A device for measuring electromagnetic radiation: what is it, what is it for, how to do it yourself

A device for measuring electromagnetic radiation allows you to identify negative waves coming from power lines (lines that transmit electricity), household appliances, electrical equipment. Ionizing and non-ionizing currents cannot be felt or seen. Despite this, they can adversely affect human health. By the way, scientists all over the world continue discussions about the benefits and dangers of these signals (ultraviolet, x-ray, radio waves).

electromagnetic radiation meter

Electromagnetic radiation (EMP): what is it?

The force fields that arise near sources or consumers of electric current, this is electromagnetic radiation. It affects all surrounding objects, people, animals. The degree of exposure to these signals is directly affected by the frequency and wavelength.

The impact on a person is exerted by any EMP, starting from an ordinary light bulb, ending with gamma rays, differing only in the amount of one-time exposure. The degree of exposure and the location of harmful zones can be determined using a device for measuring electromagnetic radiation. It is recommended to carry out checks not only at enterprises, but also in residential buildings.

The main causes of radiation

In order to avoid exposure to radiation limits, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of human life and health. The main sources of EMR are the following factors:

  • Mobile communications and radio waves.
  • Power lines.
  • Sources of electricity.
  • X-ray and similar devices.

Making accurate measurements yourself is not easy. The most accurate understanding of the strength and type of waves is made possible by high-precision instruments for measuring electromagnetic fields and radiation (type PZ-31). Various home dosimeters and detectors are available for sale. However, they have a high share of error.

devices for measuring electromagnetic fields and radiation

Household device for measuring electromagnetic radiation

These devices are mainly manufactured in China. However, they do not have accurate data. If qualified assistance in this aspect is required, it is better to entrust the work to specialists with relevant knowledge and devices. In such certified laboratories, there are a number of high-precision devices that make it possible to conduct a quality examination with a comprehensive assessment of the results.

Verification methods are selected for each specific case, depending on the concentration of energy, wave frequency, field intensity. All conditions and norms are spelled out in SanPiNe. The readings are displayed on a special scale. The frequency of electromagnetic signals depends on the spectral parameters. The radiation length can range from 103 meters to several millimeters. EMP is measured in GHz and the wavelength in megameters (mm). When conducting a comprehensive study, the electrical and magnetic aspects are taken into account.


EMR research can be carried out both in residential premises and in production. Such a procedure is called workplace certification, performed using accurate and certified equipment. According to sanitary and epidemiological standards, the readings of the device for measuring electromagnetic radiation should not exceed the norm of 50-300 GHz. If the parameters are exceeded, a surcharge or reduction in working time is proportional to the increase in the radiation dose.

household device for measuring electromagnetic radiation

The great danger lies not in a single wave, but in the accumulation of the electromagnetic background, which all living organisms are subject to. It has been suggested that this can lead to mutations, DNA changes, and cancer.

Professional Modifications

Consider the characteristics and capabilities of devices for measuring EMR, which are used in environmental services. The most popular and accurate are considered modifications of the PZ-41 and PZ-31.

The device for measuring electromagnetic radiation PZ-31 is designed to determine the root mean square parameters of the intensity of electric and magnetic fields. In addition, it measures the amplitude and modulation pulses, the concentration of energy flow, the compliance of electromagnetic fields with the standards of Sanitary Regulation and GOST.

PZ-31 device features:

  • Fixing the average readings of the results of the current parameters of the concentration of the energy flux and the intensity of the magnetic fields over the past six minutes.
  • Selecting and storing the received information in RAM with the ability to display information and limit values ​​for three and a half days of operation (from averaged to limit values ​​in the range of 1-832).
  • Investigation of the location of radiation.
  • Sound signal output when limit values ​​are reached.

DIY device for measuring electromagnetic radiation


The device for measuring the electromagnetic radiation of power lines and other sources of the PZ-31 brand has the following frequency range:

  • In relation to the electric field - 0.03-300 MHz with a measurement difference of 2 to 600 V / m.
  • In terms of the magnetic component, 0.01-30 MHz (0.5-16 A / m).
  • In terms of concentration of energy flow - 300-40000 MHz (0.265-100000 ΞΌW / sq. Cm).

The main advantages of the device are compactness, low weight, ease of operation, and a duration of at least 60 hours.


This device for measuring electromagnetic radiation in an apartment is also suitable as a tester for certification of a workplace. He has higher accuracy in detecting non-ionizing waves. The device has a wide coverage of all kinds of frequencies, including long signals and microwaves. The unit allows high-precision measurements of the radioactivity of any electrical equipment.

what is the name of the device for measuring electromagnetic radiation

Precautionary measures

It is impossible to completely protect yourself from the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation in the modern world. Nevertheless, a device for measuring electromagnetic radiation from power lines and other sources of electricity will identify particularly dangerous areas and take appropriate measures.

Safety regulations:

  • It is advisable not to install household appliances in the recreation area, which will make it possible to minimize the effects of harmful radiation.
  • Try to visit nature more often, far from any sources of electricity.
  • Regularly take a shower or bath, which reduces the static background of the body, which produces its own electromagnetic field.
  • Timely change the technique, because some parts after the expiration of the guaranteed period begin to emit more radioactive waves.

How to make a device for measuring electromagnetic radiation with your own hands?

This device does not give indicators, but it allows you to hear the electromagnetic field. To make it, you will need an old cassette player and glue. The mini-tape recorder must be disassembled and carefully removed the main board. The main workpiece is the read head. Near it there is a pair of bolted wires. The fastening should be unscrewed, and the head will remain hanging on the cable.

Then the board is put back into the case, and the remaining element is glued on the outside with glue. An external analog or headphones will serve as a speaker. Leaning the read head against the TV, you will hear electromagnetic radiation. The newer the television receiver, the weaker the sound, which indicates a reduced amount of EMP. Information can be read at a distance of up to 400 mm. It is noteworthy that radiation is given by any mobile phones, charging for them, and even a television remote control.

power line meter

Microwave wave detector

The circuit of such a home-made device consists of several blocks, including a measuring head, power sources, a microammeter, a working board.

The measuring head is a half-wave type vibrator, to which diodes of the D-405 type are attached, which make it possible to rectify the microwave current . In addition, a 1000 pF capacitor is mounted on it on a textolite plate.

The half-wave vibrator is a pair of pieces of tubes with a diameter of 10 mm and a length of 70 mm. Suitable workpieces made of aluminum or other non-magnetic material. The minimum distance between the edges of the elements is not more than 10 mm, so that it is possible to place the diode. The maximum distance between the ends of the pipes should not exceed 150 mm, which is commensurate with half the frequency wavelength at 1 GHz.

The thicker the tubes, the less the vibrator is subject to distortion, depending on the frequency of the signal. For accurate gradation of the scale, you must use a calibrated generator of the desired frequency. Marking is desirable to carry out several frequencies. Such a device will approximately measure the EMP, but is not an ultra-precise device. As an alternative, there is the possibility of acquiring a set of parts to create a detector, which can be assembled independently, but it will also have an error.

device for measuring electromagnetic radiation in an apartment [


Caring about their health in terms of the effect of electromagnetic radiation on the body, many users are wondering what is the name of the device for measuring electromagnetic radiation? Above are several professional and home-made models. If you are concerned about the possibility of a negative field, it is better to contact specialists. Approximate values ​​can be identified with the help of household and homemade appliances.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17100/

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