Best dry dog ​​food: veterinarian reviews

For breeders with experience and for those who have acquired their first four-legged friend, it is very important that their pet grow up healthy, strong, active and have an attractive appearance. This is largely due to proper nutrition. Choosing a complete diet for your pet is not easy, given the huge range of prepared feeds in pet stores and supermarkets.

dry dog ​​food veterinarian reviews

Some owners prefer to feed their four-legged friends with natural food, believing that it is dry dog ​​food that harms their health. Reviews of veterinarians indicate that they are partly right, but only if the finished food is selected incorrectly. Such formulations should not only be nutritious and well balanced, they should also include useful supplements (minerals, vitamins and trace elements).

Unfortunately, in this matter, pet owners quite often rely on television advertisements and opt for untwisted dry dog ​​food. Reviews of veterinarians about many widely advertised formulations make you wonder - do they really satisfy all the needs of animals, do they contain all the ingredients announced by the manufacturers? Should you trust advertising? In this article we will try to answer these and many other questions.

good dry dog ​​food veterinarian reviews

Advantages and disadvantages of dry feed

From the very moment that colorful packages with dry feeds appeared on the shelves of supermarkets, pet stores and veterinary pharmacies , disputes not only between animal owners, but also between specialists in the field of veterinary medicine, have not ceased. We will not take the liberty of claiming which of them is right, we will not advertise certain types of these products, we will present you with facts that will help you choose a good dog food. The feedback from the veterinarians will hopefully help you with this.

But first, let us introduce you to general information about this product, which, according to experts, has its advantages and disadvantages in comparison with natural nutrition. They can not be ignored if you decide to feed your pet with ready-made compounds.

dry dog ​​food brit reviews veterinarians

The advantages of dry food

  • Big choice. Pet owners can choose the food for their pet, taking into account not only its size and breed, but also age, sterilization and chronic diseases, a tendency to allergies.
  • Time saving. To feed an animal, it is enough to pour dry granules into its bowl.
  • Prevention of tartar. Dry dog food (veterinarian reviews confirm this) cleanse the animal’s teeth from plaque. In addition, they are an excellent prophylactic against tartar.
  • Vitamins and minerals. According to veterinarians, a good dry dog ​​food (premium) contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for animals, so there is no need to buy additional vitamins in tablets or drops.
  • Long shelf life and availability. Crispy granules can be bought in supermarkets, veterinary pharmacies in all major cities. Such food practically does not spoil, and therefore it can be bought with a margin.

Cons of dry food

  • Cost. Truly high-quality feed is quite expensive, and not every owner can afford to purchase it.
  • Dependence. Many animals get used to dry granules so much that they often completely reject any other food.
  • The salt content. According to veterinarians, dry dog ​​food, especially the economy class, contains a large amount of salt, so the owner must ensure that the animal has constant access to clean water.
  • The complexity of the choice. Many owners, especially novice dog breeders, have difficulty choosing the right composition for their friend.

Do you believe advertising?

It is no secret that watching television advertisements, we admire beautiful and well-groomed dogs who eat dry granules with great pleasure. Such an advertisement usually assures that this particular feed will give animals strength and energy, because its composition includes only components that are useful for dogs. In fact, most manufacturers, especially often advertising their products on television, produce dry dog ​​food, and the reviews of veterinarians confirm this from the ground waste of the meat industry, bones, tendons and internal organs. In addition, they add starch, soy, cornmeal, chicken fat.

belkando dry dog ​​food reviews of veterinarians

Feed classification

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a dry food for a dog, the owner needs to familiarize himself with the classification and rating of this product, which differs not only in cost but also in quality and composition.

Economy class

These are the cheapest, but most often flickering, feed ads. They include not only offal, but also cereal. The composition is poor: as a rule, two or three components and the required minimum vitamin supplements.


A well-known company in our country produces a wide range of products for puppies, adult animals, lactating and pregnant bitches. Compositions differ depending on the dog’s lifestyle: home, active. The composition of the feed includes vegetable oil, cereals, offal, bone meal.

dry dog ​​food reviews for veterinarians

Reviews of veterinarians about dry food for Pedigree dogs are mixed: some experts attribute these foods to a high-quality economy class and urge you not to expect miracles from him. It is obvious that there are no harmful components in it. In the feeds "Pedigree" is doubtful, perhaps, only the quality of offal, which are used in the manufacture and there is no certainty that these are full-time formulations. Therefore, if your pet’s health is important to you, consult your veterinarian and try to find the right complete nutrition. Many owners act differently: they alternate pedigree food with natural nutrition - veterinarians allow this option.


