Voronezh region. The reserve is a natural highlight that pleases the eye

An open-air museum is always an unusual place with a special atmosphere. Here you can merge with it, become a part of it. Such is the Divnogorye Museum-Reserve - a real gem of the Voronezh region. This place is unique in that the area of ​​1,100 hectares combines natural, historical, cultural, and architectural monuments. This is a very special world, fully consistent with its name. About the local beauty is mentioned in the peculiar travel notes of Metropolitan Pimen, who traveled along the Don to the Sea of ​​Azov in 1389.

Reserve "Divnogorye"

Voronezh region is located in the central zone of the Russian Federation. The amazing landscape sets off the beauty of what is called historical and cultural heritage. The reserve "Divnogorye" includes parts of the valleys of the Don and Tikhaya Pine rivers . In addition, a section of the Central Russian Upland breaks off with a sharp ledge to the flood meadows. The symbol of the reserve is the Big and Small Divas - the chalk remnants that gave it the name.

Voronezh region reserve
It was them who were mentioned in their notes by Metropolitan Pimen as white, surprisingly beautiful stone pillars standing over the Pine River. No less unique is such a natural object as the chalk canyon with steep ledges. Extremely beautiful, located in the European part of Russia, the Voronezh region, the Divnogorye Reserve confirms this.


The local flora is so diverse and rich in relic plants that with the light hand of one famous scientist Divnogorye, together with the territories adjacent to it, is called the “botanical Mecca”.

It is believed that at least once in a lifetime these regions are simply obliged to visit every self-respecting connoisseur of the plant world. These places are also interesting for entomologists, because there are 25 species of rare insects.

nature reserves photos

Such a beautiful land could not leave indifferent our ancestors, not for nothing that many tribes lived in these parts, replacing each other. One of the testimonies to this is the Mayatskoe settlement, the main archaeological site of the reserve, the appearance of which dates back to the 9-10th century AD.

Being here, it is difficult to believe that this is the modern Voronezh region - the reserve seems to bring you back many centuries ago.

In the times that replaced those when the Mayatskoye settlement appeared, the monks settled here, building caves in the chalk slopes. Now here is a place of pilgrimage for those who are partial to Orthodoxy, to the history of its formation in Russia.

Directly on the territory of the museum-reserve is the existing male Holy Assumption Monastery. And in the immediate vicinity of the Mayatsk settlement, next to the Divnogorye hamlet, is the cave church of the Sicilian Icon of the Mother of God of the 17th century.

Divnogorye reserve Voronezh region

Voronezh Region: Grafsky Nature Reserve

With a conservation goal, back in 1927, a state natural biosphere reserve was created in these places. Work began even before the revolution with a hunting menagerie located in the Usman forest, where several red deer were brought from Germany , and European beavers from Belarus, who quickly fled to freedom, were brought from Germany. Animals survived and formed a small colony here. First of all, it was precisely to preserve this endangered species - the river beaver - that a reserve was subsequently created.

nature reserves photos

But its functions, of course, are not limited to this. Since 1934, a nature museum has been operating here, the exhibition area of ​​which today is more than 800 square meters. In its five rooms, dioramas are presented, thanks to which you can get acquainted with the local flora and fauna, see soil monoliths, various layouts, an entomological collection and much more. The count's reserve of the Voronezh region with its unique sights will interest not only those who have devoted their lives to the natural sciences, but also any person who is not indifferent to nature.

What to see?

Museum employees conduct excursions not only directly in it, but also on local ecological routes, as well as on its central estate. And there really is something to see and something to be surprised at. The three-hundred-year-old, the so-called “Petrovsky” oak, demonstration enclosures with animals, arboretum, zoo corner ... and, of course, the only experimental beaver nursery in the Russian Federation do not leave anyone indifferent.

If you were attracted to the Voronezh region, you should definitely visit the reserve, and devote as much time as possible to getting to know it.

Voronezh region reserve


Tourists are not attracted to souvenirs and exotic products. What is really worth bringing from there is impressions and mood. And their best "custodians" - of course, pictures. When visiting nature reserves, you must take a photo. Because you can look at them later, recalling this amazing beauty.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17050/

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