Guide to the WoW garrison. World of Warcraft guides for beginners. How to swing the garrison (WoW)

It is unlikely that one can now find an MMORPG lover who would never have heard of the World of Warcraft project. "VoB" is the most popular in the genre of massively multiplayer role-playing games, it was born in 2004 and for ten years now does not allow any other game to be higher. A well-designed world, great characters, an abundance of skills and abilities, a variety of weapons, armor and other items - all this leads to such an incredible success. But in many ways, the game remains afloat and at the very top of all charts due to the fact that it is not finished, but is constantly expanding, developing.

One of the most significant updates was the one that added a whole huge location of Draenor. It differs from the rest in that here players can build their own garrisons - special designs that give them many new opportunities. That is why you will need a guide to the WoW garrison - this is a rather serious and important design, so it’s better to get prepared for its construction.

What benefits does the garrison bring?

Naturally, no addition is meaningless - they all bring something new to the game that you can use for your own benefit. The Draenor garrison was no exception - it is not just a decorative structure, but something more. The WoW garrison guide will tell you about this in detail, but separately you can pay attention to the main advantages that this design gives.

garrison guide wow

  • First of all, here you can get recipes for certain professions, which is very important.
  • It is also the garrison that opens the route to some worlds for you, which is difficult or impossible to get into without it.
  • Do not forget that the garrison is an excellent source of resources, and without them your game will be very difficult.
  • Well, of course, there are new unique quests that you can take and complete to gain experience, as well as rewards.

As you can see, the WoW garrison guide is a very useful thing, since you can extract many necessary and pleasant things from the garrison. So use your chance.


wow guide

The guide to the WoW garrison should start with exactly how to build this structure. In fact, everything is quite simple - you just need to go to Draenor, and when you find yourself there, you can immediately take the quest. Naturally, he will not lead you directly to the construction of the garrison, but he will become the first in the chain of tasks, completing which, you will step by step approach your goal. And when you complete the last quest, you will have the opportunity to erect this building. It will already have a basic structure - barracks, but the rest will have to be built independently. For this, you will also need a certain tactic of playing the “VoB” - a guide will help you with this.

Where to get resources?

As mentioned earlier, the garrison in many ways serves as an extremely useful source of resources important for a successful game in VoB. A guide will help you figure out how to get these resources. First of all, pay attention to the chest that stands near the town hall - you can open it every ten minutes, and each time a small amount of resources will drop out of it. But this is not the only source - you can build a sawmill and a merchant's shop, and then there will be two sources of orders, for which you will be charged with resources. Moreover, various quests and tasks are constantly given in the garrison, and there can also be resources as a reward, but this source cannot be called permanent, however, like the last option - hunting for Draenor mobs that live in this WoW location. A map of the area will help you in this not the simplest task, but you still should not count on something special in terms of resources.

Why use resources?

So, you have obtained a certain amount of resources. But how to use them? Why are they even needed in WoW? The location map hints that your garrison can definitely grow, and this is one of the first reasons resources are needed. With their help, you will develop and pump the garrison, build new buildings in it, raise its level. You can also assign tasks to your partners for a small amount of resources - this will be mutually beneficial cooperation. But more often, all the same resources are used to buy special components necessary for crafting weapons, armor and other items in the merchant's shop.

how to get to the wow garrison

Now you know how to get into the WoW garrison, what it is, how to get resources here and what to use them for. It's time to move on.

A little bit about the return stone

To find out how to get into the WoW garrison for the first time, you have to go all the way to Draenor and find a suitable place there. But when your garrison is already built, and you visit there, you will receive a stone of return to the garrison. This is a completely separate item that has no connection with the usual return stone. In general, you can profitably use them together. Using an ordinary stone, you can set any place as your home location, and the garrison stone, accordingly, will return you to the garrison. Thus, within the framework of Draenor, you can quickly travel between the garrison and the quest location, protecting yourself to the maximum.

The WoW garrison is your main stronghold in the world of Draenor, so try not to lose the stone returning to it. If this still happened, then you have to get to the garrison on your own, and then look into the tavern and ask for a new stone.

The buildings

The WoW garrison is just the foundation that you lay when you finish the chain of thematic quests. In fact, you have to improve your design for a very long time and hard, because there is a rather impressive number of secondary buildings. You have to build them for the resources that you will produce. It’s worth starting with the fact that you have a limited number of foundations on which you can build various structures. When pumping the garrison itself (namely, the town hall), the number of foundations increases. So, on the first level, only two foundations are available to you, small and large; on the second one there are already more - two small ones, one medium and one large; Well, at the third level, the final picture is formed - three small, two medium and two large foundations. But the problems begin at the moment when you find out that there are much more buildings than the foundations for them.

garrison wow

In total, the game has ten different small buildings and five medium and large. As a result, you cannot build them all, which means you have to choose what is more important. With small buildings, everything is not so scary, since most of them are associated with specific professions, so most of the buildings of a small size will not be needed at all. But the choice in medium and large constructions will not be easy - you will have to decide what is better to strengthen your garrison "VoB". Guide does not provide a universal recipe for building buildings, since it does not exist - it all depends on how you developed the character and what exactly you want from the garrison itself.

