Bartzella - the peony who conquered the world

Peonies have long settled in our plots and in gardens. Forgotten are the times when they were considered "old woman" flowers of the same color. Nowadays, a variety of peony variations are available, including those with original cactus-like Pink Spritzer flowers or semi-double ones like Coral Charm. But the true triumph of floriculture is rightfully considered Bartzella - a peony that appeared in the collections of connoisseurs only thirty years ago and managed to conquer them forever.

Origin history

The original homeland of peonies is China. Over the centuries of selection in this country, the grassy form of these flowers has been bred. But the peony gained a second life, being introduced to Japan in the 17th century: here he was presented with a new flower shape, still called β€œJapanese”. However, enthusiasts did not stop there and managed to achieve yellow color among peonies. Now such versions are known as Ito-hybrids, named after professor-breeder Toichi Ito. Based on these hybrids, Bartzella, a peony obtained by the American florist Roger Andersen, was also bred at the end of the 20th century.


The result of the efforts of the American was a tall, almost a meter, plant with a lemon flower of a characteristic Japanese shape, with a dark pink or red center. The diameter of the bowl reaches a quarter of a meter, has a bright but unobtrusive smell. Foliage throughout the season remains decorative, does not dry and does not fade. On one bush there can be up to two dozen flowers. The stems are strong, they do not need garters and supports, due to which the Bartzella peony does not lose the shape of a bush. In cut, it costs longer than other Ito hybrids.

We plant correctly

Like other members of the family, Bartzella (peony) loves the light and does not tolerate wetlands and waterlogged areas. When choosing a place for him, it is better to give preference not only to well-lit, but also to areas remote from trees and buildings. Pits under it are better to dig in advance that the earth in them managed to settle. Their size is approximately 60 x 60 centimeters, and after digging up the bottom two-thirds is lined with a layer of a mixture of peat, humus, garden planting land - everything is taken equally. As a primary feeding, a composition of 150 grams of superphosphate, a can of ash and a tablespoon of iron sulfate is recommended . The amount of substances should be adjusted depending on the composition and quality of the soil on your site.

Caring for the handsome

If you are lucky enough to buy Bartzell's peony, planting and caring for it should be ideal so that beauty stays with you for a long time. There are few rules and they are easy to execute.

  1. Watering is generous, but with tracking the complete assimilation of water to avoid its stagnation. An adult bush can drink two buckets in the heat, but if it is cool, this will be a lot. The next watering - only after complete drying.
  2. Regular weeding: Bartzella is a peony that does not tolerate competitors and reacts to them with less lush and long flowering.

For the rest, this amazing plant in care is no different from other grassy peonies. And if you fulfill his modest wishes, Bartzella will surely please you with repeated flowering. Thanks to this peony, the garden can remain beautiful and fragrant for almost a month.

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