Potato cancer: pathogen, pathways, methods of control

When growing potatoes, many are faced with some diseases of the crop. Often the tubers of a plant infect cancer. The causative agent of this disease is a fungus belonging to the group of biotrophic bacteria. It is worth noting that potato cancer is a quarantine disease that can partially or completely destroy the crop.

potato cancer

Distribution Features

Potato cancer was first detected in 1888. Today, this disease has spread almost throughout Europe. Least of all the disease is found in America, New Zealand and Africa.

In our country, potato cancer has been noticed already in many regions where this crop is grown. Plants planted in personal plots are especially susceptible to this ailment. The smallest effects of cancer are yields in the southern and northern regions.

It is worth noting that the disease spread throughout Russia during the Great Patriotic War. The fungus is able to affect not only potatoes. Such microorganisms can ruin the harvest of pepper, beets, eggplant, tomatoes and so on.

plant quarantine

The main symptoms of the disease

Cancer of potato tubers is not difficult to recognize, as the disease has pronounced symptoms. However, signs of the disease should be identified in a timely manner. Otherwise, the infection will spread rapidly.

With this disease, plant tubers are covered with growths that begin to grow from the eyes. Outwardly, such neoplasms resemble cauliflower inflorescences. The size of the growths can be from millimeters to tens of centimeters.

Initially, tumors on the tubers have a light yellow tint. However, gradually their color changes and becomes dark brown. At the same time, growths begin to decay and decay.

In some cases, neoplasms occur on leaves and stems just above ground level. In this case, the disease does not affect the roots, since the fungus infects young plant tissues. If the conditions for the pathogen are unfavorable, then leaf-shaped growths can be formed that look outwardly like pine cones, as well as hard crusts, very similar to scab.

If the disease has a corrugated shape, then the tubers become wrinkled after infection. On their surface can form flows, waves and indentations.

when to plant potatoes

How is the disease spread?

Potato cancer is a disease that spreads rapidly. In order to timely identify the ailment, you need to know how the infection of healthy plants occurs. The following factors contribute to the spread of the fungus:

  • already infected tubers are present;
  • tubers and seedlings were grown in a flexible area;
  • the infected soil was brought to the site along with a household tool, on which there were clods of soil with a parasitic fungus.

Potato cancer often occurs when a crop has been grown in the same place for many years. The fungus that infects root crops can be brought to the site along with rain and melt water. Of particular importance is manure. If the cattle was fed with infected raw potato tubers, the pathogen can also get into the fertilizer. In a separate area, the mushroom can be brought along with planting material.

What is dangerous fungus

Is potato cancer easy to overcome? The fungus causing the development of this disease is an intracellular organism. The causative agent is highly resistant to external factors. It is worth noting that the focus of infection can persist in the soil for 30 years.

In a period of drought, the causative agent of potato tuber cancer is not able to actively develop. In the absence of sufficient moisture, zoospores simply die. When the rainy season begins, soil contamination is faster. It is because of this resistance that cancer is a dangerous disease for many plant crops.

potato cancer

Danger to humans

The causative agent of potato cancer spreads very quickly. However, the disease of plant crops does not pose a danger to humans. Formally infected vegetables are not recognized as harmful products. They are allowed to sell, even despite the fact that such a product very quickly loses its appearance and greatly deteriorates.

Although potato cancer is not dangerous for humans, experts do not recommend eating contaminated vegetables. In many European countries, there are strict restrictions and measures to eliminate and localize the disease. If a fungus infects at least one plant, the site is considered infected. Planting crops on it is prohibited. In this case, the quarantine of plants begins to operate. The infected area is enclosed at a safe distance. This prevents the spread of the pathogen.

Prevention of ailment

In addition to plant quarantine, various control methods are used for this disease. However, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. In order to prevent, it is worth carrying out the following activities:

  • For planting crops, only proven and healthy planting material should be used;
  • it is necessary to take into account crop rotation and comply with all crop rotation rules;
  • when growing potatoes, it is recommended to use varieties resistant to the causative agent of cancer;
  • Do not plant plants on the infected area;
  • After use, the equipment and working machines are recommended to be thoroughly cleaned of soil lumps.

