Wasteland-2: character creation. Wasteland-2: secrets, codes, cheats

There are a large number of different genres of computer games, while they are also divided into subgenres. For example, role-playing games can be classic, isometric, that is, with top and side views, hack'n'slash, in which the emphasis is on battles, and character development is fading into the background, and so on. A separate niche is occupied by tactical RPGs, which in most cases involve turn-based battles, and sometimes not just one character in a group, but several at once. Particularly noteworthy are the role-playing games of this subgenre, designed in a post-apocalyptic setting - a classic for RPGs. I immediately recall the Fallout series, which became the standard of tactical role-playing. But not everyone knows that these games were not the founders of this genre. Only the most old-school gamers remember Wasteland, which was released back in 1988. It was from her that the post-apocalyptic role-playing games, such as Fallout, began.

Many years later, it was decided to revive the series, and in 2014 the long-awaited project Wasteland-2 was released. Character creation, combination of group members, problem solving and an unforgettable atmosphere - all this is in this game. But I still want to take a closer look at her in order to understand whether she is worthy to become the successor to the legendary founder of the genre.

What is the point?

wasteland 2 character creation

I want to say right away that this project was originally conceived by one of the developers of the original game, but he did not have his own company. Therefore, he decided to raise money through special platforms such as Kickstarter, and succeeded. Together with inXile, he began development to release in 2014 an excellent game and a worthy continuation.

In Wasteland-2, character creation has one of the key values, so this process should be disassembled as detailed as possible. But first, consider the plot of the game itself.

The second part is a direct continuation of the first. Fifteen years have passed, the effects of thermonuclear war are still terrifying. But this is not the most important thing. Desert Rangers - a squad that saved humanity in the first part of the game is under threat. The general sends his faithful assistant to detect the signal, which transmits terrifying information, but after a couple of days the man is found dead. It is here that you enter the game, because the general decides to entrust the investigation to the four young rangers. It’s not difficult to guess, this is your squad, and here you have to go to one of the most fascinating parts of Wasteland-2. Creating a character is a process that you can sit on for a very long time, and at the same time get as much pleasure as from the game actions themselves.

Initial recommendations

wasteland 2 russian version

Naturally, you cannot start the game without creating your characters. Here you will find out that there should be four of them, and also that other heroes will join in the course of the game, who will be able to help the company, but they will not be permanent. Therefore, it is precisely your four that need to be given as much attention as possible. In Wasteland-2, creating a character is a rather complicated and complex process, requiring you to understand the mechanics of the game and the importance of all the skills, which are quite numerous. Therefore, if you are playing Wasteland for the first time, and before that you have never had the opportunity to try your hand at other similar role-playing projects, then you may experience certain difficulties. In this case, developers are rushing to your aid, offering several standard character classes, where all skills are already automatically distributed. You can create your team in two minutes, just choosing the type of fighters, but it will be less effective and, of course, not so exciting. It’s better to spend some time, learn the benefits of skills and create a balanced squad that will easily overcome all obstacles due to well-coordinated work. There is a Russian version in Wasteland-2, which is useful to those who do not know English. But still, such a chic project is better to evaluate in the original.

Base attributes

wasteland 2 review

First of all, you have to set the basic attributes of your character. In Wasteland-2, the Russian version has a complete translation of absolutely all text, so you can safely study all the parameters without fear that there will be inconsistencies somewhere. So what are attributes? In a way, this is the skeleton of the character, its foundation, which in the future you can hardly change. Points for increasing attributes are issued only once every ten levels, but you can completely complete the game already when you have not yet reached the fortieth level. There are seven of these basic attributes, and each is responsible for its own areas of character development.

Coordination determines the accuracy of the hit, increases the likelihood of critical damage and gives additional action points. Luck has much in common with coordination - it also increases critical damage and gives action points, increases the likelihood of dodging attacks. Perception raises both crit and bias, and also increases the likelihood that the character will make the move first. Strength, which is logical, increases damage, gives additional action points and improves health. Speed ​​affects the initiative and the number of actions, intelligence increases the overall speed of pumping, and charisma does not affect the development of your character, but at the same time it opens additional options in dialogs, which can be very useful. As mentioned earlier, this is the basic skeleton of the character in Wasteland-2. A review of other skills will follow.

