How to propagate bamboo at home? Bamboo Houseplant: Care

Now no one is surprised by unusual plants. Many try to decorate their home with exotic compositions, of which bamboo is often an integral part. Vases with him look elegant and original. This article provides information on how to propagate bamboo and how to care for it.

Indoor bamboo

The bamboo houseplant has nothing to do with the plant that grows in the wild. If you look closely, it is clearly visible even in the photo. Real bamboo is considered grass and grows up to forty meters in height. But at home - it is nothing like Dracaena Sander. She looks very unusual and gives style to any room.

In Feng Shui, the plant is called the flower of happiness or bamboo Lucky. How to propagate bamboo and take care of it in the future so that it pleases with its beauty for a long time?

Bamboo Houseplant Care

It is worth noting that Dracaena Sander is an unpretentious plant. The compositions of her decorative plexus will become an adornment of any home or office. In indoor conditions, bamboo can grow for a very long time, the main thing is to provide it with proper care. The plant can be grown not only in soil, but also in water.

The appearance of the plant

The plant looks very much like bamboo. It consists of a bare stem, on top of which there are several shoots and leaves. Trunks can grow directly or initially bend in a spiral. Usually indoor bamboo is painted bright green. However, straw-golden varieties can also be found. If during the daylight hours the bamboo is in the bright sun, then it acquires a dark green hue. Ornamental and unpretentiousness made the plant very popular.

How to propagate bamboo varnishes

Bamboo is a houseplant, care for which does not cause much trouble. The only drawback is the lack of flowering. A plant can bloom at the age of forty, and after that it often dies. However, this does not interfere with the formation of interesting compositions from bamboo that look spectacular.

Growing options

Before talking about how to propagate bamboo at home, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it can be grown in water and in the ground. Both methods are good for home use.

Bamboo breeding at home

Many housewives prefer cultivation in water. This method is very convenient and does not cause trouble. Water in a vase or other container can be changed only once a week - this is enough to create the necessary conditions for an unpretentious plant.

The water base allows the plant to fully develop. Bamboo even in room conditions grows up to 1-2 meters. Growing several plants, you can quickly increase their number, creating a whole tropical garden. How to propagate bamboo at home?

In conditions of growing plants in water, it is very important to use fertilizers. Otherwise, the bamboo will acquire a light shade and lose the foliage. Top dressing is applied directly to the water at the moment when it is changed to fresh. As a rule, one feeding is enough for two to three months. It is better to use mineral fertilizers designed for this type.

In one container, you can grow several stems. For decorative purposes, plants are interconnected using braid. For growing, you can use containers of various shapes. It can be not only pots and containers, but also glasses, glass vases, jugs. After reaching bamboo growth of 50-80 centimeters, the growth containers are placed on the floor near the light source. To fill the vase, it is necessary to use soft water, which has been left for several days. Filtered and chlorinated water must not be used.

Soil cultivation

If you are thinking about how to propagate bamboo at home, pay attention to the fact that the plant develops much better in the soil. The constant presence of roots in water is not to the liking of culture. Water does not stay in the soil for a long time.

Propagation of bamboo by cuttings

Any soil suitable for bamboo. You can even purchase a universal substrate. Caring for a plant in the soil is much easier than in water, because it does not even require fluid replacement.

Breeding methods

Inexperienced flower growers probably do not know how to propagate bamboo Lucky. You can get new plants in several ways: cuttings, seeds (very rarely), apical shoots and offspring. It is worth noting that the reproduction by the tops and offspring takes a lot of time and effort. These methods are considered quite complicated. Propagation of bamboo at home using seeds is generally an unrealistic task. Sowing seeds, the further emergence of seedlings and their care is a long and laborious process. Therefore, propagation of bamboo by cuttings is the best option. Florists believe that this method is most optimal for an exotic plant.

Propagation by cuttings

It is better to propagate bamboo with cuttings in the spring. As a material for planting, young shoots are used, which during this period appear on the stem of an adult plant. They are carefully cut from the main stem and planted in the ground for rooting.

photo bamboo

For rooting, you can use the same soil as for planting an adult plant. Bamboo grows very quickly, and this applies not only to the stems, but also to the roots, so the pot for the stalk must be spacious and tall. Even the smallest cuttings will quickly grow and fill the container with roots.


Bamboo is a houseplant, the care of which will not cause much trouble. Experienced gardeners recommend combining it with an annual transplant to simplify the breeding process. The best time for transplanting is spring. At the same time, propagation by cuttings occurs. After planting, young shoots need some care, which consists in loosening the soil and regular watering. Moisturize the soil daily. To do this, use settled water, the temperature of which is at least 22-25 degrees. As a mandatory procedure for care should be wet wiping the leaves from dust.

An equally important point is the loosening of the soil. Young plants need fresh air that penetrates them through the soil. Loosening optimizes the process and helps root the cuttings.

Bamboo in the country

Bamboo feels great in different conditions. An unpretentious plant grows rapidly and in a short period of time is able to decorate the house with tropical compositions.


Caring for bamboo is fairly simple. Regular watering and top dressing will make the plant beautiful and green. If the foliage and stems are brightened, it means that the time has come to fertilize.

Bamboo is very sensitive to light, it must be grown on the sunny side, but at the same time bright rays can harm the culture. It is better to provide the plant with diffused light.

Use in landscape design

Compositions of bamboo are actively used not only to decorate the home interior, but also for landscaping balconies and greenhouses. No less actively used by landscape designers for landscaping the so-called decorative bamboo. Reproduction at the dacha or homestead of such a plant will give a small piece of the tropics.

Designers use different types of plants to create compositions, decorative hedges and other designs.

Primer for bamboo

For planting bamboo in the country, it is preferable to choose a place in partial shade. He loves daily watering. The rest of the culture is unpretentious.

Instead of an afterword

Dracaena Sander is a beautiful and unusual plant that has long taken root in many apartments. The simplicity of propagation and care will allow you to get new plants from the acquired stem in a couple of years, from which you can independently build any composition that will decorate the house and add exotic to the interior.

If you have long dreamed of such a plant, but did not dare to purchase it, feel free to go to the store, as even a beginner grower will cope with its contents.


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