Types of stairs to the second floor. How to make a staircase to the second floor yourself?

In the modern world, people try to maximize their housing, make it comfortable and convenient. But sometimes in order to realize all the ideas, you need too much free space. For this reason, recently preferred two-story houses. The advantage of such buildings is that the increase in living space is due to the height of the house.

types of stairs to the second floor

However, having decided on this option, it is worth considering that one of the most important stages is the choice of stairs. Not everyone understands the seriousness of this issue. Indeed, the safety of the people living there will depend on the strength and reliability of the structure. Below we consider in more detail what kind of stairs there are for a house.

Types of stairs for a private house

All the variety of designs and designs can be divided into three subspecies:

  • screw;
  • marching;
  • combined.

view of the stairs from the second floor

Determining the type of stairs, it is necessary to take into account the total area of ​​the house, the location of the bearing walls, interior design and other factors. Unfortunately, the option that is not always liked is suitable for all technical characteristics.

Screw constructions

Spiral staircases to the second floor are quite common. They are a rod responsible for the support, with steps located around it in a spiral. This variety is ideal for small rooms, but it is worth noting that its design is not very convenient, and sometimes even dangerous. The width of the spiral staircase is about 1 square. m. Its construction is possible anywhere, regardless of the location of walls, windows, doors. Often, these structures can be found in the center of the room, which does not burden the space at all, but, on the contrary, gives it a certain charm and sophistication.

March Staircase

The simple and safe design of the flight of stairs fits seamlessly into spacious houses. Its classic design, straightforward forms and severity of lines will give the space simplicity and conciseness. As a rule, these types of stairs to the second floor consist of two marches and a platform between them. A similar design gives the structure a magnificent appearance. In order for the staircase to be comfortable enough, professionals recommend maintaining a certain height and width of steps, as well as their number should be no more than 16 on one march.

types of stairs to the second floor installation instructions

Such structures can be given different shapes: L-shaped or U-shaped. The first option is two flights of stairs, connected to each other at right angles and passing near adjacent walls. At the turning point, you can equip the site or install rotary steps. If you build such a staircase in a spacious hall or living room, then under it you can equip a built-in wardrobe, pantry or just shelves where you can place a lot of things.

U-shaped structures are large and are most often used in hotels, mansions, culture houses. This is mainly due to the fact that the dimensions of such stairs are designed for a large cross. Their design consists of three marches. At the beginning there is the first (the widest), at the end of it there is a landing, and already the other two flights go from it, which are located at an angle of 180 degrees relative to each other.

stairs to the second floor design

Such types of stairs to the second floor are considered the most convenient and ergonomic, therefore, are in great demand. They are completely safe for both children and the elderly.

Combined staircase

Such models are the most balanced in all respects. They can simultaneously combine curved and rectilinear, arched, spiral, curved elements. There are no special rules in the design. It takes into account the personal preferences of the owners, especially the layout and imagination of the designer. It is worth noting that these types of stairs to the second floor are the most original and beautiful. They fulfill not only their intended purpose, but are also a central subject in the interior.

Materials for stairs

In order to build the frame of the stairs indoors, you can use materials such as metal, brick, wood, cinder block, natural stone. The decoration can be made of plastic inserts, stainless steel, glass and other elements.

stairs for the house types of stairs for the private house

Consider the most popular types:

  • Ladder made of wood. Such material is relatively inexpensive, easy to process, it can be painted with paints and varnishes. Stairs to the second floor (the design is quite diverse) can be made from inexpensive wood species (such as pine), and from valuable, even exotic. This is what directly affects their price. The most magnificent are those models in which several types of wood are used at once.
  • Metal structures are the most durable and most durable staircases. Such material can act as the basis for the structure, which will subsequently be sheathed in wood or laid out with stone, or as an independent object. Railings can be decorated with forged elements, handrails - stainless or chromed metal. Ideal for such interior styles as minimalism, hi-tech, classic.
  • Stone stairs. The frame of this model can be laid out with the help of special blocks, or the flight of stairs is poured with a solid slab. Such structures are rather bulky and voluminous; their installation is possible at the initial stage of building a house. They are strong and durable. Such stairs are decorated most often with natural or artificial stone.
    do-it-yourself staircase designs to the second floor

