How to plant onions? How to plant onions on greens? How to plant onion sets?

All gardeners probably tried to grow onions in their infield. This would seem to be a fairly simple process. However, in reality, in order to get an excellent crop of this vegetable crop, it is very important to know some agrotechnical subtleties. Let's try to understand in detail how to plant the onion correctly. So let's get started.

how to plant onions

Seat selection

When planting onions, it is very important to remember that you should not plant this vegetable for several years in a row in one place. This is due to the fact that various diseases and pests accumulate in the soil, the earth tends to become depleted and lose its fertile properties. That is why, before deciding how to plant an onion, it is worth choosing the most suitable place for it. It is recommended that the forerunners of this crop on earth are cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes or potatoes. It is also worth considering that onions will not give a good harvest in heavy clay soil, it should be loose, light and fertile.


In the question of how to plant onions, proper soil preparation is of great importance . This should be done in the fall: at this time of the year you need to feed the earth with fertilizers. If top dressing was not performed during this period, then in spring, when digging, you should add mineral fertilizers (preferably nitrofosk) or rotted manure and humus.

Immediately after this, it is necessary to engage in the formation of beds, the width and length of which each gardener can determine at his discretion. The only thing between the rows of onions is recommended to leave a distance of at least 20 cm.

Planting seeds

Onions are grown from sevka, which is a valuable seed material. Also, a good crop can be obtained from seeds, the planting of which is worth thinking about a year earlier.

how to plant onions on a turnip

Before planting, it is necessary to soak the onion seeds for 7 days at room temperature. In order to accelerate this process, it is possible to increase the water temperature to 40 degrees. In this case, soaking the seeds will take only 8 hours.

Sowing onions, depending on the readiness of the soil and the desired harvest time, can be both in spring and autumn. For 1 square. m of soil, on average, 10 g of seeds are required, which must be covered with a layer of humus, and then mulched with peat or leafy soil.

Planting Sevka

How to plant onions on a turnip and get the most rich harvest? To do this, it is recommended to use seeds as seed material - small onions in size (no more than two cm). On the eve of landing, they must be sorted out, all dried and diseased specimens removed to the side, leaving an exceptionally healthy and strong sevc. In order to prevent fungal diseases 2 weeks before the intended planting, you should warm the bulbs to a temperature of 42 degrees for eight hours.

Many inexperienced gardeners do not know when to plant onions in the spring. Sevka is usually planted in early May, when the soil has already warmed up enough. Before planting, they cut it a little, and after soaking it for about a day in water mixed with slurry (6 parts of manure per 1 part of water). Onions are planted in prepared furrows, which are covered with humus on top.

how to plant onion sets

How to plant onions on greens

Onion leaves are rich in a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and other useful substances. In addition, having a pleasant taste, they are an indispensable ingredient in many salads and other dishes. Therefore, many gardeners plant onions specifically for green feathers.

It is possible to grow onions on greens both in the open air, and practically in any room. To get an excellent harvest of onion greens, you should opt for such varieties as Arzamassky, Pogarsky, Rostov.

The rules for planting onions on greens are for the most part similar to those that have already been examined by us. The main difference is that when growing onion greens, it is necessary to abandon the use of various chemicals to protect and stimulate growth. In order to grow leaves and obtain a lush bush of greenery, it is recommended that the bulbs be trimmed slightly before planting them in the soil.

how to plant onions on greens

Care Rules

To get a good harvest, it’s not enough just to know how to plant onion sets, it is necessary and to provide him with proper care. First of all, in the first 2 weeks, increased attention should be paid to watering plants. This is because it is water that is crucial for the process of leaf and root formation. In order for moisture to penetrate well into the soil, after each watering, the earth must be loosened.

When growing onions, it is very important to ensure that the topsoil is always in a loose state (4-5 cm in depth). Loosening is an effective way to destroy weeds that can adversely affect the development of crops. So, if a vegetable was grown surrounded by weeds, then it is likely that the neck of the onion will become juicy, which will lead to the inability to store the resulting crop.

As you grow, you should thin out the onion, and try to do it evenly and so that between the two plants there is a distance of 8-10 cm.

when to plant onions in spring

During the growing season, fertilizing the culture should be carried out, and it is recommended to do this in 3 doses. So, the first time you need to apply fertilizer when the leaves are still light in color. You can use ordinary mullein, urea, or bird droppings. After 15 days, a second top dressing is required, this time using nitrofoska. And the final dressing, using superphosphate, should be done when the bulbs reach a size of 3-4 cm in diameter.

Disease prevention

Timely measures taken to protect plants prevent the occurrence and development of many diseases. So, treatment with vitriol effectively rescues from fungal infections, which should be carried out when the pen reaches a size of 12 cm. For this purpose, 1 tbsp. Of water should be diluted in 10 l. l liquid soap and 1 tsp. vitriol and spray the resulting feather with a green feather. On average per 1 square. m beds should be spent about Β½ liter of funds.

Knowing how to plant onions, as well as fulfilling all the recommendations for caring for this plant, you can get a plentiful harvest.


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