Country toilet with toilet. Outdoor toilet device

Many private craftsmen, and even more so builders, know the rules that govern the construction of such a structure as a cesspool on the territory of the summer cottage. At the same time, it is necessary to study the sanitary standards in more detail, which determine what constitutes sewage, water protection and how water supply networks are arranged. The above rules must be strictly observed if you decide to build a country toilet with a toilet. If you want to save money, it’s better to do the creation of a cesspool yourself. You don’t even have to rent sophisticated equipment for this.

Choosing a place for a cesspool

country toilet with toilet

On the territory of the summer cottage, you must determine the location of the cesspool, using sanitary norms and rules. It should be located no closer than 10 meters from the central water supply. It should be removed from the well of drinking water by 20 meters or more, which will exclude accidental pollution in case of violation of the sealing of the treatment plant. From the house on the site and the houses that are located in neighboring areas, the cesspool should be 12 meters away. If you place it closer, it can cause flooding and further destruction of the foundation. The fence from the drain pit should be removed by 1 meter, but the depth is selected depending on the location of groundwater. This parameter should not be more than 3 meters.

Choosing a construction option

plastic toilet

If you decide to build a country toilet with a toilet, then you can use one of two existing options. The first involves the use of a conventional cesspool, while the other involves the creation of an engineering system based on the accumulation of wastewater.

Features of arrangement of cesspools without bottom

toilet drawing

A country toilet with a toilet can be installed on a cesspool without a bottom. Such facilities can only be used when the daily volume of wastewater does not exceed one cubic meter. If you follow the sanitary norms and rules, then such structures should be equipped below the level of drinking water intake, in order to avoid pollution of water in the well with sewage. If clay soil prevails in the area, then the pit should be 20 meters away from the drinking well; if we are talking about loam, this parameter increases to 30 meters. If there is sandy and sandy soil on the territory, the relative position of the cesspool and well should be 50 meters from each other.

For reference

toilet seat cheap

If a summer outdoor toilet will take more than 1 cubic meter of sewage daily, then the use of a cesspool without a bottom should be abandoned. At the same time, it is worth considering the possibility of building a cesspool of metal, brick or concrete.

Features of the construction of a sealed pit

country street toilet

The toilet pit can be airtight, while its construction is carried out according to a certain method. The bottom must be made with a significant bias towards the location of the technological hatch, which is used for cleaning. The pressurized pit should be periodically cleaned, where the sewage machine will be involved . Do not make it more than 3 meters deep, as emptying will not be effective enough due to the short length of the machine hose. The sludge that forms at the bottom will remain there.

Professional advice

toilet pit

A country toilet with a toilet on the basis of a sealed pit must be designed with safety in mind. In order to prevent the accumulation of explosive gas in the tank, it should be supplemented with ventilation. To do this, a ventilation 10-centimeter pipe is installed, which should rise 60 centimeters above the surface of the earth.

Digging a cesspool

toilet device

If you want to make the work as economical as possible, then you should buy a cheap toilet, and then proceed with the arrangement of the cesspool. In shape, it should be square, the sides are equal to one meter. In order to prevent shedding of soil, the walls are reinforced with reinforced concrete rings, masonry, brick or boards. And the bottom is sealed, for this you can apply a concrete screed or fill up a layer of rubble, which will provide drainage. If there is a risk that groundwater will become contaminated during the operation of the system , the system should be waterproofed with sealants.

Communications and pits

After the drawing of the toilet is created, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the parameters of the relative positions of the sealed storage, gas pipes and the water supply system. The storage pit should be 5 meters away from pipes from reinforced concrete and asbestos cement. This parameter is reduced to 1.5 meters, if we are talking about cast-iron pipes, the diameter of which does not exceed 200 millimeters. If the diameter of the iron pipes increases, then the distance should be equal to three meters, and the minimum distance to the gas pipes is 5 meters.

Toilet Installation: Using a Plastic Model

If you want to install a plastic toilet in a country toilet, then you can choose a specific model, which you can find a great many on sale. The above structures are usually in the shape of a bucket and are capable of supporting a person's weight up to 150 kilograms. There is a plastic toilet seat on top. The whole structure is installed in a hole in the floor. Some difficulties may arise when, instead of a cesspool, a barrel is installed , the plastic neck of which is smaller than the inner diameter of the toilet bowl. Among other things, these elements can have different shapes, one of them is round, while the other is oval.

For connection, it is recommended to use a galvanized sheet, which is preformed into a funnel. The lower part of the cone should be equal in size to the neck of the barrel. The latter should be adjusted to the size and shape of the toilet. For mounting the upper part of the funnel, it is necessary to cut in the form of chamomile, and then fix it to the surface using self-tapping screws.

When a plastic toilet is installed, the joints between the wooden floor and the galvanized part must be hermetically sealed with silicone or car mastic. In order to ultimately get the most aesthetic result, the toilet should be fixed to the rough floor, and around the top set.

For reference

If you are interested in a cheap toilet made of plastic, it is quite possible that it may have a certain drawback, which is expressed in the absence of holes for attaching to the floor surface. For this, the master will have to make narrow corners using galvanization. With their help, the toilet is fixed to the floor.

Homemade galvanized toilet

If there is no desire to purchase a finished toilet in the store, then you can make it yourself, this option will be the cheapest and most affordable. For work, a galvanized steel sheet should be prepared, which is easy to process and flexible.

The finished toilet will be a cylinder, the height of which corresponds to a traditional plumbing fixture. Bottom and top should be made allowances that are made in the form of cuts, the distance between them should be 5 centimeters. The resulting rays are bent, and the lower petals should be fixed to the floor with screws. To the upper part you need to fix a sheet of plywood, the thickness of which should be more than one centimeter. The plywood base should be adjusted to the size of the stool, and on top fix the factory-made plastic analog.

It is better to pre-create a drawing of the toilet, this will eliminate the mismatch in the dimensions of the parts. Around the toilet should be made a frame so that the design has gained its final appearance, then you can make the lining with any material you like.

Factory toilet installation

The toilet can be equipped with a ceramic sanitary fixture, for which a hole of the corresponding diameter is made. Along the perimeter, the structure is strengthened by bars on which the product should be installed. In general, the installation of this device should be carried out according to the same technology that is used when installing a conventional toilet in the bathroom. First you need to mark the places of fastenings, and then remove the equipment and drill the corresponding holes. A layer of sealant is applied to the base, the toilet bowl is put in place and fixed with bolts.


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