Individual heating in the apartment will provide you with heat even in severe frost

Today, quite often, residents of apartment buildings complain that the rooms are cold in winter: central heating does a poor job. By installing individual heating in the apartment, you will forever forget about your problems.

individual heating in the apartment

Choose a boiler

Most suitable equipment with a closed combustion chamber. It must be provided with a circuit to provide hot water. You can do without this function, but on condition that you do not have interruptions with hot water supply.

Choosing radiators

Any samples (except cast iron) will suit you. Radiators can be steel or aluminum. All described equipment has approximately the same characteristics. The difference is only in price. Therefore, based on the cost of radiators, individual heating in an apartment can be expensive or budget. For a cheaper option, polypropylene pipes are used. In the second case, copper products.

What should be valves

In addition to the pipes and the boiler, you will need various locking equipment. Purchase a shut-off valve that is designed for a thermal head. In this case, the equipment should be mounted diagonally. It is important to know that you cannot use the bottom connection. Otherwise, the temperature control will not be carried out according to the rules. Cold air enters the thermal head below, as a result, the radiator works without interruptions, constantly.

How to choose a heating scheme

If there are not so many radiators in your apartment, and you decide to use a budget solution, then you can install a one-pipe system. It, of course, is not as effective as a two-pipe, the installation of which is more appropriate.

individual gas heating in the apartment

However, individual heating in an apartment using this technology has proven its worth - at present it is successfully used both in residential and in working rooms.

How and where to get permission to install heating

We want to warn you right away that obtaining installation permits is very difficult. Despite all the obstacles of officials, individual gas heating in the apartment is worth a little pat and chat with our bureaucrats. First, you need to collect the following documents:

  • application for installation of equipment;
  • agreement on the transfer of real estate to the ownership of the owner;
  • certificate of state registration of property;
  • gift agreement (if any);
  • copy of certificate of inheritance (notarized).

individual heating in the apartment price

The package of documents is transferred to the district administration. This is not a complete list of required documents. Each case is considered separately. Individual heating in the apartment will require collecting not just a lot of papers, but a lot. You will receive a response to your request within a month and a half from the moment of filing the documents (data for the Russian Federation). Upon completion of installation work, an acceptance certificate is issued .

I want to say right away that this is not such a cheap pleasure - individual heating in the apartment. The installation price will depend on the size of the room, but on average it is from 10,000 to 15,000 rubles.


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