What is PVP, and which class is better to use?

In games, people are attracted to completely different things. Someone likes to complete tasks more, and someone falls in love with team and single battles only after learning what PVP is. In the article, we will talk about the main features of fights with players and try to answer the question of which character is best suited for the role of a fighter.

What is PVP in classic MMORPGs?

Recognized classics of the genre include Line 2, Warcraft and, for some time now, Archeage.

what is pvp

It is easy to guess that it is in these games that the strategy and mechanics of the battles between the players are thought out in the most detailed way. What is PVP? In short, this is a player’s struggle against another player, that is, a real person, not a computer. There are several options for PVP. In any online games there are territories that are inhabited only by friendly factions, but there are disputed ones. It is here that spontaneous collisions between players most often occur. It is especially difficult for beginners who know in their own skin what PVP is. In addition, for example, in “VoV”, there is the concept of BG - sessional battles between representatives of different factions. Special attention should be paid to Arenas, where players can not only show their skills, but also get valuable things or weapons for victories.

How to become famous in the game?

Strictly speaking, there are two ways to achieve fame in games. The first is the PvP server. Those players specially go there, for whom the whole essence of the game comes down to battles, battles and victories over other users. The second option is the so-called PVE. These are battles with mobs, passes of zones of instances, dungeons and so on. You can also get valuable things and weapons for this, but it will differ in characteristics from what is earned in the arena or in the PVP.

PVP in Warcraft. Which class to choose?

Despite the apparent simplicity of the gameplay, in PVP the most important thing, one can say, the main action is the choice of class.

pvp server

Someone likes magic, but for someone the best character is a paladin with a huge excalibur. But the more a person learns what PVP is, the more he understands that the main thing in battle is universality and survivability, especially if a team game is planned. That is why it is best for a beginner to focus on the Druid class. It can both cause damage and heal allies or provide control over the actions of the enemy. It all depends on which branch has the most talent points. A second equally important question is the choice of race. On the one hand, everything is simple. If you play as the Horde and want to become a druid, then take Tauren. If the Alliance is closer to you - choose the Night Elf. Many do just that, since one of the main points is the choice of the side in the eternal confrontation.

wow pvp

If you are just starting to play, and you don’t see the fundamental difference between the two warring factions, then pay attention to racial skills. So, Night Elves can merge with the surrounding space, which greatly complicates the life of the enemy in the arena or in battle. This is especially useful if the player uses the appearance of a cat, the main feature of which is an attack from an ambush, from the back.

pvp druid
Tauren are more tenacious because their racial bonus is extra health. given the ability to stun large concentrations of enemies, Tauren-Druid becomes a serious opponent in any battle.

True, practice shows that the ability to stab in the back is much more useful than stun. In any case, the choice of race for the game is somehow related to the choice of faction, although there is no fundamental difference in the mechanics of battle. In WoW, the PVP is thought out in such a way that the skills of the players of the warring factions are balanced.

Skills, builds and PVP

The more people play MMORPGs, the more their vocabulary becomes. So, the player not only learns what PVP is, but also learns to use certain words that are somehow related to the game. The first one is build. In short, a build is simply a distribution of experience points across specific talent branches. Depending on what the player plans to do, a build is built. There are so-called PVP and PVE builds.

what is pvp

The former, as a rule, cover one branch of talents, while the latter are aimed at unifying the player and increasing his survivability. If a player decides to develop one branch of talent, then he becomes a highly specialized fighter with a clearly defined role in the team. Skill is no less important concept than build. These are the abilities that a player possesses and which appear in him when choosing a particular build.

Best Druid companions in the arena

what is pvp

Despite the fact that the Druid is a universal class, healers (healers) are especially appreciated in the arena. With competent healing (healing), any team can become a top-notch one. However, not all teams are equally strong. Paired with the Druid Hill (restor), it is best to go to the Warrior, Hunter, Shaman and Warlock. Moreover, the Shaman and the Druid in a pair can become a very powerful combination. These are almost two healers who will not let each other die. The druid and Warlock is a confident team, if, of course, Warlock can inflict as much damage as possible on the opponents, because he is the main fighter in this pair. In this case, in the PVP, the Druid has a support function.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17126/

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