Golden ball: flower from childhood

Most probably know one of the most beloved colors of our grandmothers - a golden ball. This is a beautiful ornamental plant, reaching a height of 2 - 2.2 meters with large yellow flowers, somewhat similar to dahlias and daisies.

golden ball flower
Golden ball - a flower, which is also called rudbeckia, in honor of the famous Swedish biologist Olof Rudbik. This plant belongs to perennials and is very unpretentious. Rudbeckia comes from South and North America.

Golden ball - a flower that can be grown on almost any soil. Very often it is planted along fences and in flowerbeds as a background. You can use rudbeckia to close any unsightly places in the garden or in the yard - compost heaps, bins, sheds, etc.

This plant propagates by the vegetative method and seeds. Golden ball - a flower that can be simply dug up, cut the root, planted in the ground and watered. He will definitely let out sprouts and will soon please you with beautiful flowers. Moreover, if you do not thin out it from time to time and remove the shoots, it will fill the entire garden or garden.

Breeders bred two main varieties of such plants as golden balls. Flowers, photos of which can be seen on the right - Goldguell rudbeckia. Unlike the second variety, Goldball, the bushes of this variety are never too tall.

Golden Balls Flowers Photo
The stem of an adult golden ball can grow up to a maximum of 80 cm. The flowers in both varieties are yellow.

In addition, hybrid suburbs are often grown in summer cottages. These are unusually beautiful plants with very large flowers (up to 19 cm) of various shades - yellow, purple, purple and brown. The height of the hybrids can vary from 70 to 120 cm.

When cultivated with seeds, rudbeckia can be planted both on seedlings and immediately in open ground. In the latter case, this is done in early June. Golden ball - a flower that does not require special attention when leaving. Even if you forget to water the bushes, they will still grow and bloom beautifully. The only thing is that in this case you will not be able to grow rudbeckia with flowers that are too large. It is best planted in well-lit places.

golden ball
In order to get very beautiful, and especially large inflorescences, you need to make a little humus in the soil before planting. In addition, in this case, it is advisable to periodically loosen the soil around the stems. Plants with a height of more than 80 cm should be tied up.

As an unpretentious and very common decorative culture, rudbeckia is not too expensive. You can buy a golden ball for only 15 rubles. for packing seeds. Enough for a whole flower bed. And then the flowers will grow on their own. When planting, you need to ensure that the distance between the sprouts is at least 50 cm. The seeds of the rudbeckia are small, dark in color. Depending on the variety, in one place it can grow from 3 to 8 years. After that, the golden ball is transplanted.

This plant is practically not affected by disease. The only thing that can damage him is a leaf nematode. Although this kind of trouble happens infrequently. The leaves may turn yellow. To combat the nematode, appropriate insecticides are used.

Rudbeckia is a beautiful decorative flower, which is great for decorating the site, and for bouquets. To grow it is not difficult for any summer resident.


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