The column is an important architectural element

The column is
The architectural concept of a "column" is a vertical support that carries the load of the upstream parts of the building. In addition, this building element can perform decorative functions and be used as a triumphal decoration, for example with a statue on top. The most common form of this design is round. But square, rectangular, and complex column shapes can also be found.

As mentioned earlier, the column is an architectural element that consists of several main parts: the base, the trunk and the capital. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

The base is the most massive component, the main function of which is to retain the structure and transfer the load to the base. It should be noted that such an element is not required, although it is present in many styles.

Column Sizes

The trunk is the main part of the column. It can have a different shape, which makes it possible to use in a variety of styles.

The capital is another important part of the column. It is she who allows you to distribute the load of higher elements. Like the lower component - the base, which is sometimes absent in designs. Nevertheless, this is perhaps the most expressive part of the described architectural element.

Thus, the column is such a building structure, due to which there is a rational redistribution of the load on the foundation. It has a vertical arrangement and is characterized by the ratio of the transverse dimension to its height. In this case, the first parameter has a value several times smaller than the value of the second.

Currently, there is a fairly extensive classification of such architectural elements. For example, you can name the most common types of columns depending on the material of manufacture. This includes reinforced concrete and metal supports. Similar design elements are in great demand in construction. At the same time, it does not matter much whether it will be an industrial enterprise, a shopping center or parking - the columns of the types presented will be present in many versions.

Types of columns

It should also be noted that the classification includes division into various stylistic directions. Consider the most noteworthy.

Caryatid. Such a column is a whole sculpture that performs all the functions of traditional elements of architecture of this kind. She is an exquisite figure of the priestess of the ancient Greek temple.

The candelabrum column is characterized by a gradual change in the cross section, which gives interesting visual effects. However, this is not the only species that has a variable ratio of diameter to height. Such architectural elements became widespread during the Renaissance.

A similar architectural element of the protodoric type has one of the most regular geometric shapes. The dimensions of the columns are determined by fairly strict proportions. They were widespread in ancient Greece.


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