Museum of Erotica in St. Petersburg: about the hidden openly

The Museum of Erotica in St. Petersburg attracts with its ambiguity. Bright unusual expositions excite and excite even the most trained viewers. The nudity of the exhibits, ambiguous poses and candid sketches make many visitors blush with embarrassment.

The idea of ​​creating an unusual museum

Exhibitions of erotic exhibits appeared in the 60s of the last century. However, only a few were to become true cultural centers.

MuzEros, opened on February 14, 2013, is also striving to be such a place. The date was chosen by chance and is timed to Valentine's Day.

Despite the fact that the gallery has an unusual status and has a historical hall, it is a very modern institution. This is evidenced by the design of the exhibition, which meets the needs of our time, and the essence of the expositions. The purpose of the functioning of "MuzEros" is:

  • The discovery of secret milestones of the erotic culture of Russia and the world before visitors.
  • Raising the perception of erotic art by ordinary inhabitants to a new level.
Erotic equipment

The main creator of the Museum of Erotica in St. Petersburg is Alexander Rugaev, who sacrificed his personal collection to open an unusual place. Also, in the process of preparing the expositions, they were guided by the advice and consultations of leading museum specialists in Russia Joseph Kablitsky and Alexander Borovsky.

Brief description of MuzEros

The Erotic Museum of the Northern Capital of Russia is one of the largest in the world. Its area is nine hundred square meters.

The room consists of five rooms, which are devoted to objects of erotic art. In addition, the historical gallery covers the development of eroticism from the Ancient World to the present day. In addition to subject displays, the MuzEros has a hall equipped with a 3D cinema. Periodically there is an update of exhibition galleries, replenishment with new objects of an erotic direction.

museum exhibit

In addition to the above, in the Museum of Erotica there is a reading room, where you can get acquainted with new trends in this area in a relaxed atmosphere.

The main expositions of "MuzEros" in St. Petersburg

The extraordinary nature of these exhibitions is striking right from the doorway. There, visitors are greeted by a figure that vaguely resembles a Russian nesting doll. However, this is a modern, erotic image of her. The lady (if you can call it that doll) is “dressed” in a set of bikinis and stockings with suspenders. It is this figure that is the emblem of the Museum of Erotica in St. Petersburg.

Enlightenment of the population and the removal of artificial bans is the main task of MuzEros. All expositions, in spite of external frivolity, have a hidden instructive meaning. For example, in the historical hall you can learn about the erotic culture of not only many countries, but also from different eras. The intimate side of human life can affect the course of history as a whole. Knowing the erotic culture of states, you can discover the pitfalls of past events.

Catherine II with a favorite

The Erotic Museum is extremely modern. This is evidenced by the multimedia room. In the 3D cinema, you can review paintings with the status of 18+ and "travel" to museums of the world’s eroticism.

Photos, sculptures, paintings of intimate content are presented in the exhibition hall. In "MuzEros" there is also a hall of modern art and an erotic culture. Here you can get acquainted with the traditions of sexual relationships at different times - today and in the past.

A unique feature of the Erotic Museum is that you can touch all the exhibits with your hands, and also sit on thrones and armchairs. Also allowed photo shoots on the background of exhibition items.

Famous erotic museums in the world

"MuzEros" in St. Petersburg is not the only collection of intimate household items. In addition to him, in the world there are other famous museums of erotica. The most visited are:

  • The Paris Museum, occupying seven rooms. Three halls are reserved for permanent exhibitions, and four periodically update exhibitions. The Paris Museum of Erotica contains both works of art and a variety of intimate gizmos.
  • The sex gallery in the capital of Denmark, Copenhagen, is known for its information about the love affairs of famous people: from Hans Christian Andersen to Sigmund Freud.
  • Prague Sex Machines Museum, representing erotic equipment from ancient times to the present. Special attention is paid to sex swings from the Czech prison.

Address and timetable of the Museum of Erotica in St. Petersburg

The gallery is open daily from 11:00 to 23:00. Address of "MuzEros": Sedova street, 11A. The halls are located in the building of the Eureka shopping center on the second floor.

It is noteworthy that visitors can purchase a subscription to the museum. Such a purchase makes it possible to freely attend all the halls, as well as master classes, paid trainings with a significant discount and all the demonstrations of erotic films.


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