In addition, it is important to understand when to plant potatoes. Landing is recommended in early spring in sunny and clear weather. Every year, the place where potatoes will be grown needs to be changed. Crop rotation rules must be followed. You can alternate crops with cabbage, cereals and corn. This is the main event in agricultural technology, which reduces the risk of plant cancer.

potato cancer

Choosing a place to land

Potato cancer control measures are completely different. Most importantly, do not plant bulbous plants in areas with affected soil. This will only aggravate the situation and accelerate the spread of the fungus. Home gardens and production sites are usually located one kilometer from the fields with seed crops of potatoes.

To reduce the risk of infection of planting material, tubers are recommended to be treated with a solution of boric acid. The use of fertilizers when planting potatoes in the spring is also important. Usually it is recommended to use mineral mixtures that disinfect the soil and increase the yield. Organic additives are also suitable. Properly selected fertilizer will reduce the risk of plant infection and improve the germination of tubers.

potato tuber cancer

Land quarantine

The causative agent of potato cancer spreads very quickly. Especially if favorable conditions are created for this. Therefore, infected sites are usually quarantined. Vegetable plantings should be regularly inspected. If signs of the disease are detected, the affected plant is removed along with the tops. It is recommended to dig it into the soil to a depth of one meter, and also sprinkle with bleach. As for the remaining plants, they should not be eaten. Harvest from such sites is recommended to be used only for technical purposes. With a quarantine certificate, vegetables can be harvested and exported.

In the affected area, you must strictly follow the quarantine rules. It is forbidden to take affected vegetables and use them as planting material. Manure from animals that were fed contaminated products should not be used to fertilize the plots.

What to do when a focal point is detected

If signs of a foci of plant infection with cancer have been detected, then you should immediately contact the nearest household or inspection. Specialists do not recommend using chemical compounds on their own in potato cancer, since it is very important to follow the technique when working with them. It is better to seek help from those involved in the protection of plants from various diseases. Growing potatoes in the affected area is not recommended for 7 years.

What varieties are resistant to fungus

Planting and growing potato varieties that have resistance to the influence of the pathogen of cancer, can stop the spread of fungus. In addition, such plants help in about 5-6 years to completely clear the soil of the fungus. Varieties of potatoes with different levels of disease resistance cannot be grown in infected areas. Experts recommend changing varieties about once in 5 years.

Among domestic varieties, the most resistant to the causative agent of cancer are:

  • Falensky, Spark, Early yellow, Borodyansky and so on. All of these varieties give an early harvest.
  • As for domestic mid-early varieties, when choosing them, it is worth giving preference to such varieties of potatoes as Ogonyok, Lviv White, Table 19, Savory, Zorka.
  • Among the later ones, Viliya, Candidate, Loshitsky, Sulev, Pavlinka and so on stand out.

fertilizers for planting potatoes in the spring

Foreign varieties

Not all potato varieties are able to withstand plant cancer. Among domestic varieties with a high resistance to cancer, it is worth highlighting Lorch, Ulyanovsk, Tulunsky, Kemerovo, Pink, Priobsky, Ermak, Volzhanin. The listed varieties of potatoes are immune to the disease. Plant cancer almost never affects them.

The most popular foreign varieties of potatoes among gardeners are Arosa, Rosara, Bellarosa. They are resistant to the causative agent of plant cancer. Such varieties can be grown in any region. The main thing is to know when to plant potatoes and what fertilizers to use.

In conclusion

Even a novice grower should know the basic symptoms of potato cancer. This will allow timely detection of plant disease and inform the appropriate services. It is impossible to cope with the disease yourself. The infected area must be quarantined.

It is worth noting that preventive measures help to avoid the loss of the yield of potatoes and other vegetables in the household plot, as well as in sown fields. Subject to crop rotation, soil contamination is extremely rare. In addition to observing the rules of sowing, many resort to other preventive measures. A special role is played by the variety of potatoes, as well as the choice of fertilizers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17083/

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