How to care for Victoria, to collect it not in glasses, but in buckets? Sharing secrets

Fragrant, juicy, incredibly tasty and beloved wild strawberries and strawberries by everyone, she is Victoria - the subject of adoration of all gardeners. She is called such a sweet name because of the first grade, which was called Victoria. How to care for the berry so that the beds give as much yield as possible? Follow the recommendations and the reward will not be long in coming.

Victoria Landing

how to care for victoria

The plant needs to be planted on a flat plot of land, while observing a slight bias to the west. The place where sweet Victoria will grow should be well protected from the wind, because in winter it can well blow snow from the beds, then the plant will freeze and die. It is advisable to choose soil sandy, rich in humus. Victoria needs to be planted in spring or autumn. In the first case, the soil is prepared in the fall, in the second - in June. Soil preparation includes the addition of fertilizers (20 grams of ammonium nitrate, 20 grams of KCl, 25 grams of superphosphate, as well as humus in the amount of 6 kg per 1 square meter). How to care for Victoria in comfort? Bushes need to be planted in the most even rows, having the form of ridges with a maximum height of 10 cm. The maximum distance between them should be 70 cm, and between plants - 30 cm.

Reproduction of garden strawberries

sweet victoria
In the middle of summer Victoria grows an antennae, with the help of which it multiplies. Important nodes are located on them, which in the future will give growth to roots and leaves. Gardeners consider 2-3 sockets that are located on the mother plant to be better quality. As soon as 4-6 leaves appear on the outlet, it must be disconnected from the mother plant and transplanted to a permanent place. Next year, daughter bushes will give a pretty good harvest of berries. How to care for Victoria young so that she takes root? Excellent fist survival will be provided by fist-sized holes, where young sockets should immediately be planted.

Victoria Care

strawberries and strawberries
Garden strawberry has high requirements for care. It must often be watered or some work to preserve moisture. For example, mulch, loosen the soil, remove various weeds and cover the plant with snow. How to care for Victoria so that the harvest is richer? Water the bushes during the season 10 times, and after its end the beds need to be mulched with straw, shavings or dry moss. Thus, the berries will be reliably protected from gray rot. In the process, it is important to ensure that the leaves do not turn out to be covered. Mulching for the first time should be carried out in mid-autumn. For the second time, it should be mulched with grain waste or peat, pouring a layer of 5-8 cm. In addition, weeds should not be allowed on the plantings, because they take away moisture, food and light. How to care for Victoria after the harvest? The soil near the plants needs to be loosened and in the case of exposure of the roots of the bush - spud (this also contributes to a better harvest from the garden). Victoria is extremely useful for our body, because it improves the process of hematopoiesis, increases overall performance and endurance. Be healthy!


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