Leveling up professions in the garrison

Above, this topic was casually touched upon, but it is very important, therefore it should also be addressed in more detail, as well as other important aspects that the VoB garrison offers you. Hyde has already demonstrated that this design with all its structures can bring quite a lot of benefits. But now it’s worth telling about how the garrison can have an impact on the development of your character. As mentioned earlier, small buildings are associated with certain professions, so you do not have to build them all. You only need to choose the one that suits your profession, and then there will be much less worries. At the same time, you can develop the skills of your profession by completing special tasks in this building. For example, if you have the profession of an alchemist, then you can build an Alchemical laboratory and study recipes for alchemical objects and potions there. Moreover, you can perform tasks that will give you the necessary experience, as well as a certain type of material - in this case, it is an alchemical catalyst.

wow map

Thus, you can simultaneously swing, improve in your chosen profession, and also obtain the resources necessary for you and for the garrison - this is what this guide teaches.

WoW hunter is not a profession, but a class. This is one of the most common mistakes among gamers who build leather and cannot understand why they can not pump skills. In tannery, one can learn leatherworking and get shiny skin - she has no connection with hunters.


garrison wow guide

Game guides very often do not touch upon not the most important aspects, concentrating only on basic concepts. In “VoB” this is simply unacceptable, because all the points here are important in their own way. Even a monument that you can erect in your garrison. You probably already noticed that in the center of the garrison there is an empty plate on which you can’t build buildings - this is a pedestal for the monument. Unfortunately, its construction will not give you anything in the game plan - only in the aesthetic. But to earn it will not be easy for you. In total, the game has seven monuments, for the opening of each of which it is required to fulfill certain conditions. For example, a monument called the “Master of Draenor Art” will be revealed to you only when you create at least fifty epic items, the level of which will be at least six hundred.

As you can see, a priest guide or any other specialty in VoV could be shorter and simpler, but the garrison is a serious moment. It needs to be studied in detail in order to use this design wisely.

Outposts from the garrison

This is a guide for beginners and experienced players, so absolutely all aspects related to the garrison, including outposts, are included here. These structures can be built anywhere in Draenor, but what do they give? The fact is that outposts serve as special buff and aid structures, but they are of two types. And unlike buildings, which you can replace at any time for a fee, outposts are selected forever. Therefore, before installing, you will need to seriously think about what kind of post you need. But how do they differ from each other?

  • The first type of outpost provides you with an increase of twenty percent to the experience that you will receive in the selected location.
  • The second type creates a point of sale, that is, you can find a dealer next to it, to whom you can sell extra items and purchase the necessary ones.

But this, unfortunately, is not a guide to the warrior - it will not work here to give you the universal correct answer. You will have to look at the situation and decide depending on how things will turn out in a particular region.

Garrison Quests

The garrison is not just an ordinary addition, which happens quite often. This is something special that was not in the game before. As you already understood, here you can carry out construction, receive bonuses from constructed buildings, obtain resources and develop your own garrison on them. All this is very unusual and impresses gamers.

guide hunter wow

But quests are what surprise players the most. The fact is that in the location of the garrison there is a fairly large number of non-player characters who are ready to offer you fascinating tasks with a useful reward. But even this is not all magnificence. The fact is that in the garrison you can hire assistants - special units that are controlled by a computer, but which serve you exclusively. Why do this? Everything is very simple - the garrison has a huge number of tasks that you do not have to complete on your own. You can hire an assistant and give him a contract to complete one or another task. The assistant will go on the road, and after some time will return, having delivered to you all the loot that he found in the process. Thus, the process of completing quests becomes much simpler, but at the same time fascinating - because you couldn’t have fun before.

You can take control of up to twenty assistants, and then you can do nothing at all, just sit in your garrison and wait for the next subordinate to return with a combat report. This is a pretty handy feature that saves you time and effort. But do not forget that at any time you can take the quest yourself and go to complete it in order to gain more experience and see the world. After all, the locations of Draenor are made very beautifully and impressively, so it is not recommended to sit in the walls of the garrison all the time - you will miss a lot. Therefore, get the most out of your stay in this location, since it is here that you have almost your own castle.

We wish you a good and exciting game!


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