Final lesson in the middle group in mathematics and drawing: outline

Parenting and educating children is an important and responsible activity that an experienced teacher should approach with his head. The final lesson in the middle group in mathematics and drawing should be held, like any other, in a playful way, preferably with the use of modern technical means and costumes.

final lesson in the middle group in mathematics


Many teachers and parents are interested in how to conduct the final lesson in the middle group in mathematics? What standard should our children be taught? For those who are confused, it is worth noting right away that FGT and GEF are two completely different areas of child education that are used in different age groups. FGT is used in preschool education and is aimed more at the socialization of the younger generation, while GEF is used directly in schools and serves as the basis for obtaining practical and theoretical knowledge by the child.

Do I need to use GEF in kindergarten? Of course not. The restless and tenacious mind of a preschooler is not able to stand idle for a long time or dutifully and sadly absorb information, so using game forms with the interaction of an adult and a child will be the best way out.

final lesson in mathematics in the middle group

According to GEF

If in your kindergarten practice classes on GEF, then the child can only sympathize. However, it is not for you to discuss the actions of management. So, how to conduct the final lesson in the middle group in mathematics in GEF?

  1. Before conducting, specify for yourself the purpose of the lesson. What material needs to be checked, what to fix?
  2. Set a time limit for children. Speaking it is not necessary, but the main thing is not to indulge the cries: "I did not have time!" and complete the survey on time. Note that for more than 30-40 minutes you are unlikely to be able to keep them in place.
  3. Interviewing children is best done in test form. But this does not mean that you can give a test and leave. All questions and explanations to them should be asked by the teacher.
  4. You ask a question, describe the problem and point out the answers to the children. For example: Vova had 5 apples, he gave one to his mother, how much is left? If you think four, mark the letter "a", if three, circle the letter "b".
  5. Lesson is best done in the morning. During lunch and a quiet hour, you will have time to check what the children have written.

The situation is similar with drawing. Your task is simple - give the children a theme and give free rein to their imagination. You only need to check the drawing, and not point out errors or help during the process.

final lesson in the middle group in mathematics and drawing


The goal of any final lesson in kindergarten is not to determine who is better than others, but to identify gaps in knowledge so that the parents of the child know what to deviate in learning while there is free time. If the teacher is told that this is his job, then you can safely answer that raising a child is a sacred duty, and so are the parents. In difficult cases, when the child is not amenable to training, it is necessary to cope with this with collective forces, and not push "aunts" to strangers.

Therefore, before any activity, children need to be motivated. One of the strongest arguments may be a desire to please parents. Children should understand that having passed the β€œtests” of the final lesson with dignity and coped with the tasks of the final lesson best of all, they will definitely receive praise from their parents. But don't overdo it. Children should not despair if they cannot do something. They should not have a thought in their head: "I did not succeed, which means that my mother does not love me." The lesson is best done under the motto: "Let's show parents what they are capable of!"


Finally, we got to a nicer topic. So, occupation, mathematics (middle group). The final exercise should contain many nuances and factors. How to carry it out? The final lesson in the middle group in mathematics is best done using the FGT system, and therefore, in a playful way. Your task is to initially set a goal: to test the knowledge of children over the past year. Remember everything you taught them.

final lesson in the middle group in mathematics in fgos

What topics can be considered by the teacher when the final lesson in the middle group in mathematics takes place?

  • Be able to count to 5 (one, two ...).
  • Fix the skill of the ordinal count to 5 (first, second ...).
  • To be able to name geometric shapes and compare their sizes in the correct form (larger, smaller, wider, tallest).
  • Be able to identify an excess object in a series of similar ones.
  • To be able to correlate the figure with the quantity (three cherries - 3 in the figure).

Remember that the final lesson in the middle group in mathematics should be conducted in a playful way. If the group has two teachers working in shifts, then it would be good to organize the final lesson under the control of both. This will allow one of you to change clothes and become an β€œinvited guest”.


Conducting a final lesson in mathematics in the middle group is much more difficult than drawing. What should a child know about flowers and paints? First of all, you need to test the ability of a preschooler to work with color, be able to mix some colors to get others (red + blue = purple; blue + yellow = green).

To conduct the final lesson, prepare several topics from which the children will choose. It should be something close and familiar to everyone.

  • House.
  • A family.
  • Nature.
  • Traffic Laws.
  • Favorite toy.
  • An episode from a remembered dream.

lesson math middle group final

During the lesson, the teacher must constantly communicate with the children, but not interfere with their creation. Wait 10 minutes after the start of the lesson and begin to go around the children, checking the drawings. Ask them what they are drawing. Give tips on how best to depict one or another moment in the picture, but in no case do not take the brush from their hands, remember the motivation that was mentioned earlier.


As a result of the classes you should have a holistic picture of the abilities of the pupils. The final lesson in mathematics in the middle group should be the time when you can write down the problems of your students in the notebook and then tell your parents about them so that they can help you correct the shortcomings and omissions in the development of the preschooler.


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