Matt Haig: biography, books, reviews

British writer Matt Haig is the author of great books. His works won the hearts of both adult and young readers all over the world. Matt Haig's biography is full of interesting events, many of which influenced his formation as a writer.

Matt Haig


The future writer was born on July 3, 1975 in one of the greenest cities in Europe - Sheffield. For certain family reasons, his childhood years passed in Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire. As a teenager, Matt Haig was enrolled at Hull University, where he studied English and history in depth.

Personal life

Like most writers, actors, musicians and other world-renowned creative people, not much is known about Matt Haig's personal and family life. This is easy to explain, since writers transfer their souls to paper, open their world, share thoughts, ideas, outlooks on life, and that is why they really want to leave at least a part of the universe in which the closest and kin live, away from other people's views and discussions. It is known that the biography of Matt Hague was overshadowed by mental suffering and depressive disorders at the age of 24 years.

Perhaps the books became a cure for his soul, the very “Morpheus pill” that pulled him out of the destructive world of sad thoughts, reborn him, breathed a new way of thinking, the ability to look at the world differently. In one of his interviews, the writer said that depression is that it is useless, it has no form, and stories, on the contrary, have it, in connection with this the books found a place on the shelf of its peculiar antidepressants.

After some time, Matt Haig meets the beautiful Andrea Semple, and soon they have two children. Such prompt events even more quickly help to forget about the difficult periods of youthful years. The joy of communicating with children, the desire to invest in them are all overwhelming, and the inspired author begins to write children's books. One of the great features of works for kids, the author observes, is that you have the opportunity to explore various potentially serious problems with the help of imagination. Perhaps this is the main motive explaining the psychological aspirations, the selected genres and the given atmosphere of his creation.

Matt Haig and family


The variety of professions that Matt Hague has replaced is surprising and compelling. Trying to hear the call of his heart, he first plunged into work in a nightclub in Spain, then organized his own Internet marketing company, and only then "went backstage" and became a world-famous writer. Starting to collaborate with the publications The Guardian, The Sunday Times, Sydney Morning Herald, The Face, The Independent, he climbed a new career ladder.

Creative clock

The novelist and in the future, a children's writer drew great inspiration from such famous writers as Shakespeare, Hemingway, following their style of work. He tried not to attribute the word “labor” to his writing career and replaced it with an easy and laid-back “habit”. At first, Haig measured the quality of written texts by the number of words, but this did not last long. Over time, Matt developed his mechanisms for achieving high-quality syllables and the right semantic presentation. The writer admits that he does not always work fruitfully and, like everyone else, he has months of stagnation.

Matt Haig shared information that he writes better in the morning than in the evening. In moments of insomnia, out of habit, he grabs a laptop and, with a minimum screen brightness, so as not to wake his spouse, begins to create. He notes that there are hours, for example, from 5 to 7 in the morning, which may turn out to be more productive for him than all day until night.

Free time

In the morning, Matt runs through Brighton Beach. He believes that this is an integral component for maintaining psychological health and maintaining peace of mind. The writer admits that often while jogging he is visited by thoughts regarding creative activity. He loves to ponder alone new ideas.

Matt takes time after jogging to yoga classes, which brings additional benefits to the psyche and makes further work more productive.

Books by Matt Haig

The debut novel, The Last Family in England, was published in 2005. Subsequently, the book became a bestseller in the UK.

Matt Haig Book

Haig’s second novel, The Club of the Dead Fathers, is based on the plot of Hamlet. The author laughed it off, saying that his books only carry the spirit of Shakespeare by only 3%, and he borrowed the remaining 97% from Return of the Jedi. Then a series of children's books was written, one of which, "Samuel Blink and the Forbidden Forest," became the winner of many British literary awards.

In 2009, the sequel to The Runaway Troll was released.

And already in 2010, the novel "The Radley Family" was released from the pen of the writer. The work tells about the life of a vampire family living in a small British town. Books about vampires have become very popular among a wide range of readers of different ages. In early 2011, the book was translated into Russian.

Book "The Radley Family"

One of the best-selling works of the author was the book "People and Me", written in 2013. Fantastic metaphors used by the author, clearly and clearly reveal the feelings and emotions of a person in a midlife crisis.

The book "People and Me"

Also in 2013, another incredible book was published - “Being a Cat”. It touched on one of the author’s favorite topics - body exchange. We can say that a certain sadness that permeates the children's books of Mett Haig is a kind of message to adults through stories in the center of the story of which are children.

The memoirs “Reasons to stay alive” for a long time remained the number one bestseller, being in the British ten for 46 weeks. The children's book, The Boy Called Christmas, was also a runaway hit. Today the novel is translated into more than 25 languages.

Matt Haig won the TV Book Club Award. His children's novels won the Smarties Gold Medal, The Book of the Year of Blue Peter, were shortlisted for the Children's Book for Water Award, and were nominated three times for the Carnegie Medal.


Matt Haig's books are loved by readers of all ages around the world. The way the author expresses his thoughts on the pages of books, as well as the intriguing plot of his works can not leave anyone indifferent.

Reviews of books are mostly positive and enthusiastic, which makes people instantly burn with the desire to quickly plunge into the world of reading. Great literature for children, teens, and adults that addresses issues important at a certain age. Having read one book, it’s very difficult to stop - I want to get more deeply acquainted with the work of the writer.

Author Fans

The author, who managed to get such positive feedback from the public and to love thousands of people in his work, is truly worthy of great gratitude and a place in the hearts of lovers of the artistic word!


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