An orchid leaf turns yellow - is it worth it to worry?

Now orchids are often presented as a gift or bought under the influence of the moment, impressed by their beauty. And now the new owner begins to look after her, having read advice on the Internet or simply based on his own ideas.

Sooner or later, he notices that the leaf turns yellow at the orchid. And for some it can cause infusion

an orchid leaf turns yellow
panic. It is worthwhile to understand why this can happen and whether it is always bad.

The most common case when the lower leaves of an orchid turn yellow is absolutely normal, especially when it comes to the most popular genus phalaenopsis. The flower grows, old leaves die off, turn yellow and dry. In this case, there is no need to panic if the process does not occur too quickly. In the event that dying and drying pass to younger leaves, the watering schedule should be reviewed and, if necessary, adjusted.

Another thing is if the leaf turns yellow at the orchid, located above or in the middle. This may be a sign of rotting of the root system or even a fungal disease. In this case, you need to find out the specific cause of yellowing and eliminate it. Sometimes this can cause the death of the plant. So, if a gardener does not have experience in caring for a plant such as an orchid, the leaves turn yellow. What to do is the first question that arises when this problem appears. First of all, do not panic and consult with more experienced colleagues who, firstly, find out the circumstances in which yellowing began, and secondly, give valuable advice.

The situation when a leaf turns yellow in an orchid can occur with rotting

orchid yellow leaves what to do
and growth points. In this case, yellowness will begin to spread along the young leaves from the base to the tips. Yellow and generally light dry spots on the leaves can also appear as a result of burns due to the poor location of the plant when direct sunlight falls on it. Defeat by insects and parasites can lead to the fact that you will see how the leaf of the orchid turns yellow in full or in part.

Thus, it can be difficult to unequivocally answer the yellowing question without seeing the plant. First you need to see which leaves turn yellow, older or younger, whether the process starts from the base or from the tips. Naturally, you need to carefully inspect the plant: is there any damage other than yellowness, or are there any pests in the pot

the lower leaves of the orchid turn yellow
and on the leaves.

When the reason for the yellowing of the leaf of an orchid is identified, you need to immediately begin treatment: treat the plant with a fungicide or insecticide, if necessary, inspect the roots and adjust the watering. In extreme cases, for resuscitation, you will have to put the flower in the greenhouse and wait until it gets strong enough to move to the pot again.

If yellowness is not caused by natural aging, problems can be prevented. Firstly, it is necessary to clearly regulate watering, it is especially important not to flood. Secondly, each new plant needs to be treated with fungicides and insecticides after purchase, as well as quarantined. And then problems should not arise.


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