Game StarCraft ("Starcraft"): walkthrough, secrets, tips

The computer gaming industry has already seen many great strategic projects. Even if we take a specific space setting, we can recall the most diverse games that offered the user incredible sensations. However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that one of the first such projects was Starcraft, which served as a kind of transformation of the masterpiece of its time, Warcraft, from a fantasy real-time strategy to a fantastic one. And the transformation was a success - the new project won worldwide fame and became a classic of the genre. Many gamers still re-run story campaigns for each of the races, and also fight in large-scale multiplayer battles. Most recently, the developers quite successfully revived the project, releasing it in a completely new high-class form, and doing so in those parts - partly for each of the races. In this article you will find basic information about the games of the Starcraft series, passing, however, will be of the greatest importance, as many gamers prefer single-player mode rather than multi-user mode. And this game is one of the clearest examples of how a strategy can have an incredibly strong storyline. In the original Starcraft game, the walkthrough is divided into three parts - one for each of the races.

Walkthrough Introduction

Starcraft walkthrough

As mentioned above, in the game "Starcraft" the passage does not represent a whole story - it is rather three stories that are intertwined, complementing events and allowing you to look into the very depths of the plot, which will cause you unforgettable emotions. So, there are three races - terrans, protoss and zerg. It’s worth starting with the Protoss, as they are the oldest race. These are amazing creatures that are capable of much, and one of their deeds is to create a zerg race. Zerg are lizard-like creatures that have a collective consciousness, and their only desire is to grow and absorb everything that they meet in their path. Well, terrans are, in fact, people, they were found by the protoss when they were tired of having fun with the zerg, equipped with the necessary technologies and watching how they develop. And in the midst of all this, a conflict ensues: although zerg destroy both terrans and protoss, terrans fight off zerg attacks, protoss attack people and so on. The parties to the conflict are constantly changing, and it is extremely exciting to follow its development, and most importantly, to participate in it. Well, now you can imagine what you have to face, so you can begin to study what the game "Starcraft" passage looks like.

Terran Campaign

starcraft 2

Please note that the passage of the first part of the game, and not Starcraft-2, is being considered now - the second part will be discussed a bit later. It all starts with a training mission for people - you have to learn how to move your units, build buildings and perform simple actions. You will complete the task when you build three warehouses, a gas processing plant, and then use it to accumulate one hundred units of gas - one of the most important resources in the game. Then you will need to find Colonel Raynor, who will be one of the main protagonists throughout the game, build a new structure - the barracks, where you will need to train a dozen foot soldiers, the main units of the people. In the next mission, you will have to come into conflict with aliens, your task is to destroy all the buildings and prevent Raynor from dying (the second item will now be present in almost every mission). The next task will require you to survive for half an hour, so you will need to go on a secret mission to extract special discs with secret data, and then meet with Kerrigan and deliver her to Antigui base, where you need to defend the base so that it does not die yet Kerrigan. In the next mission, you will need to protect the cruiser, and then deliver an assault to it, then transfer the psi-wave emitter to the enemy’s base. This will be followed by an adventure mission with the destruction of enemy troops, and then a turning point when you will need to destroy the protoss and prevent them from attacking the zerg. Well, the last mission will require you to destroy the ion cannon - this is the most difficult task for people, you will not find this even in Starcraft-2.

Zerg Campaign

walkthrough starcraft 2 legacy of the void

Well, you studied the passage for earthlings in the game Starcraft-1, but the plot does not end there. Now you have to play for the zerg, and first of all you need to retrain, because both the troops and the buildings, and the principle of functioning of all this race is completely different from earthlings. In the first training mission, you will learn how to build “buildings” and produce units for a new race. Then you will need to deliver the grown chrysalis to the lighthouse, and then defend it, while it will gain strength, from the attacks of earthlings. This chrysalis contains Kerrigan, which the earthlings threw to tear the zerg to pieces, but the zerg found her best use. Now that the chrysalis is close to hatching, you need to infect Raynor's command center. Then a new Kerrigan Zerg will appear, which you will need to bring to a supercomputer. After that, you will need to destroy all the protoss and transfer Kerrigan to the center of the map to meet with the main Protoss, who will never appear. The next mission is the destruction of the Zerg who are dissatisfied with the rule of Kerrigan, after which you will again need to take up the destruction of the protoss and make sure that the dark templars of the protoss cannot escape. After this, there will be only two missions, during which you will need to use a drone to get a special mineral that will need to be delivered to the Protoss temple, or rather, what will remain after it is destroyed by your forces. That's all, in the game "Starcraft" the passage of the zerg is completed, there are only protoss.

Protoss Campaign

passing starcraft swarm heart

The new campaign is new heroes, and now you first need to find one of the strongest protoss of the Phoenix so that he can help you in the battles, and you can continue your walk through Starcraft. Experts in this game say that the protoss are the strongest race in the hands of a newcomer, but all the campaigns in a single player game are equally complex, so get ready for a serious test. You will need to conduct a distracting maneuver so that Phoenix can take a position that is advantageous for destroying the brain center of the zerg. Then you just need to destroy the Zerg colonies, and then deliver the template Tassadar and Colonel Raynor to the lighthouse. In the next mission, you will need to defend your base before you can build up strength and destroy the enemy. After this, the mission will follow with the liberation of Zeratul. When you can free him, collect all three templars and destroy the Conclave. Tassadar cannot stand this and surrenders to the enemy, but in the next mission you will save him anyway. Then you will need to deal with the next brain center of the zerg to find out that there is also the Overmind, which controlled all the centers. Your last task in the game is to destroy him. On this passage of the game "Starcraft" will be completed.

