Proverbs and sayings about the defenders of the Fatherland: origin, meaning and examples

Since childhood, we have been familiar with such a kind of folk art as proverbs and sayings. Our grandmothers and grandfathers, mothers and fathers told us verbally, and now we have become parents ourselves, we pass on the folk wisdom to our children. Including proverbs and sayings about the defenders of the Fatherland.

proverbs and sayings about the defenders of the fatherland

What are proverbs and sayings

Proverbs and sayings appeared a very long time ago. In those days, there were almost no literate people who could read and write their thoughts on paper. All the wisdom of the people, all the observed patterns and cases passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation in the form of tales, proverbs, sayings and similar literary forms. This is real oral creativity with a deep meaning and content, accumulated over the long years of life of our ancestors over the centuries.

Proverbs and sayings about the defenders of the Fatherland were important and relevant then, have remained so now. Then fathers, grandfathers, husbands protected their villages from raids by wild animals, from enemy villages, from robbers and other problems of humanity of that time. They defended their home, their children and women. For that they were honored with the memory that is transmitted to our time by proverbs and sayings about the defenders of the Fatherland.

proverbs and sayings about the defenders of the fatherland for children

The meaning and importance of proverbs and sayings

The meaning of any art direction is to instill positive thoughts and emotions into the mind of the listener or observer, to teach the correct behavior and actions, to warn against mistakes and accidents. The same meaning lies in the proverbs and sayings about the defenders of the Fatherland for children.

Listening to them, boys should understand their mission to be strong, a support for their loved ones, their stone wall. They understand the importance of nobility and generous deeds, sayings inspire courage and self-confidence.

Girls need to understand what social role awaits them. Proverbs and sayings about the defenders of the Fatherland teach them how to care for their defenders. They explain the need for tenderness, softness, affection. The importance of the family and what it is built on and supported on is also fully conveyed in these oral creations.

proverbs and sayings about defenders of the fatherland for schoolchildren

How to introduce a child to the world of proverbs and sayings

Children are active, they want to play, not read boring books. But games can also be educational in nature. Proverbs and sayings about the defenders of the Fatherland for students can be used in the game. For example, when children play the same catch-ups, salki, Cossack robbers, etc. during their breaks or in their free time from school, casually drop a phrase, compare boys with the heroes of famous sayings, instill in them the spirit of heroism and courage.

Read the tales to the children more often. They have a whole mass of useful information that will help the child to develop emotionally correctly and instill a love for the beautiful. In old Russian fairy tales, the frequency of using proverbs is just off scale. The process of listening to a fairy tale before bedtime will reassure the child, set in a positive mood, teach you not to be afraid of different things and give faith in magic. Childhood without such faith is not childhood. This is the most important point we pass on to children.

Examples of sayings and proverbs

A good example: "Fight for a just cause boldly." If the cause is noble, right, if there is no lie and self-interest in it, then it must be defended with zeal and courage, not be afraid that they will ridicule or threaten. The truth should be in the future man in the first place. And girls should know the value of honesty and good deeds.

"Everyone has his own side." An example that explains that people have different positions, everyone thinks differently and convincing someone is difficult, and not necessary. Opinions should be different, but conflict due to divergence of views is not a good idea.

You can use proverbs and sayings at children's parties, matinees, concerts and amateur performances. Create your own educational and entertainment program and instill good thoughts in your children.


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