located, folding into well-known musical fragments of the composer's works. Experts say that here you can read 24 musical phrases from Glinka’s works: “Ivan Susanin”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “Prince Kholmsky”, “Farewell Song”.

Twice a day, Glinka’s music sounds from the speakers in Blonie Park, and the townspeople stop for a few minutes to listen to the beautiful music of their countryman again.

For several decades, since 1958, the Glinka Decades festival has been held at the composer's homeland. It opens according to tradition at the monument to the great composer.

Glinka Monument in St. Petersburg

For the 100th anniversary of the composer, the question was raised about installing a monument in the city in which Mikhail Ivanovich lived for many years. He never parted with St. Petersburg for real, always returning to the city on the Neva. Here were his friends and students.

In the northern capital

At the initiative of the Imperial Russian Musical Society, a commission for the construction of the monument was organized and a subscription to voluntary donations was opened. Funds were collected in all cities, all segments of the population. For this purpose, charity concerts and performances were held, the money from which was sent to the created fund. 106 788 rubles 14 kopecks were collected, and after that a competition was announced for the best design of the Glinka Monument.

The commission was approved by the sculptor R. R. Bach; the architect was his brother, A. R. Bach. In 1903, the monument was made and installed on Theater Square.

Description of the monument in St. Petersburg

The figure of the composer is 3.5 meters high and is mounted on a red granite pedestal. The total height of the monument is 7.5 meters. The composer, made of bronze, stands in a free, relaxed pose in an open coat. The facade of the pedestal with the dates of life and death of Glinka is decorated with a large laurel branch made by R. R. Bach. On the side faces of the pedestal are written the names of the composer's works. The monument was decorated with cast candelabra.

Monument transfer

The Glinka Monument, erected in the center of the square, immediately caused problems. He became an obstacle to the passage of the crews, and later - the horses. When in 1925 they started reconstruction of the square, its redevelopment and the laying of new tram tracks, the monument was dismantled.

Monument in St. Petersburg

In 1926, a commission was created to select the installation site of the monument, the organization of work and monitoring the installation process. This place was the same Theater Square, the territory of the square, closer to the building of the conservatory.

It was also decided to make some changes to the appearance of the monument. The candelabra were removed from the composition as parts that did not correspond to the style of the monument. The platform on which the pedestal was installed was surrounded by granite porticoes.

In 1944, restoration work was carried out on the bronze figure of the composer and the laurel branch. Glinka Monument is a sign of the love of the Russian people for the works of the maestro, who have become classics.

On Theater Square

Mikhail Ivanovich wrote many romances, vocal works, symphonic concerts. His operas still go on stage in theaters. A great creator of national music, he addressed works to the people of his country, creating unprecedented compositions before him. Many musicians who followed in his footsteps called themselves his students.

The critic V. V. Stasov believed that Glinka is as great and significant in Russian music as A. S. Pushkin is in the Russian word.


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