Staircase Construction: Highlights

How to make a staircase to the second floor yourself? This question is often asked by many people. In order to answer it, you must first familiarize yourself with the basics of the supporting structure. So what does it consist of:

  • Racks are used in spiral staircases, they serve as a support, have a vertical position.
  • A bowstring is a beam that creates a reliable support for the steps, supporting them from below and on the sides.
  • Kosoura - solid structures, consisting of a beam with protrusions. They are used for direct mounting of the step.
  • Bolts - support pins, which are a bolted connection with which the steps are securely attached to the wall.

how to make a staircase to the second floor yourself
Also, when designing a staircase yourself, it is very important to correctly calculate the angle of elevation, the strength of the supporting structure, the width and height of the steps.

Matching staircase design and interior styles

In which room the staircase to the second floor will be installed, it does not really matter. In this matter, it is necessary to be guided by the ease of use and the presence of certain sizes of the room. The main thing is to make accurate measurements, as well as determine the purpose of the room, because it is not entirely ethical to make a passage, for example, from a bedroom. It is especially important to take this into account when designing stairs to the second floor with your own hands.

It is also worth paying attention to the overall design of the house, since the shapes, decoration, colors should fully correspond to each other. Of course, the practicality and reliability of the staircase construction are quite significant criteria, however, design cannot be neglected either, because the living space should be harmonious and aesthetic.

types of stairs to the second floor

  • Country style. The most relevant for such houses will be wooden stairs, simple, without excessive pretentiousness.
  • Minimalism. Lightweight, compact designs without heavy and bulky railings will do.
  • Art Deco. Bright and unusual staircase with original shapes and finishes. It should fully comply with the main contrasting interior item.
  • High tech. The combination of glass and metal. The most seamlessly fit light model with chrome elements.
  • Baroque. Volumetric, majestic ornate design. Such stairs are often decorated with gilding, openwork carvings, sculptures, stucco moldings.

How to build a staircase?

Certain types of stairs are installed in different ways. For example, the construction on the kosoura is planned at the construction stage of the house, on the racks - during decoration. So, we will consider how to install wooden types of stairs on the second floor.

types of stairs to the second floor

Installation instructions:

  • Drawing up a project plan, where optimal sizes, angle of inclination, number of steps, etc. will be calculated.
  • Installation of the base. You can use bowstrings or kosour. When installing beam supports, it is necessary to maintain the level.
  • We pass to the steps. The optimal thickness of the board is not less than 35 cm. The width and height of the risers should be of such a size that it is most convenient to move up the stairs. It is necessary to monitor the quality of wood processing, since the strength and durability of the structure will depend on this. The length of the steps should correspond to the width of the stairs. It is imperative to sand their surface and cut off sharp edges.
  • After all the necessary number of steps has been prepared, you can proceed with their installation. They are fastened with carpentry glue and screws.
  • Railing. Ready-made handrails or balusters are perfect for them. They can be of various designs and shapes. The fastening of the railing support occurs at the beginning and end of the stairs.
  • After installation, the tree must be primed and coated with any paintwork. It is worth paying attention that for steps it is impossible to select a coating that will form a slippery surface. This is extremely unsafe and can lead to quite serious consequences.
  • The last step will be the decoration of the attachment points. To do this, it is recommended to install special plugs.
    types of stairs to the second floor

Important Tips

The width and height of the steps is a fairly significant nuance in the construction of the stairs. Climbing it should be as convenient as possible for each member of the family. Based on this, conformity standards have been developed, for example 18:28, 17:29, 19:29.

The safest and most comfortable slope of the flight of stairs - 40 degrees. The view of the stairs from the second floor should in no case be threatening, this can lead to the fact that the child will simply refuse to go down on their own.

types of stairs to the second floor

The staircase in the house is a very important piece of furniture. It is not only used to get to the second floor, but also with the help of this design gives the space originality and contrast.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17079/

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