Porcelain tile - technical specifications. Porcelain tile floor

One of the most popular building materials these days is granite. The technical characteristics of these plates are such that they are suitable for almost everything. They are used to clad facades, equip sidewalks, and are also widely used in interior decoration. It was due to such universality that various types of this building material began to appear, such as floor, facade and so on. Read on exactly what qualities these β€œmagic” plates have, as well as how to use them correctly, read below.

porcelain tile specifications

Artificial material based on natural raw materials

It would seem that just five years ago, none of the inhabitants of Russia had any idea what porcelain tiles were. The technical characteristics of the material were also unknown, as a result of which various alternatives were used, which often were harmful to human health.

Now pay attention to the raw material composition of the new material, which is discussed in the article. It includes feldspar, white clay, sifted quartz sand (extremely clean), kaolin and environmentally friendly coloring pigments. Thanks to this set of natural components, it does not harm the environment or humans at all, and the dyes that are added to it (naturally, they are non-toxic) allow you to create different color variations. That is why it is so often used in various types of finishing and facade works.

porcelain stoneware

Briefly about the advantages that porcelain has

The technical characteristics of the material primarily tell us about its super strength and high frost resistance. This is due to the fact that in the manufacture of cast blocks very high temperatures and high pressure are used. As a result, the material turns out to be very dense, it does not let through cold (or hot) air, nor water, nor snow. That is why it is often used in the processing of both external surfaces (facades of houses) and internal.

This material is perfectly combined with the so-called underfloor heating; it even increases heat transfer, which is extremely important in the conditions of our harsh Russian climate.

porcelain stoneware for the floor

Something about the durability of this material.

Have you ever wondered why recently so often porcelain stoneware has been used in the design of both private houses and public premises? The fact is that a high degree of strength of this tile makes it wear-resistant. It withstands extreme maximum mechanical loads, while it does not sag, does not deform, and does not crack. Moreover, porcelain stoneware, the technical characteristics of which are simply impressive, retains the pattern on its surface for many years. It is not so important how many people will walk on the tile daily; its original appearance will be preserved for a long time. Over time, paints may fade slightly, however, all other properties will remain the same, which will save you from having to make cosmetic repairs in the room every few years.

porcelain tile photo

Aesthetic characteristics

Now let's see how this wonderful material looks. Today, manufacturers give this flooring absolutely any color and shape. A tile can imitate some kind of natural stones (granite, marble, turquoise, quartz, etc.). This gives you the opportunity to create a luxurious and expensive interior using affordable quality material. In addition, each tile (porcelain tile) floor can be filled in a single color (beige, white, gray, green - on request). This will be an ideal option for those who want to design a room in a certain color scheme. Well, by combining tiles of various colors and sizes, you can assemble a real mosaic on the floor. True, in this case, you will have to be more careful in selecting all the other elements of the decor, because the floor, which consists of many elements, will pay attention most of all.

porcelain tile 600x600

What to choose - natural stone or ceramic granite tiles?

If you decide to make major repairs in your home, then it is worth remembering why it is recommended to choose porcelain stoneware for the floor. The technical characteristics of the material are much better even compared to natural stone, and at the same time, the tile weighs less, and it is mounted much easier. The fact is that the stone has an undesirable porosity for the home. The microscopic holes that exist on its surface are constantly filled with dust, dirt and other household waste. It is impossible to clean it over the years, but this is not the worst. Due to the constant exposure from the outside, as well as from the weight of the furniture and people, the stone may begin to crack, slightly deform. The drawing applied to its surface is quickly erased, and the whole aesthetic appearance disappears. All this can be easily avoided by replacing such natural material with porcelain stoneware, which is available and very common on the modern building materials market.

porcelain tile

Other positive qualities

Modern builders offer consumers to pay attention to such quality ceramic tiles as inertness to the influence of alkalis, acids and other food and household mixtures. Its structure is so small that even various microscopic chemical elements cannot get inside and destroy the coating. In addition, each tile is covered with a protective layer of durable glass, which is a kind of barrier to the way of not only household waste, but also the chemicals that we use every day. An exception is only a composition that includes HF acid, which can even corrode glass. The fire resistance of ceramic granite tiles cannot be added to this set of positive qualities. It is not only not amenable to direct exposure to the flame, but also capable of holding it for a long time, even if a fire starts. This allows you to better save those supporting structures that were covered by the described material.

Application and tile sizes

As already noted above, the parameters of this finishing material can be very different. In the assortment of construction stores there are huge lots of standard samples. This is most often porcelain stoneware 600x600 or 300x300 for the floor, as well as smaller products for walls and ceilings. There are even rectangular tiles among standard batches, for example, 600x300 or 200x100. However, if there is a certain design intent, then there is no need to choose this material from the proposed options and adapt to them. You can make it to order, while the dimensions you need will be agreed, as well as texture and color.

Little conclusion

Now you know that one of the most popular building materials these days is precisely granite. Photos of this material are presented in the article, and thanks to them right now you can roughly imagine how it looks and what it is. Well, if you still decided to purchase it for home decoration or the premises inside it, then you definitely will not regret it, since this material has excellent technical characteristics and will last for many decades.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17137/

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