Non-contact thermometer for children: reviews

Every mother knows that constant monitoring of the baby’s body temperature is a necessary measure to monitor his health status. It is especially important in the first months of life. But how difficult it can be to measure it: in five minutes of clamping the thermometer under the arm, the baby can get seriously nervous and start acting up. In such a situation, a non-contact thermometer will become indispensable. For children and infants, this miracle of modern technology will make the process of measuring temperature completely invisible.

non contact thermometer for children reviews

Infrared thermometer - an innovation in medical technology

Such a modern look of the device can be used not only for measuring body temperature . It is perfect for determining the temperature indicator of air and even food. And all because to obtain information does not need direct and long-term contact of the device itself with the surface.

The infrared thermometers are based on an ultra-sensitive element. If you bring the device a short distance to the measurement object, it will catch the thermal radiation coming from the surface. Then it processes the data and displays it on a digital display in the form of values ​​that are understandable to everyone.

Such devices work on two small batteries, so they are quite mobile. There is always the opportunity to take the device with you on the road or use it in a hospital.

non-contact laser thermometer for children

There are several types of infrared thermometers:

  • Earplug . The temperature is measured in the ear canal, for which you need to insert a special soft nozzle of the thermometer into the ear.
  • Frontal. To obtain information about body temperature, you need to attach a thermometer to the skin of the forehead for a few seconds.
  • Non-contact . For children, a thermometer of this kind is the most optimal. It does not require any touches and interactions of the device with the child to measure body temperature. It is enough to hold a thermometer near the temporal region at a distance of two centimeters.

non-contact thermometer for children

Why you should buy: advantages of a non-contact thermometer

When choosing between different types of thermometers, do not rush to resort to a conservative classic in the form of mercury or electronic thermometers. Innovation in medical technology has undeniable advantages:

  • Safety This is an important factor for families with small children. For a non-contact thermometer, falls are not terrible, it does not contain harmful substances, sharp and small elements, which can be dangerous for babies.
  • Hygiene It is not necessary to disinfect the entire thermometer or its nozzles and tips, since a non-contact thermometer is absolutely hygienic.
  • Ease of use . Using such a device, you can avoid five-minute screams and holding the baby with a thermometer under his arm. You can measure the temperature when a person is sleeping - no need to slow down the patient.
  • Dynamics control . Most models have an additional memory function, which allows you to track the last 32 temperature measurements with the device. This is very convenient for monitoring the treatment process.
  • Measurement speed. The duration of the procedure is a very important factor, especially for children. A non-contact laser thermometer is capable of delivering the result in 5 seconds, but even using other models, the measurement process will not exceed more than half a minute.

non-contact thermometer for children

What you need to know: disadvantages of contactless models

Despite not a large number of indisputable advantages, modern thermometers have a number of disadvantages that may seem significant:

  • The high price . It may vary depending on the manufacturer, model and a set of additional functions, but, as a rule, the most inexpensive models can be bought for 1500 rubles.
  • Big error. Many factors influence the data acquisition: mobility of a child, his emotional state, ambient temperature and degree of battery charge. All these factors can significantly affect the measurement result, and the error will be from 0.3 to 1 degree.
  • The complexity of the replacement . A non-contact thermometer for children is not an easy instrument. It is equipped with sensitive and expensive elements. Therefore, often incorrect operation or insufficiently careful handling leads to the exit of the device from working condition. It is almost impossible to replace individual parts of the thermometer due to the complexity of the design, so you have to purchase a new device. And this returns again to the first of the possible shortcomings - the high price.

non-contact thermometer for children chicco

Measuring correctly: how to get a reliable result?

To minimize errors in the operation of a non-contact thermometer, you need to adhere to a simple temperature measurement scheme:

  1. To begin with, make sure that the device is in working condition and the battery is enough for its proper operation. This is usually easy to track by the brightness of the digital display. If the image becomes dim and poorly visible, the batteries need to be replaced.
  2. A child who needs to measure the temperature should be in a calm state: no need to run to him with a thermometer during a tantrum or after an outdoor game. The room should have a normal temperature - from 18 to 24 degrees.
  3. It is necessary to give the child the most stable and calm state - the less he will move during the measurement process, the more accurate the result will be. You can captivate your baby with a cartoon, a book or a story.
  4. Carefully bring the device to the temporal area not covered by hair. Move the thermometer 1.5-2 cm away from the skin and turn it on. After 30 seconds, a sound signal will inform about the end of the measurement process, and a value will appear on the digital display. To obtain a more accurate result, the procedure can be repeated.

non-contact thermometer for children omron

Non-contact thermometer for children: customer reviews

This device has become a real find for young mothers who need to often and comfortably measure the temperature of their babies. Chicco non-contact thermometer for children received a lot of positive feedback. It is an Italian company with a good reputation, producing a wide range of baby products.

The model of the thermometer of this manufacturer has an ergonomic shape, stylish, convenient design and is designed to measure the temperature in newborns. Users in their reviews note that the Chicco thermometer beeps if the temperature exceeds 37.5, which is very convenient.

Another leader among customer reviews is the Omron non-contact thermometer. For children, a model with high-precision temperature determination in just 1 second is used. The thermometer from this manufacturer also compares favorably with other competing devices with a large display with automatic backlighting, which is very convenient for use at night.

Also, a lot of positive reviews received devices from such well-known brands as B. Well and Microlife.

non-contact thermometer for children

Draw conclusions

This type of measuring instruments will become indispensable helpers for families with infants and young children. With a non-contact thermometer, temperature can be measured quickly, comfortably and accurately enough if you follow simple measurement rules.

The device is expensive, so you need to handle it carefully, since it can hardly be repaired. It is necessary to monitor the degree of battery charge - this may affect the accuracy of the measurement result.

The modern market offers a wide selection of manufacturers and models, they all differ in price and quality. The greatest number of positive feedback from users have models from Omron, Chicco, Microlife.

You need to buy a thermometer only at a certified point - this will reduce to zero the likelihood of buying a fake and disappointment in non-contact thermometers.

Use the achievements of modern technology with pleasure and be healthy!


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