Quotes from Twilight, 2005's Most Famous Book

The most popular novel of 2005 is over ten years old. This is the famous Twilight book in almost every country. Love of unusual teenagers, secrets from parents, adrenaline in blood from the proximity of death - what could be more romantic for young people?

It is not surprising that the quotes and aphorisms of Twilight are familiar even to those who have not read the work. The most famous of them:

- How old are you?

- 17.

- And how long have you been 17?

- Quite a long time ago...

But what if the topic of age is a sore point for most women? Who does not dream to look at 20 and at 60?

Unusual love

The Twilight book on the feelings of two teenagers would be one of many if the young man were not a vampire, drinking blood, able to catch up in no time, and able to read the thoughts of everyone except Bella.

The story begins with the fact that the main character Isabella Swan is on the verge of death: at any moment she can be killed by the cruel vampire James. She admits that her behavior led to the deaths of many.

The Twilight quotes show the girl’s attitude to what is happening:

Previously, I did not seriously think about death, although in recent months there have been plenty of reasons.

It is no doubt worth giving your life for another person, much less a loved one. This is even noble!

When the most cherished dreams come true, you should expect that sooner or later fate will present you with an account.

Yes, she is afraid of death, but she’s ready to exchange her life for the life of her mother, and for love you always have to pay something: money, a broken heart, life ...


The reason Bella was confronted with James was the decision to move the 17-year-old girl to her father from Phoenix, sunny Arizona, in the rainy town of Forks, Washington. She did this to allow her mother to travel with her new husband, a baseball player. Miss Swan will have to study in this uncomfortable little town a year and a half before graduation.

Bella, the daughter of Renee, a junior teacher and Charlie police sheriff, is saving up money for college herself, so she simply does not have enough money for a new car. Father gives her an old pickup as a gift in honor of her arrival. Although the vehicle is long outdated, two miles to school is better to ride on a horse than to walk. The quote in Twilight speaks of the position of many poor teenagers:

They don’t look at a gifted pickup truck in the mouth.

An ordinary girl

Bella is a petite, short girl with a translucent, pale complexion. She has thick long wavy brown hair, a small thin nose, prominent cheekbones, narrow eyebrows, but her lips are too full for her chiseled jaw. Her eyes are described as chocolate brown and wide apart. She wears simple shirts and jeans, as she feels uncomfortable in impractical but elegant clothes. She is far from being a materialist, she hates being singled out, she does not seriously take her popularity among school guys.

Ordinary girl

The quote “Twilight” traces her own assessment of her appearance:

It’s a pity that I don’t look like a typical Arizona resident: a tall, fair-haired, tanned, passionate fan of beach volleyball. All this is not about me, although most of my friends fall under this definition. My skin is olive and there is no hint of blue eyes and blond or even reddish hair. The figure is slim, but not athletic.

Bella is described as not loving sports because of her clumsiness. Shy, quiet, and very sensitive, she spends her free time reading school program books. The main character is caring, responsible, she worries about her relatives: she reminds her mother about dry cleaning and her fear of heights, she cooks and cleans her father’s house, which indicates the maturity of a person especially her age.

During a school break, the girl meets a mysterious family of stunningly beautiful students and falls in love with Edward Cullen.

sky Angel

He smiled, and for a second my heart stopped beating. Probably, even in heaven you will not find a beautiful angel!

When he saves her life by displaying superhuman qualities, Bella learns from her friend Jacob Black that the Quilent Indians call Edward’s bloodthirsty family.

Unexpected rescue

Despite the risk

Having been convinced of the unusual nature of her beloved, Bella faces a choice: stop all communication with him or be together, endangering her life.

After questioning Isabella, who is not indifferent to him, Edward finally admits that he is a vampire, and his family are “vegetarians,” because they do not eat people, but drink the blood of animals. The young man constantly warns Bella from close contact with herself, says that the girl is in a “risk group”, because the smell of her blood is stronger for him than any other person he has ever met. Her love and confidence in the beloved's self-control are such that his warnings are ignored:

If a creature mechanically saves someone else's life, it cannot be evil.

Isabella initially hated life in Forks, but after meeting with Edward, she found the city more convenient, even calls it a house, and her father's hobby - fishing - allows her not to inform him of her secret meetings with her lover. A quote from Twilight shows a girl's sense of humor:

... In addition, we are running out of fish. Two years left, no more!

Favorite place

Bringing Charlie out of the house, Bella and Edward go to the mountains to visit the young man’s favorite meadow, and the next day, while watching the Cullen family's baseball game, she becomes the target of vampire hunter James. Fearing for her father’s life, Isabella plays the scene of farewell to her beloved and leaves the city, breaking her father’s heart.

Dangerous predator

After finding out that Bella is not next to her young man, James arrives in Phoenix, at the girl's former residence, and tricked her into coming to a ballet studio, where he was going to kill her, filming scary scenes for Edward on a movie camera.

Dangerous predator

Will Bella be saved? Will she be with Edward? Those who watched the film already know the ending, the rest can read the epilogue in the book.

Quotes from the Twilight saga can be continued indefinitely, many of them will suit any life situation. More winged expressions can be found in the continuation of the romantic series.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17039/

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