Bright ranunculus. Landing and care

Is it possible to imagine that under such a complex, unusual and rather strange name a beautiful flower from the Lyutikov family can be hidden ? For any flowerbed, ranunculus will be a real decoration. Planting and caring for this amazing flower is not at all complicated, and even a beginner grower can do it. There are many types of this plant that differ in stalk height, shape and color of inflorescences. Depending on the variety, ranunculi resemble unblown roses, oriental poppies, pom-pom dahlias or spherical chrysanthemums.

ranunculus planting and care
These tiny cute plants will become a real decoration of any flowerbed, with their help you can make spectacular borders. Therefore, many gardeners are wondering about how to plant ranunculus so that it delights with its flowering and takes root in the garden. Usually all varieties are divided into two large groups: Asian and Persian. For the middle band, it is better to choose the first, since they are more cold-resistant, although they can not winter.

In sunny and slightly shaded areas, ranunculus feels equally good. Planting and care consist in choosing a warm and calm place, although many flower growers have in practice made sure that the areas blown from all sides do not harm the flowers, but still do not forget that this is a heat-loving plant. Watering is needed regularly, especially in hot weather, but it should be moderate, it is not necessary to fill the soil.

The light, loose and nutritious earth is ideal for a flower like ranunculus. Planting and care involves the selection of fertilized garden soil, although buttercups are not particularly demanding on the soil, if only water does not stagnate in it. Caring for these flowers is quite simple and straightforward, it is no different from caring for other flowering plants. It is necessary to remove weeds, loosen the soil, before and at the end of flowering, add mineral additives, remove wilted inflorescences.

how to plant ranunculus
Depending on the variety, from May to August, ranunculus will bloom over the course of a month. Planting and caring for rhizomes involves planting them on a flower bed in spring and digging them out for storage at the end of summer. If the ranunculus can still winter in the southern regions under fallen leaves, then in climatic conditions of the middle zone it will not survive. As soon as the bush fades and the leaves turn yellow and fall to the ground, the tubers must be carefully dug up. Rhizomes for disinfection are dipped in a potassium permanganate solution for 20 minutes, then dried and stored in paper bags or sawdust at a temperature not exceeding + 6 ยฐ C.

bouquet of ranunculus
In spring, tubers are soaked overnight in a solution of a growth stimulant and planted in open ground. This must be done in May, when it is already warmer and the earth warms up. The flower propagates by seeds and daughter tubers, which are separated from adults and stored in winter under the same conditions. The unpretentiousness and beauty of these plants attract many gardeners. They are planted in flowerbeds in groups, combining different varieties, thus obtaining a bright and colorful carpet. A bouquet of ranunculus will become a real decoration of the living room, cut flowers stand a week and do not lose their natural beauty.


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