Ornamental plant Fittonia mix: home care

fittonia mix photo

The home oasis on the windowsill of an amateur gardener, as a rule, consists of plants that are transferred to our climate from southern, warm countries and adapted for cultivation in small containers and pots. Fittonia mix also belongs to those, the photo of which gives an idea of ​​how wonderful it looks. This herbaceous plant belongs to the family Acanthus, has about 10 species. It is perennial, low, groundcover, with creeping shoots and silver-yellow flowers. Its most important decorative element is elliptical leaves up to 10 cm long. They can have a variety of colors: olive, dark green, with dark pink veins.

The birthplace of the flower is South America, namely Peru. It is very convenient to breed in a city apartment. Fittonia mix is ​​growing very fast. Home care for the flower is to maintain humidity, watering and top dressing. A native of the hot tropics prefers bright light, but still it must be protected from direct sunlight. Even in a light shade, on the north window, the plant will develop safely. In the room where it is contained, must be at least plus 18 degrees, permissible - from 22 to 25 ° C. In order for Fittonia mix to develop successfully, flower care should include avoiding sudden changes in temperature in the room. Leaves may fall from this. To ensure adequate lighting in the winter, fluorescent lamps can be used . With its lack, the plant will stretch and lose its decorative effect. Does not like this flower from the tropics of drafts. It is strongly not recommended to take the plant to the garden or to the balcony. Dry air is also contraindicated for him, so it should not be placed close to heating appliances.

The plant has a Fittonia mix, home care which is the same as for its counterparts from the hot tropics, there are the following varieties: Perseus and Fittonia silver. In nature, there is a giant (up to sixty centimeters in height) and Versharffelta (branching plant). Due to its decorative qualities, it adorns the windows of amateur gardeners.

fittonia mix care

Like any other plant, Fittonia mix requires nutrition, home care for it involves the introduction of a half dose of complex mineral or organic fertilizers into the soil in the spring and summer months. This operation is performed every ten days. Since the plant is tropical, it is necessary to monitor air humidity and conduct regular spraying. The soil, especially during the growing season, must always be moist. But stagnation of water at the roots should be avoided. A flower transplant is carried out annually in the spring.

fittonia mix home care

Previously, this exotic plant could be grown only in special greenhouses. There he created the necessary microclimate in compliance with the temperature regime. Nowadays, special varieties have been bred, and now the fittonia mix is ​​safely surviving at home. Home care for such varieties as "Nana" is not so strict and demanding. Plants are adapted to the conditions of a city apartment.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17051/

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