The domestic market presents the company's products quite widely. The composition of these feeds includes corn, vegetable fats, bone meal, meat offal. In addition, they also contain brewer's yeast, which have a beneficial effect on digestion. Despite the rather poor composition, many owners prefer this particular product.

The question arises: “Is it possible to use Chappi dry food for dogs as a good nutrition?” Reviews of veterinarians give a definite answer - no. Sometimes it can be used as a camping lunch or snack. Veterinarians sadly joke that as long as people buy their pets food of this quality, they will not be left without work.


The American company Purina has been producing animal feeds for almost eighty years, and today its products occupy a leading position in its segment. Purina One is an inexpensive line that relates to good economy-class feeds that take into account the vital features of small animals weighing no more than ten kilograms.

The physiology of miniature dogs has its own characteristics, and their content should be special. Usually these dogs are finicky and rather capricious in eating. According to the opinions of veterinarians, Purina Van dry dog ​​food combines well-chosen components that are aimed at developing a small pet. However, artificial additives are introduced into its composition: odor and taste enhancers, which can adversely affect the body of your little friend.


Inexpensive dry food for economy class dogs from domestic manufacturers. According to them, the basis of the line is a specially developed formula, which is aimed at strengthening the protective forces of animals, supporting the health of hair and skin, as well as preventing cardiovascular and intestinal diseases.

We have already said that in the production of feed of economy class raw materials of rather low quality are used. Reviews of veterinarians about dry food "Meal" for dogs emphasize this fact. In addition, the majority of formulations include cheap fillers: soy, wheat, corn. A huge minus of the feed of this company is too few minerals and vitamins.


Products of Russian economy class manufacturers. The feed contains less than ten percent of meat, offal and cereal flour. On the packaging it is not indicated from which meat the protein is obtained, from which cereals the carbohydrates are obtained. It should be noted the presence of aromatic additives, which are unlikely to be useful for the dog.

dry food for dogs Savara reviews of veterinarians

Responses of veterinarians about dry food “Scoundrel” are rather restrained, and, as a rule, come down to the fact that economy class compounds are not able to provide the animal with the necessary useful substances.

Premium class

Such feed is a compromise in the ratio of price and quality. A small amount of meat is present in such formulations, but at the same time, offal is mainly used. In this case, cereals are used full-fledged, rather than production waste, much more minerals and vitamins are added.

Royal Canin

Food is produced in several countries - Poland, Russia and France. According to experts, this feed is of rather poor quality, although it is positioned as premium. They can be used as a dietary supplement, but veterinarians do not recommend constant use for feeding animals.

Happy Dog

Feed from German manufacturers. They claim that they include several sources of animal protein: meat, saltwater fish, and dry whole eggs. The meat ingredients are represented by the meat of lamb, poultry, rabbit, veal. However, veterinarians note that some types of these feeds are comparable to the premium class, and some belong to the economy class. On the packaging, the manufacturer does not specify which meat products are used in the production of a particular composition, and this suggests that the composition contains questionable offal. Corn, which is part of these feeds, is a cheap filler, although it does not harm the health of the animal.


This is a good dry dog ​​food, according to veterinarians. The manufacturer uses natural ingredients: lamb, chicken, turkey and fish. It pleases the presence of amino acids and vitamins, minerals, natural herbal preservatives necessary for dogs in these feeds.

dry food scoundrel for dogs reviews of veterinarians


The food is produced by Purina. It belongs to the premium class. The range includes about twenty variants of compositions designed for adult animals and puppies, pregnant and nursing bitches, and hypoallergenic nutrition is presented. According to veterinarians, dry dog ​​food “Proplan” has a number of disadvantages that can have a negative effect on decorative dogs and puppies. These include:

  • the presence of flavor enhancers and flavorings;
  • in all feed lines the compositions are similar;
  • a small proportion of natural meat.

Super Premium Feed

Foods containing up to forty percent of meat, instead of cheap cereals (corn, wheat), lentils are most often used, rice. In addition, these foods include vegetables, minerals and vitamins.


The feeds of this well-known brand in Russia are made in Canada. In their composition, the manufacturer adds only high-quality and fresh, non-frozen components: selected meat supplied by farmers. In addition, they contain herbal ingredients: vegetables, fruits, berries, which are grown in the same area where the feed manufacturing enterprise is located. Therefore, long transportation and freezing of products is not required.

