Do-it-yourself brick house: projects, construction

In the life of a man there are three main tasks. One of them is building a house. This article will provide in detail the method of high-quality phased construction of a brick house on its site. Thanks to a detailed description of all operations, the builder will successfully complete the task.

We make the project of the future home

When deciding to build a brick house, it is important to take time to think through all the details in order to get the result that you expect in the end. After all, such issues have to be dealt with infrequently.

House plan

First, plan where the building will be located on the site. It is important to consider the look not only of the house, but of all the buildings on the territory. If the site is located in an area with uneven terrain, experts recommend that the drainage system be preliminarily laid. It is better to do this before laying the foundation, since the pipes are dug to a depth of at least 5 m.

Next, you need to create a project plan. You can do it yourself or use ready-made projects of brick houses. When creating a plan, it is important to consider:

  • What will the house be in size.
  • How many rooms will the building consist of.
  • Where and how many windows should be - it is advisable to place them on the sunny side.
  • The location of the sewer and heating systems.

Important notes

When planning a sewage system, consider that you will need to pump it out from time to time. To do this, call a special technique. So that such a machine could reach the drain hole, place it near the fence or behind it.

Vacation home

For the construction of the boiler room, the side of the facade is better suited to bring a gas pipe and water supply to the house. When choosing the location of a brick house, consider the size of the available land at your disposal. If its size is quite modest, take care of compact placement on it:

  • courtyard and outbuildings;
  • places to park your car;
  • paths for the car to travel in the yard and to the garden.

To build a brick house, you can use the finished project, which is conveniently ordered from a competent organization.

Laying the foundation

When the planning process is successfully completed, it's time to act. We carry out the markup and fill the foundation of the house. The construction of brick houses always begins with the formation of a solid foundation. The importance of laying a strong foundation is difficult to overestimate. After all, it is on it that the walls will hang. If the construction of basements is not included in your plans, the option of a strip foundation will be the best solution for a one-story brick house, regardless of its size.

house foundation

If the house is not one-story, take care of the construction of capital partitions. This is taken into account when filling the foundation, as well as the thickness of the walls. For the conditions of the Russian climate, the foundation is poured at 1.5–2 m depth. This is due to freezing of the soil.

The construction of a one-story brick house will save on the thickness of the internal partitions, making them easier. For this, the use of bars is practiced. It is not necessary to fill the foundation under such structural elements.

Mark the walls

To mark the walls of the future brick house you will need a cord. We pull it between the metal bars, drawing a rectangle. This is the shape of the house. By marking, we dig a trench and fill the foundation:

  • In a trench dug to the required depth, you will need to fill in a layer of river or quarry sand, the thickness of which is from 2 to 3 cm. Such a mound is created around the entire perimeter of the trench. Its role is the depreciation of the foundation.
  • We reinforce the foundation with a knitting wire. We build the frame. It is important not to save on reinforcement, ensuring its sufficient quantity.
  • With the help of a concrete mixer, the necessary volume of concrete mortar is prepared in order to fill the foundation with it. The recipe for a concrete mortar is as follows: 1 bucket of cement of the M500 brand, 2 buckets of sand, 3 buckets of crushed stone. We will fill the trench with this solution. In the absence of a concrete mixer, you can bring the finished solution. It is implemented by construction organizations with delivery to the facility. So without much effort, it will be possible to fill the foundation during the day.
  • For greater strength and stability of the foundation, it is desirable to compact the concrete layer with a vibrator. Then all the cracks will be filled with a mixture, and the base will become reliable and durable. If there is no vibrator, just pierce the solution with a rod of reinforcement. So excess air will come out of the mixture, filling the gaps between the gravel and sand.
  • It is important to wait until the solution has completely dried. If time permits, it is better to let the foundation stand for 1 year. During this period, it gradually hardens. It becomes 90% stronger a month after pouring. Earlier to start the construction of walls is not recommended. In wet weather, you have to wait longer for the cement to freeze as much as possible.
  • In order for the foundation level to rise above the ground, for its construction, formwork is built from boards. Sometimes the construction of the basement is practiced. To do this, you need silicate brick.

