Inner culture is ... The history of the concept

The external and internal culture of a person is very important for the improvement of personality. Indeed, the level of development of a person depends not only on the knowledge that is given to him during his studies at educational institutions. Let's look at what external and internal culture is and why they are so important.

inner culture is

What is culture

The concept of culture includes a certain list of basic human values, according to which a person lives and which he communicates while communicating with other people. By culture is meant what kind of lifestyle a person seeks, what goals he sets for himself.

It is known that culture was born along with the process of human self-development. It is a kind of development measure. Inner culture is material and spiritual values, sociocultural norms, ways of behavior and communication. External is a person’s self-realization, his creative activity, important for society, which can change the existing world, human behavior, an example of his communication with other people and with the world. Naturally, internal and external culture are closely interconnected and cannot exist without each other.

external and internal culture

Culture and Archeology

Why is the culture of man, settlements, civilizations at different stages of evolution so important in archeology? With its help, scientists can reproduce that pattern of everyday actions, values ​​that surrounded humanity at a certain stage of development. Found destroyed structures, utensils, examples of writing can tell a lot. Already starting from this, you can find out the features of the ancestors, understand the relationship between them and the surrounding society (if on a global scale - with other civilizations living on neighboring continents).

Culture and History

Even during the existence of Ancient Chinese civilization, the term "zhen" existed, which meant the purposeful impact of man on nature. For example, there is a world where it is ordinary in the state of aggregation. And suddenly a person created something (a new currency, a new theory, a new tool of labor), and the state of aggregation of the world changed from this. This is how man acted on the world, and so he changed it. In ancient Indian civilization, this concept meant the word "dharma."

organization internal culture

An important role was given to the education and training of man. So, in ancient times, culture was closely associated with human development. In ancient Greece, the word "paideia" existed, meaning "upbringing." According to this criterion, the ancient Greeks divided humanity into cultural people and barbarians. But the level of education in behavior and communication reflects only the external manifestation of culture.

Ancient Roman civilization took Greek values ​​as a basis and developed them. So culture began to correlate with signs of personal excellence. Particular attention was paid to the development of the soul and body, the level of moral and mental "education". This representation of culture is closest to the modern concept.

But inner culture is also the presence of material wealth. For example, a low level of cultural development was also a characteristic reflection of the low rate of development of material production in feudal society. There were positive outbursts: the Renaissance.

what is included in the concept of internal culture

Culture in the present

Now the term "culture" is often used in the context of the sphere of production. In this interpretation, this includes education, upbringing, the media, cultural and educational institutions. This also includes all that is created by human hands for the development of society and the world.

Inner culture

The result of cultural evolution is the formation of a human person. After all, a person learns the external expression of a materialized culture, and in the process of cognition, his own world is formed. Inner culture is a person’s attitude to himself and to others, this is the one and only human inner world in which he lives. And according to his world, he identifies everything that happens in reality.

The criterion for evaluating a person depends on his humanity (humanity). So, internal culture is human strength and ability, personal qualities, spirituality and potential of a person who are constantly in the process of development.

The level of education and upbringing is an integral part of the development of human internal culture. Organizations that contribute to excellence are schools, academies, seminaries, and other institutions. They help a person not only become more intelligent and spiritual, but also teach his profession, thanks to which a person can contribute to the development of the world.

human internal and external culture

And here is the answer to the question of what is included in the concept of internal culture. Intelligence and spirituality. The presence of these human qualities means that a person lives in truth and conscience, is fair and free, moral and humane, selfless and honest. In addition, it has a sense of responsibility, a high level of overall cultural development and tact. And of course, one of the leading qualities is decency.

The opposite of inner culture

The degradation of a person’s internal culture is manifested in a hectic way of life, the appearance of such qualities as egoism, cynicism, irresponsibility, cruelty, and contempt for morality.

It is worth noting that all these qualities, good and bad, are acquired in the process of human communication from childhood to the end of life. So for the development of internal culture, a person needs to surround himself with relevant people.


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