General character skills in Wasteland

wasteland 2 skills

So, it's time to build meat on the skeleton, that is, to pump up your character's skills, which may be useful to him more or less. In Wasteland-2, a review of skills can take you quite a lot of time, but it is recommended to read all the descriptions and think about what exactly this character will be responsible for, so as not to pump him extra skills. If there were basic options in attributes, then more interesting points can be found in skills. For example, you can upgrade your survival skill to avoid confrontation with opponents. Skill of brute force will help you when breaking closed doors, and a trainer is a skill that allows you to tame animals, which can then be used against enemies. There are many other skills - a flatterer (allows you to persuade non-player characters), badass (provides dialogue options that link to aggression), a keen eye, leadership, and so on. Each of them is important in one way or another, but there is no point in pumping all the abilities to all characters. Role allocation is what matters most in Wasteland-2. Skills may come in handy, but things aren't limited to generalities.

Technician abilities

wasteland 2 codes

This section is probably about the most useful skills in the game. In Wasteland-2, skills can play a key role in completing, and if you haven’t pumped hacking locks and computers, medicine and removing alarms, then you may have serious difficulties even with the passage of the main storyline. What can we say about completing side quests, searching for treasures and so on - you can hardly handle this. Therefore, in no case do not forget about technical skills, as they will greatly facilitate your passage and help you find something that otherwise you could not get. Codes exist in Wasteland-2, but it’s better to use them in the last place - it’s much more pleasant to play the game on your own, especially since no one bothers you to set the complexity to the minimum if you consider yourself not savvy in this genre.

Weapon Skills

wasteland 2 game

The last group of skills determines what types of weapons this or that character of your squad is friends with. In total, there are seven skills for handling long-range weapons and three for close combat. The latter include hand-to-hand fighting with blunt weapons, as well as piercing and cutting. If you use codes in Wasteland-2, then there is no point in pumping these skills, but if you play honestly, they will be very useful to you, since they will help to impose close combat on opponents who are strong only in the long-range.

As for small arms, there are seven classes: pistols, submachine guns, assault rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, machine guns and energy weapons. Naturally, it makes no sense to pump all types of weapons to each of the characters at once - this will be extremely inefficient. The game Wasteland-2 implies that you will have four different characters, each of which has their own tasks and skills for their implementation. Therefore, you should very carefully approach the distribution of skills, pre-thinking the development path of each of the characters.

Level Up Approach

wasteland 2 cheats

The Wasteland-2 game is a tactical RPG, so do not try to pass it “offhand.” You’ll have to sit, think, decide which character needs this or that skill. If you try to give each of your group a large set of skills, then you risk not one of them pumping to any decent level, which will make it useless. It is better to focus on five to seven skills that you can significantly pump, thereby making the character effective. As mentioned above, you can use the cheats Wasteland-2. But, again, that makes no sense. Or do you seriously approach difficult tasks, think over tactics, solve complex problems, or are fond of simpler games. Why torture yourself?

Recommended Classes

So, the Wasteland-2 cheats are left behind. It’s worth doing everything on your own. To do this, clearly distribute the roles in the group. You will need first of all a leader who will lead the team. He needs to pump appropriate skills, such as leadership and a keen eye. In the rest, there should be a balance, that is, it should not be pumped strongly in any direction. You need to act on the circumstances. It also requires firepower, an attack aircraft, which will become a striking force. It will be covered by a sniper, who should be as far away as possible from the thick of events, since he is slow, weak, but inflicts powerful damage. Well, you can’t imagine a group without support - a physician, a technician, a burglar, here it all comes together in one person that does not attack the enemy, but heals and supplies ammunition to partners. Role allocation will help you efficiently complete complex Wasteland-2 levels. Prison is one such level.

Which skills are more important?

As you already understood, the game has a huge number of abilities. But which of them are important, and which ones can not be downloaded? As the Wasteland-2 "Prison" level will show you, as well as many others, the main action here is battle. Therefore, first of all, you need to pump combat skills and handling weapons. In second place are technical abilities, and then you can choose according to your taste to create your ideal team in Wasteland-2. The map will be available to the leader, the battlefield to the attack aircraft, fire support to the sniper, and assistance in other aspects to the support fighter.

What role do satellites play?

It was mainly about four fighters of your group. But these are not all the game characters that are in Wasteland-2. The world map is ready to offer many places where you will find allies - if they join you, then you can download them. What tactics to choose here? The answer is simple: you need to act at your own discretion. Remember that the four main characters will remain with you until the end of the game, and the satellites will come and go, and if you get hung up on them, then it will be a shame to lose them, and this is inevitable.

What is the result?

Obviously, in Wasteland-2, your actions during the game, that is, on the battlefield, are not key - for them the basis is set by the process of creating and forming characters. And if you succeed, then complete all the tasks will not be difficult.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E1715/

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