We build walls

When the foundation has settled, I have gained fortresses, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing on it with the help of rolled roofing material around the entire perimeter of the foundation. When we reach the corner, we lay the roofing material overlap. Continuing the construction of a brick house with our own hands, we begin the laying of walls. Due to the peculiarities of the Russian climate, which is quite severe in winter, it is customary to lay the wall thickness in 2 bricks in length.


Sometimes 1.5 bricks are allowed if the budget is limited. But in this case, the structure will not be so protected from the cold.

We prepare the necessary inventory

Work on the construction of housing will require the mandatory use of construction tools, such as:

  • Master OK;
  • construction level, the length of which is up to 0.5 m;
  • water or laser level to check the parameters of angles and diagonals in the house;
  • cord to navigate, what is the height of the brick row;
  • hammer;
  • trowel to fix the brick;
  • plumb line for additional control of the level of walls and corners vertically,
  • brickwork for facing external bricks;
  • concrete mixer and buckets to prepare cement mortar in them.

Secrets of experienced builders

Professionals know some important secrets of preparing high-quality concrete mortar. Now you will recognize them. Builders add shampoo or detergent in small quantities. Then the texture of the solution will become more elastic, and it will not harden so quickly. Masters claim that laying brick on such a solution takes less time. Consequently, the walls will grow faster.

Modern house

Masonry walls also require certain knowledge from the master:

  • You have to start from the corner.
  • Plant the first row of bricks in the corners onto the mortar using a hydraulic or laser level.
  • Pull the lace from corner to corner on top of the bricks.
  • Use a hammer and level to adjust the masonry.
  • Using a solution should not be economical, use a trowel to remove residues.
  • A seam 1–1.2 cm thick should remain between the bricks.
  • For brick cladding, the embroidery method is used. It is made by wet solution.
  • New rows of bricks must be checked by level vertically and horizontally, not forgetting about window openings.
  • The laying of the last row of bricks should be especially thorough and even, so that the roof is beautifully laid on it.


Before closing the built house, it is necessary to provide waterproofing of the walls. To do this, you need rolls of roofing material. Then a layer of Mauerlat is created from a bar with a thickness of 50 by 100-150 mm. To fix it, dowels are used.

Roofs can be of different types:

  • pent;
  • gable;
  • four-slope;
  • broken;
  • the attic.

Most often, gable roofs are preferred. The beams are laid on the Mauerlat at a distance of 70 to 90 cm. To fix the beams, nails or self-tapping screws and a metal angle of 100 to 100 mm are used. You will need to attach the rafter system.

Roof overlap

You need to start from the gable side. To set the rafters, a lace-level is used. Then the building will be symmetrical.

What to consider

The slope of the roof should be 45ΒΊ. It is important that the length of the roof frame is 30 to 40 cm longer than the walls. In this way, it will be possible to protect the walls from water that will drain from the roof. A waterproofing layer is also laid on the frame. Sheathing of the finished frame is done with a board waterproofing. The thickness of the boards should be equal to 25 mm. To nail boards, you need nails whose length is 80 - 90 mm. The following layer is used as roofing material:

  • slate;
  • ondulin;
  • soft roof;
  • metal profile;
  • metal tiles.

The best brick houses are being built using metal as a ceiling. Such sheets are laid from the bottom up. When the roof is installed, it remains to tighten the ridge. For stitching with a pediment, ordinary boards or brickwork are used.

Home construction

Warming of a brick house in the roof area can be done with mineral wool, laid in a dense layer on the waterproofing. So the house can be properly insulated.

To summarize

To build a home with your own hands, it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail. This is not an easy task, but it is quite feasible. So you can arrange housing in accordance with your preferences.

The stages of construction are:

  1. Planning.
  2. Foundation laying.
  3. Masonry walls.
  4. Installation of windows.
  5. Roofing.

All these steps must be calculated, considered, which building materials do you prefer to use. Calculate the estimate and decide. But it is important not to save on pouring a quality and solid foundation. Since the durability of the entire future design will depend on this.

A detailed description of all the operations proposed in this article will help the novice builder to successfully complete the task.


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