New Protoss Campaign

walkthrough starcraft 2 wings of liberty

Well, the passage of the original game is over, but there is also the Brood War add-on, which also contains one campaign for each of the races, so that you can survive the continuation of a story beloved by everyone. It all starts with the protoss campaign. You start as Zeratul and you need to go to the teleportation gates in order to then establish a base and discover the Temples of the Templars. Then you need to start destroying the brain centers of the zerg, then use Kerrigan to get the Urazh crystal. Then you need to destroy the power plants in order to break through the blockade - Templar Artanis will lead the troops. After that, go in search of the Khalis crystal - however, this mission has an alternative passage, you can simply turn off the Overmind - this will also allow you to complete the task. Your next task will be to kill the traitor Aldaris, and the last - to find the temple with the help of Zeratul and Artanis, but before that you will need to destroy many zerg so that in the last fifteen minutes the defense of the temple does not turn into a real nightmare.

New campaign for people

walkthrough starcraft 2 heart of the swarm

Naturally, not only the protoss have a new storyline. You’ll start the campaign for people by destroying the enemy command center and capturing Battle Cruisers. You need to capture them as much as possible, because then you will have to repel an attack of a serious scale, which the Battle Cruisers will also support, and if your forces are too small, you simply will not have a chance. Then you still need to switch to the zerg and destroy the four bases, then bring Colonel Duran to the lighthouse, which violates the transmission of psi waves. In the next task, the plot branches out - you need to destroy either the scientific laboratory or the enemy’s nuclear storage. Of course, the plot deviations are small - just in the next mission, where you have to destroy the enemy command center, he will be able to either carry out nuclear attacks on your troops, or build Battle Cruisers, depending on which technology you did not destroy in the previous mission. Then you will need to go through another task with the complete destruction of the enemy and his command center. After that, it turns out that Vice Admiral Stukov is a traitor, and you will need to fight him before proceeding to the last task, during which you will have a difficult task to capture the Zerg's Super Brain.

New Zerg Campaign

passing starcraft expert

Well, now you have to figure out what you have done for the people in the previous campaign. The overbrain is paralyzed and your hives die, so you will need to save them all in this mission. There are seven hives in total, and not one of them should perish, so you have to hurry. Then you will need to destroy the lighthouse that controls the Super Brain in order to regain the ability to build and produce units. The next mission is very interesting, since its goal is to collect ten thousand minerals, but in parallel you need to infect the command centers of people in order to use them as hives in the next mission. The more you infect now, the stronger you will be later. Then two tasks will follow to destroy the enemy bases and all his forces, and in the second you will need to kill the two strongest heroes of people and protoss - Duke and Phoenix. But then it turns out that the Terrans influenced the Super Brain, and now the zerg attack you in whole clouds. You will have a chance to save all the colonies, but you should not use it - it is better to focus on one. After some time, you will find out that the reason is the activity of scientists - find them and destroy them. And then you will need to visit each lighthouse using the mutated Duran. Further missions will already be mixed - for example, in the next combined forces of protoss and zerg you need to destroy the Super Brain, in the next Kerrigan storms the protoss base to get the matriarch stolen by Zeratul, but Zeratul kills her, after which Kerrigan retreats. Then you have to go through the last mission, in which you need to destroy the three fleets of opponents, and if you cope with this faster than expected, then you will open a bonus mission in which you learn that Duran is not really a servant of Kerrigan, but a messenger of the ancient race that created protoss, zerg and people - and now he wants to create proto-zerg so that they capture the whole world. This completes the addon, and it's time to consider the passage of "Starcraft-2: Legacy of the Void" and other add-ons.

Walkthrough Wings of Liberty

It's time to consider the passage of "Starcraft-2: Wings of Liberty" - the first episode of the second part of the game. Here you have to play for people, but given the fact that this is a much more global game, the duration of the campaign here is approximately equal to the three campaigns of the original project. Moreover, in each task there are not only basic, but also additional goals, which makes the process much more diverse. You should understand that there are several basic tasks, as well as a couple of groups of tasks issued by specific characters. You need to do everything to finish the game and begin the passage of Starcraft: The Heart of the Swarm, the second episode of the second part of the game.

Walkthrough Heart of the Swarm

Passage "Starcraft-2: Heart of the Swarm" is no less exciting than in the previous episode. This time you do not have a ship with various people who will give you tasks - missions appear gradually, folding into one story. The only unusual element is the fact that the Zerg has seven missions that are aimed not at war with opponents, but at the development of improved creatures. This is a rather interesting and quite successful move by the developers.

Walkthrough Legacy of the Void

Well, you are left in the series of games "Starcraft-2" passage for the protoss. Here you will need to unite all the surviving protoss against the attack of the most powerful Amun, who wants to enslave the long-established race. You have to do not only this, but also enjoy the final action, in which Kerrigan becomes virtually invincible. When you finish Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void, all you can think about is whether this great series will continue. But the developers are still mysteriously silent.


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