The company's specialists always take into account the feedback of veterinarians about dry dog ​​food “Akana”, who believe that the brand’s products are almost flawless. The minerals and vitamins that make up the feed completely eliminate the need for additional forms (in tablets, drops). For animals, you can easily select a special composition in accordance with age, weight, the presence of chronic diseases. Most of the reviews of experts on these feeds are simply enthusiastic.

dry bosh dog food veterinarian reviews


These are compounds belonging to the super-premium class, made from the freshest raw materials. The brand’s assortment includes feeds with unusual types of meat: boar and goat meat. Dry feeds are represented by three types:

  • Life Protection.
  • High Premium.
  • Bio

Reviews of veterinarians about dry food for dogs "Bosch" allow us to conclude that this is a really high-quality product. They are suitable both for perfectly healthy animals and for weakened animals who have had a serious illness. It is very rare, but there have been cases when these foods are not suitable for the dog, but this is more likely due to the individual rejection of one or more of the ingredients by the body of the pet.

Experts believe that in the super-premium category this product may not be the best, but it suits many animals perfectly: they maintain stable weight, excellent appetite, excellent coat and normal stool.

Dry food "Brit" for dogs: reviews of veterinarians

Super-premium Brit feed from Czech producers has long been appreciated by Russian dog breeders. They contain more than forty percent of animal protein, which is necessary for the well-being of animals. In addition, the manufacturer takes into account the needs of dogs with physiological characteristics, so in the assortment of the brand you can find food for animals with joint diseases, for pets prone to allergies, as well as for puppies and dogs of respectable age.

In the assortment of the company you can see a rather rare product - Puppy Milk. This is a dry milk replacer, helping to raise puppies, for some reason, left without mother's milk. After examining the composition of the feed super-premium class "Brit", we can conclude that they are fully consistent with the declared category. In the reviews of veterinarians about dry food for dogs “Brit”, the presence of important additives (glucosamine, chondroitin, prebiotics) that help maintain the health of your pet is noted in the composition. In addition, they lack artificial flavors, flavor enhancers and preservatives, which is a great advantage for feeds of such a high class.

dry dog ​​food proplan reviews of veterinarians


Despite the fact that these feeds are allocated in a special category, in fact - these are the best feeds of a super-premium class. They contain an increased percentage of natural meat, vegetables, fruits and herbs. It is very important that all the ingredients used are natural.

Description and reviews of veterinarians about dry food for dogs Belkando

Perhaps this is one of the best dry foods of super premium for dogs. Moreover, it is holistic, which means that it uses the highest quality ingredients, perfectly balanced nutrients, no enhancers of taste and smell, dyes. Having studied the reviews of veterinarians about Belkando dry dog ​​food, we can conclude that these are high-quality, well-balanced formulations that are fully consistent with the declared class.

dry dog ​​food Akana reviews veterinarians

However, experts draw the attention of animal owners to a slightly overestimated rate of fat, in comparison with generally accepted standards. This can cause overweight if the dog is inactive.


Another great food, perhaps one of the best on the Russian market. It is produced by the Canadian company PLB International Inc, which has been producing high-quality pet food for many years. Pronature dry food has been produced in Canada since the late sixties of the last century. The production process is under constant multi-stage quality control, experienced veterinarians and nutritionists work in the company. The principles of a well-known brand are based on an understanding of the fact that animal nutrition is the key to their health. That is why only high-quality and very fresh ingredients are allowed to production here.

According to the reviews of veterinarians about dry food for dogs "Pronatur", we can confidently say that this is one of the highest quality products for feeding adult animals and puppies.


Holariki Savarra is produced by Golden Acres (Great Britain). Specialists of the world famous brand have created dog food of various breeds. It is interesting that not only nutritionists from European countries, but also specialists from Russia took an active part in the development of the recipe.

For the production of feed, high-tech equipment is used, which allows you to save all the useful properties of the products. In Europe, Golden Acres products confidently occupy a leading position, no one doubts the quality of its feed.

Golden Acres produces only dry feed, but enough to meet the needs of pets. I would especially like to note the composition of English dog food. The meat content in fragrant pads reaches 77%. The remaining 23% is brown rice, extracts from vegetables and fruits, trace elements, vitamins, fiber. Dry food for dogs "Savara", according to veterinarians, will allow you not to worry about the health of your pets: they will always be fun and active.

The activity, well-being and even the mood of your faithful four-legged friend largely depends on the right dry dog ​​food. Reviews of veterinarians confirm that in the Russian market there are many high-quality compounds that fully meet the needs of animals.


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