Types of law

Types of law - structural elements of the legal system, each of which is a set of certain legal norms that regulate existing social relations. All species are interconnected, despite differences in meaning and structure. The emergence of new types of law is a natural consequence of socio-political changes in the state, since the complication of existing relations in society requires the formation of new legal and social regulators.

In the system of Russian law, the main branches of law are state, administrative, civil and criminal law. Nevertheless, there are other equally important species that can be considered independently and independently of the above. Among them are tax, banking, customs, environmental law and others.

The system of law distinguishes procedural and substantive law, which can also be generalized by the concept of “types of branches of law”.

So, the branches of substantive law include labor, constitutional, civil, labor and criminal. They contain norms that enshrine the general principles of behavior of subjects of law and are formed by material norms of law. The latter formulate the composition of the legal relationship and characterize the duties and rights of the subjects.

Types of procedural rights are those types that are managerial in nature and govern the procedure for the exercise of rights and obligations. The rules of procedural law determine the circle of subjects that participate in the process, list their duties and rights, set the time limits for the implementation of certain procedural measures, and so on. The procedural law includes civil procedural law, criminal and arbitration procedural law.

The main types of law and their characteristics

Constitutional law regulates the relations that usually arise for the successful consolidation of the constitutional system, the creation of state bodies, the consolidation of the rights and freedoms of citizens, determination of their legal status and other measures. The prevailing method is constituent-fixing. Sources: Constitution, Federal Constitutional Laws, a number of basic federal laws.

The subject of administrative law is public relations arising from the implementation of state government. The peculiarity of this type of law is that its norms regulate to a greater extent the activities of the executive branch. Methods: power and submission, imperative. Sources: Code of Administrative Offenses, Laws “On Weapons” and “On Police”.

Criminal law deals with public relations related to the commission of crimes. The main method is considered imperative, the source of criminal law is the Criminal Code.

Financial law, in turn, regulates monetary relations, banking operations, as well as the collection of various fees and taxes. The main method is also an imperative method. The main sources are the Tax Code, the Law "On the Budget", "On Banks and Banking" and others.

The subject of civil law is personal property or non-property relations based on equality, autonomy of will and property independence of their participants. The method prevailing in this right is called dispositive, and the main source is the Civil Code. Types of civil law include various branches of this area and depend on the specific type of civil offenses and methods for resolving them.

Other types of law (basic): family law (subject - personal relations that arise in connection with kinship), labor (engages in public relations arising from the sale of labor), criminal procedure (subject - relations in criminal proceedings) and civil procedure law (relations when considering cases in civil proceedings).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17131/

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