Kenozero National Park: history, photos, reviews

A particle of ancient primordial Russia has been preserved in the northwestern part of the country. Where dense forests grow and thick mists hang over mysterious swamps. The name of this amazing place is Kenozero National Park.

Nature reserves and national parks are created in order to preserve what in no case should disappear from the face of the earth. One of such places will be discussed in our article.

Kenozero National Park: photos and description

There are not many places in Russia where the identity of Russian culture is so fully and multifaceted. And one of these objects is the Kenozero National Park. The photos presented below will not allow to doubt it. This territory is one of the few fragments of authentic, original Russian culture and traditions.

Kenozero National Park

Kenozero National Park covers a huge area. It is spread within two regions of the Arkhangelsk region - Kargopolsky and Plesetskiy, closely "clinging" to the border with the Republic of Karelia in the west. The territory of the park is stretched from north to south for 72 kilometers, and from west to east - only 27.

The administrative centers of the national park are considered two settlements: the village of Vershinino in its northern part, and the village of Morshchinsky - in the southern. Kenozero National Park is about three hundred lakes of different sizes. The largest among them are Kenozero and Lekshmozero.

Park history

In the middle of the twentieth century, among historians, geographers and local historians, the idea arose to protect a unique area in the south-west of the Arkhangelsk region. This idea was widely accepted by the public and, after numerous discussions, it was put into practice.

Kenozero National Park photo

Kenozero National Park was established on December 28, 1991. Its total area was 1210 km 2 . In 2004, the park was included in the list of UNESCO Biosphere Reserves.

Natural and environmental value

At least 70% of the total area of ​​Kenozersky park is covered by taiga vegetation. There are also quite a lot of lakes, swamps and meadows. All these components create a unique landscape painting.

Pine and spruce stands 100–120 years old prevail in the park’s forests. The area of ​​indigenous forests untouched by human activities is small and amounts to about 3%. These sites are located in lowland, marshy areas and are represented by sphagnum pine forests and spruce forests.

Kenozero National Park Arkhangelsk Region

About 5% of the territory is occupied by swamps - an integral part of the park. Almost all of their genetic types are represented here. Berries grow abundantly in wetlands - cranberries and blueberries, blueberries and lingonberries.

The flora of the park is very rich and has about 700 species of plants. The fauna is represented by 300 species of animals and 28 species of fish found in numerous lakes.

Natural monuments and wonders

Perhaps the main natural attraction of the Kenozersky park are the local lakes. The largest of them is Kenozero. It is surrounded by picturesque hills and decorated with several small islands. On the shores of the lake numerous traces of past historical eras were found - Neolithic sites and other historical monuments.

Twenty kilometers south is another large lake in the park - Lekshmozero. The water in it is unusually clean, there are a lot of fish here. Nearby is a hill with wonderful views of the lake and its surroundings.

Within the national park, several natural phenomena have been identified. Among them, Maselga is a ridge of glacial landforms, which is also a fragment of the watershed of two oceans (Atlantic and Arctic). Another interesting object of the park is the Porzhenka River. On her short journey of 8 kilometers, she managed to break through a grand canyon in Cretaceous sediments.

The park has many hiking trails and routes, various theme festivals and holidays are held here.

Kenozero National Park reviews

Architectural monuments of Kenozersky park

Kenozersky Park is the only protected area in Russia with a large number of architectural monuments in its department (there are almost 100 of them here). Basically, these are wooden churches, huts and chapels. Another phenomenon of the park is the so-called "sacred groves". They were created by our pagan ancestors. Locals continue to care for them today.

Several monuments of folk architecture can be seen in the village of Vershinino. These are the chapels of St. John the Evangelist and Nicholas of Myra, as well as the ruins of the stone Assumption Church. In addition, there is a curious museum in the village where visitors can get acquainted with the features of the traditional local craft - wood processing.

Kenozero National Park how to get

Pochozersky churchyard is another valuable monument of antiquity. It is located in the village of Filippovskaya and is represented by two wooden churches and a bell tower. The buildings date from the 17th-18th centuries.

Kenozero National Park: how to get there? Where to stay?

How to get to the park? Where can I stay to explore the Kenozero National Park in more detail?

Arkhangelsk region is located in the northwestern part of the country. The park, in turn, is located in the south-west of the region (the closest large settlement is Plesetsk). It can be reached by public transport. To do this, take any passenger train next to the station "Plesetskaya". From Plesetsk you can reach the village of Vershinino by bus or taxi.

Travelers using personal vehicles should reach the village of Konevo on the P1 highway. Then you need to cross the Onega River (by ferry or ice crossing) and get to the village of Vershinino. The road from Moscow to Kenozersky National Park takes on average about 15 hours (the distance is almost 1000 kilometers).

road from Moscow to Kenozersky national park

Vershinino has mini-hotels and guest houses where you can stay for a few days. Several objects for tourists are also in the southern part of the park - in the village of Morshchinsky.

Reviews of tourists about Kenozersky park

What do travelers say when visiting Kenozero National Park? Reviews of tourists about this place are extremely positive. “A wonderful place”, “a beautiful park”, “silence and peace” - this is how its numerous guests evaluate the park. Almost all of them have no doubt that this is an ideal place for unity with nature. It is crazy to like those who have long wanted to take a break from civilization and city life, go for a swim in a boat or just take a good steam bath.

True, this place has its drawbacks. First of all, it is a difficult and difficult road to the park, as well as insufficient infrastructure for tourists.

What can I bring from Kenozero National Park as a souvenir? Many tourists are advised to try the local tea and herbal preparations. Sprats made from local fish - vendace are also very popular.


Kenozero National Park is an amazing necklace of lakes, old wooden huts and masterpieces of folk architecture. The atmosphere and color of the Russian North is felt especially sharply here.

In the park there are almost 700 different types of plants, more than 300 species of animals and about a hundred architectural monuments.


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